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Welcome to HyperLink's GitHub page!

HyperLink is a high performance, flexible architecture which accelerates the development, testing, and deployment of Autonomous Vehicles.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Major Features and Improvements
  3. Build on PC Linux x86_64
  4. Build on SoC(ARM64) Linux aarch64
  5. Cross build on PC for target system QNX aarch64
  6. Run example commands
  7. Questions
  8. Copyright and License
  9. Disclaimer
  10. Connect with us


This release is a middleware for secondary development based on Baidu Apollo 6.0 cyberRT. We mainly implements support for hardware platforms(x86_64,arm64) and operating systems(Linux,QNX) with different architectures.

We have validated on these platforms: x86_64 PC Linux, Drive Orin Linux/QNX, Jetson Orin Linux.

Major Features and Improvements

This chapter lists the main features, please refer to comments in the relevant code files for details.The keywords in the comments: @Feature List.

  • For QNX aarch64 platform support
    • Fixed fastrtps1.5.0 cannot communicate in qnx
      changed files:(src/cpp/transport/UDPv4Transport.cpp,UDPv6Transport.cpp)
    • Fixed phread_setaffinity_np not support in qnx
      changed files:(cyber/scheduler/common/pin_thread.h,,cyber/scheduler/,
    • Fixed dispatchers(rtps,shm,intra) different behaviour in linux and qnx
      sample refer to(cyber/examples/common_component_example/CMakeLists.txt)
    • Implementation of shm IPC mechanism in qnx
      changed files:(cyber/transport/shm/xsi_segment.h,,,condition_notifier.h,
    • Fixed epoll not support in qnx
      changed files:(cyber/io/poll_data.h,,,poller.h,
    • Fixed cyber_monitor failed in qnx
      Add terminfo files to qnx host(refer to cross build for qnx
    • Fixed the clock different behaviour in linux and qnx
      changed files:(cyber/time/
    • Fixed the issue entry->d_type is not support in qnx
      changed files:(cyber/common/file.h,
  • For Linux aarch64 platform support
    • Nvidia xavier/orin docker environment support
      changed files:(docker/scripts/,,scripts/
    • Fixed the issue of cyber crashed in Linux aarch64 environment
      changed files:(CMakeLists.txt)
  • To improve portability and flexibility
    • Support multi platform compilation and re-implement the compilation system using cmake replace bazel
      added files:(all the CMakeLists.txt,scripts/,,,cyber/setup.bash,cyber/common/
    • Implementation of discrete arch cyber communication
      changed files:(docker/scripts/,scripts/,cyber/setup.bash)

Build on PC Linux x86_64


Host(PC development environment) for x86_64 Linux

  • A machine with a 8-core processor and 16GB memory minimum
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04 and above
  • NVIDIA driver version 440.33.01 and above (Web link)
  • Docker-CE version 19.03 and above (Official doc)
    add user to docker group: sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker

Docker image envirement

  • Docker image: dev-x86_64-18.04-20200914_0742
  • cmake version 3.16.8 and above
  • protoc version 3.12.3
  • g++ gcc version 7.5.0 and above

Build step

  • cd docker/scripts
  • ./
    Note: The default way to enable the GPU inside docker: "docker run --gpus all";in some platforms you need to use parameters: "docker run --runtime=nvidia".
  • ./
  • ./scripts/ linux
  • output folder: install.Linux.x86_64/

Run examples


  • Target system: PC Linux x86_64
  • The example can run within docker environment:./
    Note: The command 'source ./install.Linux.x86_64/setup. rc' will be automatically executed
  • cd ./install.Linux.x86_64/

Run examples

Build on SoC_ARM64 Linux aarch64


Host(ARM64) for aarch64 Linux

  • A machine with a 8-core processor and 16GB memory minimum
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04LTS(arm64)and above
  • Docker-CE version 19.03 and above (Official doc)
    add user to docker group: sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker

Docker image envirement

  • Docker image: dev-aarch64-18.04-20200915_0106
  • cmake version 3.16.8 and above
  • protoc version 3.12.3
  • g++ gcc version 7.5.0 and above

Build step

  • cd docker/scripts
  • ./
    Note: The default way to enable the GPU inside docker: "docker run --gpus all";in some platforms you need to use parameters: "docker run --runtime=nvidia".
  • ./
  • ./scripts/ linux
  • output folder: install.Linux.aarch64/

Run examples


  • Target system: ARM Linux aarch64
  • The example can run within docker environment:./
    Note: The command 'source ./install.Linux.aarch64/setup. rc' will be automatically executed
  • cd ./install.Linux.aarch64/

Run examples

Cross build on PC for target system QNX aarch64


Host(PC development environment) for QNX

  • A machine with a 8-core processor and 16GB memory minimum
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04 and above
  • Docker-CE version 19.03 and above (Official doc)
    add user to docker group: sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker
  • docker-compose version 1.29.2 (Officaial doc)
  • QNX license available (/home/${USER}/.qnx/license)

Docker image envirement

  • Docker image: (you must get the docker image from blackberry with QNX7.1 SDP)
  • cmake version 3.16.8 and above
  • protoc version 3.12.3
  • Modified the ./docker/scripts/qnx/docker-compose.yml line 26: e.g. IMAGE: your_image_REPOSITORY:your_image_TAG
  • Make sure QNX license exist.

Build step

  • cd docker/scripts/qnx
  • ./
  • ./
  • ./scripts/ qnx
  • output folder: install.QNX.aarch64/

Run examples step


  • Target system: ARM QNX aarch64
  • The terminfo files should be complete(for cyber_monitor):
    Note:If terminfo files are missing in the target system,you can try using the scp command to copy terminfo files from qnx docker container to the target system. e.g.scp -r (host):<QNX_SDP_ROOT>/target/qnx7/usr/lib/terminfo -> (target):/usr/lib/terminfo
  • The python3.8 should be available(for cyber_launch):
    Note:If python is not available in the target system,you can try using the scp command to copy python files from qnx docker container to the target system. e.g.scp -r (host): <QNX_SDP_ROOT>/target/qnx7/usr/lib/python3.8 -> (target): /usr/lib/python3.8
  • Deploy bin files to SoC:
    e.g. scp -r ./install.QNX.aarch64/* USER@hostIP:/test
  • ssh to the SoC and source the rc file:
    ssh USER@hostIP
    cd /test
    . ./setup.rc(must be run in current console)

Run examples

Run example commands

Linux log path: /apollo/data/log QNX log path: /data/log

cyber comm:

  • cyber_example_talker

  • cyber_example_listener

    The output of log(cyber_example_listener.INFO):

    "... Received message seq-> 27"
    "... msgcontent->Hello, apollo!"

cyber service:

  • cyber_example_service

    The output of log(cyber_example_service.INFO):

    "... i am driver server"
    "... client recv response."

cyber mainboard:

  • mainboard -d share/examples/timer_component_example/timer.dag

  • cyber_monitor

    The output of monitor:

    /carstatus/channel 100.00

cyber launch:

  • cyber_launch start share/examples/timer_component_example/timer.launch

  • cyber_monitor

    The output of monitor:

    /carstatus/channel 100.00


You are welcome to submit questions and bug reports as GitHub Issues.

Copyright and License

This release is provided under the Apache-2.0 license.


This release only has the source code for cyber,tools,examples and all third-party libraries are provided in binary format.

Connect with us

Interested in our turnKey solutions or partnering with us Mail us at: [email protected]


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