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Janez Kranjc edited this page Jul 8, 2015 · 5 revisions

ClowdFlows packages

ClowdFlows packages are used to transfer widget descriptions from one installation of ClowdFlows to another. It is not necessary for a widget to belong to a specific package. It is recommended that you create widgets within packages if you wish to transfer these widgets to the public installation of ClowdFlows or if you want someone else to use your work without the headache of registering each widget in the administration panel in a particular ClowdFlows installation.

Creating a package from the package template

To start a new package from a template use the built-in management command like this:

python new_package_from_template $new_package_name$

Replace $new_package_name$ with a package name. IMPORTANT: Please avoid naming packages after built-in Python or Django components. In particular, this means you should avoid using names like django (which will conflict with Django itself), orange, or test (which conflicts with a built-in Python package).

This command creates a new package based on package_template. The package template is empty so you will need to add some new widgets and export them so that you may import them elsewhere.

New package overview

When you create a package called new_package a new folder will appear in the clowdflows/workflows folder with the same name as your package.

The following files and folders will be created:


Important things you should know:

  • static new_package subfolder - there is a subfolder in the static folder with the same name as the package. This is used for widget icons. If you add any other folders here it may clash with other static files, so you are advised to only put icons, css and other files inside the new_package/static/new_package folder.
  • mothra/ and mothra/ contain a tuple INSTALLED_APPS_WORKFLOWS_SUB into which you should add an item 'workflows.new_package' so that the code looks somewhat like this:

Exporting your custom widgets to the package data file

When you have added or modified an abstract widget you can export it so that they may be included to the codebase.

python export_package $your_package_name$

Package manager

The package manager functions in such a way that each widget and each category is saved into a separate json file, which makes it easier to work with git and to manually change some attributes without having to load up the server and doing it in the django admin.

There are four commands that are related to the package manager:

  • export_package

    python export_package base

This command exports all the widgets in the package base. It will also export all categories, which contain at least one widget from the package. The command will output which widgets were new, which were changed and will alert you if there are no changes.

  • import_package

    python import_package base

This command will import all the exported widgets and categories from the base package. Same as export, the command will output which widgets and categories have actually changed (and which are new, if there are any).

  • export_all

    python export_all

This command goes through all the INSTALLED_APPS that start with workflows. and exports them the same as export_package.

  • import_all

    python import_all

This command goes through all the INSTALLED_APPS that start with workflows. and imports them.