This module makes easy to publish updates created by electron-builder. Now SSH, github, ssh and local release transports are supported. You can enable update feature in your application using electron-simple-updater
Install with npm:
npm install --save-dev electron-simple-publisher
- For windows build set the target value to squirrel in package.json:
"build": {
"win": {
"target": "squirrel"
Make a distributive package using electron-builder
Set options: You can specify all option through command line arguments, but it's easier to store the config in publisher.json in the project root. Here is an example for publishing through SSH:
"transport": {
"module": "ssh",
"host": "",
"username": "user",
"password": "user's password",
"remotePath": "/www/",
"remoteUrl": "",
"fields": { // Additional fields which will be added to updates.json
"readme": "The first version"
// If you've already set package.json:updater.url you can skip this option:
"updatesJsonUrl": ""
- Run a publish command:
$ node_modules/.bin/publish
- will publish the latest build for
the current platform
Usage: publish [command] [options] [arguments]
Commands (default is publish):
publish [configFile] [buildId buildId2 ...] Publish a new build(s).
replace [configFile] [buildId] Replace the current build.
remove [configFile] [buildId buildId2 ...] Remove one or more builds.
list [configFile] Show builds on a hosting.
BuildId has a following format: [platform]-[arch]-[channel]-v[version]
You can specify only a part of buildId, like linux-x64, defaults:
platform: process.platform
arch: process.arch
channel: or prod
version: package.json:version
configFile File with json ext, defaults to ./publisher.json
-t or --transport Name of node module which implements Transport interface.
--transport-{name} Specify the {name} transport option
-p or --path Path to distributive files (default dist).
-d or --debug Show debug information
--field-{name} Set updates.json:{buildId}.{name} field
-h or --help Show this message
Upload releases using SSH protocol. This transport uses ssh2 internally so you can check its documentation for all transport options.
Upload updates to github releases. You can use this transport even if you don't want to share your source code. For this purposes you just need to create a public repository which will store your releases.
Upload releases to S3 storage.
This transport allows to create file structure which can be uploaded to a server manually.
- electron-builder - A complete solution to package and build an Electron app
- electron-simple-updater - Simple way to enable update for the electron application
Licensed under MIT.