Android NetFimno is a java class which helps android developer to perform internet communication without any external third party libraries. NetFimno uses built-in android HttpUrlConnection.class to perform every kind of network requests and supports in all android versions.
- Sending GET & POST requests.
- Uploading files and other data (optional) with progress indicators (like progressbar).
- Downloading files from internet with progress indicators. You can hide and show the downloading notification.
- Add the following permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION" />
- Include and files in your package (com.example.yourapp)
new NetFimno("").get(new NetFimno.OnResult() {
public void onSuccess(String response) {
//Your code is here
// if(NetFimno.isJSON(response)) {}
Body body = new Body()
.put("username", username)
.put("pwd", password)
.put("email", email);
new NetFimno("").post(body.getMap(), new NetFimno.OnResult() {
public void onSuccess(String response) {
//Your code is here
Please note Body.put(String key,String value)
method has two parameters
Body body = new Body()
.put("username", "Zikkoo")
.put("pwd", "8styadf")
.put("email", "[email protected]");
//You can upload more than one file, here I am uploading two files
Body files = new Body()
.put("file1", "filePath1")
.put("file2", "filePath2");
new NetFimno(context,"").multipart(files.getMap(), body.getMap(), new NetFimno.OnResultUpload() {
public void onSuccess(String response) {
//Your code comes here
public void getProgress(int progress) {
// Progress is always in percentage
// myProgressBar.setProgress(progress);
Body files = new Body()
.put("file1", "filePath1")
.put("file2", "filePath2");
new NetFimno(context,"").multipart(files.getMap(), null, new NetFimno.OnResultUpload() {
public void onSuccess(String response) {
//Your code comes here
public void getProgress(int progress) {
// Progress is always in percentage
// myProgressBar.setProgress(progress);
new NetFimno(context,"")
.setOnDownload(new NetFimno.OnDownload() {
public void progress(int percent) {
// Progress is always in percentage
// myProgressBar.setProgress(progress);
public void complete() {
//Your code comes here
, .setPath()
and setDownload()
are optionals. You can use it or leave it like this.
new NetFimno(context,"").download(true);
to make notification visible and .download(false)
is to make it invisible
You can also check the response whether is in JSON format or not using static NetFimno.isJSON(response)
returns true if the response is in JSON format. Otherwise, it returns false.