- Demonstrates how to use file upload and Batch API to import a CSV file.
- The batch iterates through each line of the CSV (except the first) and does ... nothing, except for filling the progress bar.
- Sample code to import CSV to node included.
- In the end it outputs a new CSV file containing all lines that were not imported due to malformation (if any).
The basic idea is that if you're writing a CSV importer for Drupal, maybe you can start here and save a lot of time.
You should definitely check Drupal's excellent Migrate functionality and the toolkit & features it offers. They may fit your needs better, especially if you prefer using configuration over custom code.
In particular, take a look at Migrate Source UI which fills a similar space to this module; a web UI that you can throw CSV at.
If you want a lightweight start point which requires custom coding, this module may be useful and we hope you find it so!
- GPLv2, per Drupal contrib.