A free JSON API powered by Don Cross' JS Astronomy Engine.
npm install
npm start
Remember to update volume path, port and timezone as needed.
docker compose up -d
Remember to update volume path, port and timezone as needed.
Get a list of planets, the sun and the moon above the horizon.
GET https://{IP Address or Domain with/without port}?latitude=32&longitude=-98
Get a list of planets, the sun and the moon with their declination and right ascension coordinates.
GET https://{IP Address or Domain with/without port}?latitude=32&longitude=-98&showCoords=true
Param | Default | Description |
latitude | 28.627222 | Latitude of the observer |
longitude | -80.620833 | Longitude of the observer |
elevation | 0 | Elevation of the observer in meters above sea level |
time | null | Time of observation in ISO 8601 format, defaults to time of request |
showCoords | false | Display declination and right ascension of each body, expects true or false |
aboveHorizon | true | Set to false to display all planetary bodies even if they are below the horizon |
- Reduce the size of the Docker image created
- Fix issue with Node not picking up the correct timezone from the Docker container