This directory contains jukebox, a music player for large collections of audio files.
This jukebox distribution is a fork of squentin's gmusicbrowser as of version 1.1.16 with the following little differences:
- added Papirus-Light icons
- added Trinity-like icons to approximate the look and feel to trinity-gtk-theme
- removed Elementary icons
- updated Artistinfo plugin to show all available albums from and search Artist on torrent trackers
- updated Notify plugin: more actions and icon buttons if
notification daemon supports
capability - added new option "minimize main window instead of hide"
- ported gmusicbrowser's little fixes and adjustments for new mpv versions
The original sources can be downloaded from:
This is a deprecated software! While squentin's gmusicbrowser is actively maintained and ported to GTK+3.0, and has a relatively big group of users & hackers that are continuing development, it's highly recommended to use gmusicbrowser instead of jukebox.
The following feature-list is just a copy of gmusicbrowser's features with some additions described above in the differences.
The main features are almost the same as gmusicbrowser has:
- customizable playback backend: gstreamer1.x, mpg123/ogg123/..., mplayer, mpv
- customizable window layouts
- artist/album lock: restrict playlist to current artist/album
- easy access to related songs (same artist/album/title)
- simple mass-tagging and mass-renaming
- support multiple genres for each song
- customizable labels can be set for each song
- filters with unlimited nesting of conditions
- customizable weighted random mode
- equalizer with predefined presets
- replaygain support
- custom playlists
- queue mode
- Albuminfo: retrieve album-relevant information (review etc.) from allmusic
- App indicator: display a panel indicator in some desktops
- Autosave: save tags/settings every N minutes
- Desktop widgets: open special layouts as desktop widgets
- Export: add menu entries to song contextual menu
- Gnome mmkeys: make jukebox react to Next/Previous/Play/Stop multimedia keys in Gnome
- Karaoke: display synchonized lyrics of the current song
- submit played songs to
- Artistinfo: retrieve artist-relevant information from (albums, biography, similar artists)
- Lullaby: schedule fade-out and stop
- Lyrics: search and display lyrics
- MPRIS v1: control jukebox via DBus using MPRIS v1.0 standard
- MPRIS v2: control jukebox via DBus using MPRIS v2.0 standard
- Notify: notify of the playing song with the system's notification popups
- Now playing: run a command when playing a song
- Picture finder: add a menu entry to artist/album context menu, allowing to search the picture/cover in various sources and save it
- Rip: add a button to rip a CD
- Titlebar: display a special layout in or around the titlebar of the focused window
- Web context: provide context views using MozEmbed or WebKit wikipedia, lyrics, and custom webpages
To use mpg321/ogg123/flac123:
- mpg321 to play mp3 files
- ogg123 to play ogg and flac files (found in a package named vorbis-tools
- flac123 to play flac files (deprecated)
- amixer to control the volume (found in a package named alsa-utils)
To use gstreamer-0.10:
- gstreamer perl bindings >0.06 (libgstreamer-perl or perl-GStreamer)
- gstreamer-plugins-ugly to play mp3 files
- gstreamer-plugins-bad to play mpc files
- gstreamer-plugins-good to play flac files
Note that some codec may be packaged by themselves in some distribution, with names like gstreamer0.10-flac or gstreamer0.10-musepack.
Some additional gstreamer plugins may also be required, depending on which output you want to use, like oss, alsa, pulseaudio, esd.
To use mplayer or mpv:
- mplayer or mpv
To have tray icon:
- gtk2-trayicon perl bindings (libgtk2-trayicon-perl or perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon)
To consult wikipedia pages and search google for lyrics, one of:
- gtk2-mozembed perl bindings (libgtk2-mozembed-perl or perl-Gtk2-MozEmbed)
- gtk2-webkit perl bindings (perl-Gtk2-WebKit)
To control jukebox through DBus or use the included gnome multimedia keys plugin:
- DBus perl bindings (libnet-dbus-perl or perl-Net-DBus)
Migration from gmusicbrowser is highly unrecommended since gmusicbrowser is fine and well maintained program with gtk3 support (unlike jukebox). See and for more information.
1/2. Set library source:
sed -i 's@/mnt/data/oldmusic@/mnt/hd/actualmusic@g' jukeboxrc
2/2. Fix jukeboxrc fingerprint:
sed -i 's@gmbrc version=1.101502@jukeboxrc version=1.101503@g' jukeboxrc
jukebox is licensed through the GNU General Public License v3 Read the COPYING file for copying conditions. Read the COPYRIGHT file for copyright notices.