This repo contains micro services (golang, nodejs) to demonstrate service mesh usage to determine week parts of the distributed application.
docker pull micro/micro
# are you ready?
docker version
kubectl version
linkerd version
# make micro cli executable to run it with docker
chmod +x ./bin/micro
# optionally update your PATH to include ./bin
Run server
micro server
# docker run micro/micro:latest server
# docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8082:8082 -v $PWD:'/src' --name=micro micro/micro:latest server
Start web portal
# docker exec -it <CONTAINER-ID> ./micro web
docker exec -it micro ./micro web
# with cli
micro web
Create new helloworld service
cd ./cmd
micro new helloworld
# you should see instructions in console to
# compile the proto file helloworld.proto:
cd ./helloworld
make init
go mod vendor
make proto
# and start helloworld new service
micro run .
For Mac (via brew), for other platforms
brew install minukube
minikube start
# install linkerd cli
brew install linkerd
# install linkerd service mesh in kubernetes
linkerd install --crds | kubectl apply -f -
# !WARNING! If you get this message, try the following command
# there are nodes using the docker container runtime and proxy-init container must run as root user.
# try installing linkerd via --set proxyInit.runAsRoot=true
# error: no objects passed to apply
linkerd install --set proxyInit.runAsRoot=true | kubectl apply -f -
# install linkerd visualization dashboard
linkerd viz install | kubectl apply -f -
linkerd check
- Follow the
Getting Started guide to see first services in Service Mesh, including installed dashboard extension
kubectl create namespace micro
kubectl annotate namespace micro ""
helm repo add micro
helm install micro micro/micro -n micro
# prepeare docker for building images for minikube
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
cd ./cmd/helloworld
make build
make docker
cd ../../
helm upgrade --install -n micro helloworld ./charts/grpc --set "image.repository=helloworld"
- micro, linkerd, docker, k8s installed and running
- go, protoc installed
kubectl get pods -A # list all k8s pods