Summary of changes:
- Fixed a bug in refreshing the folds in the taglist window when switching between Vim tabs with Tlist_Show_One_File enabled.
- Update the TlistShowTag command output to display the tag scope.
- Preserve the alternate file when opening the taglist window.
- Restore the 'cpo' option value properly when the loading of the plugin is stopped.
- When the plugin is recursively sourced, don't change the 'cpo' setting to the default value.
- If a filetype contains multiple file types separated by a dot, then use the first file type.
- When displaying tag prototypes, trim the output to fit the window width.
- Add support for some more languages.
- Disable the 'relativenumber' option for the taglist window.
- On MS-Windows, use writefile() to generate the temporary batch file instead of the redir command. This fixes a problem in using the generated batch file in multi-byte encoding environments.