Plugin for @wssz/modeler, convert raw JSON objects
- Object parser
class NestedNumber extends ArrayItems { // to handle nested array is needed to provide special class extended with ArrayItems
@ItemsParse((v) => v * 2) items: number[];
class OtherClass {
@Default('default') pDef: string; // if field is undefined set to 'default', can be also function
@Parse((v) => v * 2) pParse: number; // give full control of parsing
@ItemsParse((v) => v * 2) pParse: number[]; // give control of parsing for each item
@Items(NestedNumber) pParse2: number[][]; // for deep array @Prop with array depth is needed
class NestedDate extends ArrayItems {
@Items(Date) items: Date[];
class TestClass {
@Prop() pString: string; // just copy prop
@Prop() pDate: Date; // copy prop and cast to Date
@Prop(OtherClass) pOther: OtherClass; // copy and assign to new OtherClass instance (argument is required, otherwise just copy raw object)
@Prop() pArray: string[]; // copy array
@Items(Date) pArrayDate: Date[]; // copy array and cast to Dates
@Items(NestedDate) pArrayDate: Date[][]; // copy array (2d) and cast to Date
ModelerParser.parse(TestClass, rawData);
export interface ModelerParserOptions {
development?: boolean,
customComparators?: CustomComparator<any>[]
- development - turn on to get more accurate error messages
- customComparators - used in
to define manual comparators
customComparators: [
[CustomObject, {comparator: (x, y) => x === y}]
- force parse data to model (break if model is not valid)
- return rawData back if Model has no decorators otherwise works like
- deep comparison based on provided model
- clean all cached parsers and comparator
- let field be null
- for arrays with undefined 'type' will use shallow copy
- for 2D+ arrays set type in way like this [[Date]] - 2D, [[[Date]]] - 3D, etc.
type BasicType = string | number | boolean | RegExp | Object;
type BasicFunction = () => BasicType;
- ignore field if not defined
- define parse function for field
- other decorators are ignored
type ParseFunction = (value: any, key: string, body: {[key: string]: any}) => any;
- define parse function for each array item
- for 1D arrays @Prop is optional
type ItemsParseFunction = (value: any, index: number, key: string, body: {[key: string]: any}) => any;