Lecturers: Edo Jelavić, Mayank Mittal, Prof. Marco Hutter
This course gives an introduction to the Robot Operating System (ROS) including many of the available tools that are commonly used in robotics. With the help of different examples, the course should provide a good starting point for students to work with robots. They learn how to create software including simulation, to interface sensors and actuators, and to integrate control algorithms.
- ROS architecture: Master, nodes, topics, messages, services, parameters and actions
- Console commands: Navigating and analyzing the ROS system and the catkin workspace
- Creating ROS packages: Structure, launch-files, and best practices
- ROS C++ client library (roscpp): Creating your own ROS C++ programs
- Simulating with ROS: Gazebo simulator, robot models (URDF) and simulation environments (SDF)
- Working with visualizations (RViz) and user interface tools (rqt)
- Inside ROS: TF transformation system, time, bags
- Introduction to ROS2
- Topic ROS architecture & philosophy; ROS master, nodes, and topics; Console commands; Catkin workspace and build system; Launch-files; Gazebo simulator; Programming Tools
rosrun package_name node_name
rosnode list
rosnode info node_name
rostopic list
rostopic echo /topic
rostopic info /topic
- Data structure defining the type of a topic
- Defined in *.msg files
rostopic type /topic
rostopic pub /topic type data
rostopic pub /chatter std_msgs/String "data: 'ETH Zurich ROS Course'"
[example: PoseStamped.msg]
**ROS Wiki Nodelet **
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
Clean the entire build and devel space with
catkin clean
The catkin workspace setup can be checked with
catkin config
For example, to set the CMake build type to Release (or Debug etc.), use:
catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Symlink a new package to your catkin workspace
ln -s ~/git/ros_best_practices/ ~/catkin_ws/src/
- lauch is a tool for launching multiple nodes (as well as setting parameters)
- Are written in XML as *.launch files
- If not yet running, launch automatically starts a roscore
roslaunch file_name.launch
roslaunch package_name file_name.launch
**ROS Wiki Launch files ** **Roslaunch tips for large projects **
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Launch ROS Package Template Node -->
<node pkg="ros_package_template" type="ros_package_template" name="ros_package_template" output="screen">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(dirname)/../config/default.yaml" />
<!-- Create a re-usable launch files with <arg> tag, which works like a parameter -->
<arg name="use_sim_time" default="true"/>
<!-- Use arguments in launch file with $(arg use_sim_time)-->
<group if="$(arg use_sim_time)">
<param name="/use_sim_time" value="true" />
<!-- Include other launch files -->
<!-- Find the system path to other packages with $(find package_name)-->
<include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
<arg name="world_name" value="$(find gazebo_plugins)/test/test_worlds/$(arg world).world"/>
<arg name="debug" value="$(arg debug)"/>
<arg name="physics" value="$(arg physics)"/>
- Topic ROS package structure; ROS C++ client library (roscpp); ROS subscribers and publishers; ROS parameter server; RViz visualization
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── config
│ └── default.yaml //(paramter files)
├── include
│ └── ros_package_template //(package name)
│ ├── Algorithm.hpp
│ └── RosPackageTemplate.hpp
├── launch
│ ├── ros_package_template.launch
│ └── ros_package_template_overlying_params.launch
├── package.xml
├── README.md
├── src
│ ├── Algorithm.cpp
│ ├── RosPackageTemplate.cpp
│ └── ros_package_template_node.cpp
└── test
├── AlgorithmTest.cpp
└── test_ros_package_template.cpp
- package.xml
- Package name
- Version Number
- Authors
- Dependencies on other packages
- ...
- CmakeLists.txt
- see example
- pacakeg_name_msgs folder
Initialization and spinning
- ros::spin() and ros::spinOnce()
Node Handle
- Default(public) node handle
nh_ = ros::NodeHandle(); /namespace/topic
- Private node handle
nh_private_ = ros::NodeHandle("~"); /namespace/node/topic
- Namespace node handle
nh_eth_ = ros::NodeHandle("eth"); /namespace/eth/topic
- Global node handle (not recommanded)
Object Oriented Programming
ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle("~"); std::string topic; if (!nodeHandle.getParam("topic", topic)) { ROS_ERROR("Could not find topic parameter!"); } ROS_INFO_STREAM("Read topic: "
- Parameters
- YAML files
- launch API
- Command line tools
rosparam list rosparam get parameter_nam rosparam set parameter_name value
- Topic TF Transformation System; rqt User Interface; Robot models (URDF); Simulation descriptions (SDF)
- View Frames
- C++ API
- User interface
- rqt_image_view
- rqt_multiplot
- rqt_graph
- rqt_console
- rqt_logger_level
- Unified Robot Description Format (URDF)
- Simulation Decription Format (SDF)
- Topic ROS services; ROS actions (actionlib); ROS time; ROS bags; Debugging strategies; Introduction to ROS2
rosservice list
rosservice type /service_name
rosservice call /service_name args
rossrv show ros_tutorials/TwoInts
- .srv files
- C++ API
- Topic Case study: Using ROS in complex real world applications