A KMP template of the New York Times App using Compose multiplatform. To build and run this application you will need an API key from the New York Times.
- 🧩 Compose Multiplatform; for shared UI
- 🌐 Ktor; for networking
- 📦 Kotlinx Serialization; for content negotiation
- 🕰️ Kotlinx Datetime; for datetime
- 🗃️ KStore; for storage
- 🚏 Decompose + Router; for navigation
- 🧪 Molecule; for modeling state
- 🏞️ Compose-imageloader; for loading images
Run configurations available on .idea/runConfigurations
for each platform.
platform | gradle command |
android | ./gradlew :app:android:assembleDebug |
wear | ./gradlew :app:wear:assembleDebug |
ios | /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild -project app/ios/ios.xcodeproj -scheme NYTimes -configuration Debug |
desktop | ./gradlew :app:desktop:run |
js | ./gradlew :app:web:jsBrowserDevelopmentRun |
wasm | ./gradlew :app:web:wasmJsBrowserDevelopmentRun |