A simple and effective countdown timer written in Python.
This code is a basic countdown timer written in Python. It allows the user to set the number of seconds for the timer, and then counts down from that number to zero. The timer can be used for various purposes, such as counting down to a specific event or timing the duration of an activity. The timer is built using ‘Python’ and the ‘time’ module, which provides a delay of 1 second between each iteration of the countdown. Once the timer reaches zero, it displays the message "You ran out of time".
This countdown timer can be run on any system with Python 3 installed.
Python 3
No installation is required, Just simply copy the script and run it in your terminal or command prompt.
To use this timer, simply run the script in your terminal or command prompt. The timer will start counting down from the number of seconds specified in the seconds variable (10 seconds by default). You can change this value to any number of seconds you want.
Python - The programming language used
This program is a simple script and does not require any contributions.
This program is open-sourced and free to use for any purpose.
This program is created by xzebcex.
The Countdown Timer is a simple yet effective tool for measuring time intervals. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including counting down to a specific event or timing the duration of an activity. The code was built using Python, making it easy to run on any system with Python 3 installed.