A simple Docker container for JMusicBot. The container will start up, then download JMusicBot from the projects repository and run it.
- Place your config.txt, Playlists folder, and serversettings.json file (if you have one) in
. This directory will be shared with the container.Refer to the documentaion on how to configure the bot
- You can specify a JMusicBot version using the environment variable
. By default the latest version will be downloaded so you don't have to include the value if you want to use latest.The version numbers you can use correspond to the releases tag, not the release name.
- Optionally, specify a JMusicBot repository to use by the environment variable
. This is ideal for using forks of the main repo when something breaks, and no fixes are yet available. It is recommended to setupdatealerts=false
in the bot config when using this option. By default this will be the official repository,jagrosh/MusicBot
- Using docker cli
docker run -dit \
--name=jmusicbot \
-v /your/path/to/config:/config \
--restart=unless-stopped \
- Using docker compose
version: "3"
image: ghcr.io/yojoshb/jmusicbot-docker
container_name: jmusicbot
- BOT_VERSION=0.3.9 # You can omit the environment variable if you just want to run the latest version
- BOT_GITHUB=jagrosh/MusicBot # Optional. In the format {Owner}/{Repository}
- /your/path/to/config:/config
restart: unless-stopped
- If you need to access the container you can hop into it and get a shell using:
docker exec -it jmusicbot /bin/bash
- Or read the logs:
docker logs jmusicbot