This repository is part of a ZRP workshop called "Reading SQS Queues with Lambda".
To go throughout this lecture you MUST have installed:
- Node (lts/fermium)
- yarn@latest
Additionally you SHOULD install for a better overall experience:
- Visual Studio Code
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Remote Development
This repo is a monorepo managed by Yarn Workspaces. There are 3 main folders:
- Web: React with Typescript to implement a lightweight frontend (@workshop/web);
- Serverless: Lambda functions that implement the main interface for our services (@workshop/serverless);
- Shared: Reusable code between web and serverless (@workshop/shared);
There are multiple tags in this repository between points of interest during the lecture.
To move to a particular tag, use: git checkout <tag_name>
The tags available are:
- initial-setup: Repository created, without any folders;
- commitizen: A friendly reminder to commit correctly;
- monorepo: Creates every monorepo package;