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Support Disclaimer

-> Disclaimer: Please refer to our General Support Statement before proceeding with the use of this provider. You can also refer to our troubleshooting guide for guidance on typical problems.

Official Zscaler SDK GO Overview

This repository contains the ZIA/ZPA/ZDX/ZCC/ZCON SDK for Golang. This SDK can be used in your server-side code to interact with the Zscaler platform

This SDK is designed to support the new Zscaler API framework OneAPI via a single OAuth2 HTTP client. The SDK is also backwards compatible with the previous Zscaler API framework, and each package is supported by an individual and robust HTTP client designed to handle failures on different levels by performing intelligent retries.

Release status

This library uses semantic versioning and updates are posted in (release notes) |

Version Status
1.x ⚠️ (Retired)
2.x ⚠️ Retiring
3.x ✔️ Release (migration guide)

The latest release can always be found on the (releases page)

Need help?

If you run into problems, please refer to our General Support Statement before proceeding with the use of this SDK. You can also refer to our troubleshooting guide for guidance on typical problems. You can also raise an issue via (github issues page)

Getting started

The SDK is compatible with Go version 1.18.x and up. You must use Go Modules to install the SDK.

Install current release

To install the Zscaler GO SDK in your project:

  • Create a module file by running go mod init
  • You can skip this step if you already use go mod
  • Run go get This will add the SDK to your go.mod file.
  • Import the package in your project with import "".

You'll also need

  • An administrator account in the Zscaler products you want to interact with.

  • OneAPI: If using the OneAPI entrypoint you must have a API Client created in the Zidentity platform

  • Legacy Framework: If using the legacy API framework you must have API Keys credentials in the the respective Zscaler cloud products.

  • For more information on getting started with Zscaler APIs visit one of the following links:

  • OneAPI







The latest versions => 3.x of this SDK provides dual API client capability and can be used to interact both with new Zscaler OneAPI framework and the legacy API platform.

Versions of this SDK <= v2.x only support the legacy API platform. If your Zscaler tenant has not been migrated to the new Zscaler Zidentity platform.

If your organization is not ready to move into the Zidentity platform, this SDK can be configured for backwards compatibility by leveraging a built-in attribuite called use_legacy_client or environment variable ZSCALER_USE_LEGACY_CLIENT.

⚠️ Caution: Zscaler does not recommend hard-coding credentials into arguments, as they can be exposed in plain text in version control systems. Use environment variables instead.

OneAPI New Framework

As of the publication of SDK version => 3.x, OneAPI is available for programmatic interaction with the following products:

NOTE All other products succh as Zscaler Cloud Connector (ZCON) and Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX) are supported only via the legacy authentication method described in this README.

OneAPI (API Client Scope)

OneAPI Resources are automatically created within the ZIdentity Admin UI based on the RBAC Roles applicable to APIs within the various products. For example, in ZIA, navigate to Administration -> Role Management and select Add API Role.

Once this role has been saved, return to the ZIdentity Admin UI and from the Integration menu select API Resources. Click the View icon to the right of Zscaler APIs and under the ZIA dropdown you will see the newly created Role. In the event a newly created role is not seen in the ZIdentity Admin UI a Sync Now button is provided in the API Resources menu which will initiate an on-demand sync of newly created roles.

Default Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZSCALER_CLIENT_ID, ZSCALER_CLIENT_SECRET, ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN, ZSCALER_CLOUD environment variables, representing your Zidentity OneAPI credentials clientId, clientSecret, vanityDomain and cloud respectively.

Argument Description Environment variable
clientId (String) Zscaler API Client ID, used with clientSecret or PrivateKey OAuth auth mode. ZSCALER_CLIENT_ID
clientSecret (String) A string that contains the password for the API admin. ZSCALER_CLIENT_SECRET
privateKey (String) A string Private key value. ZSCALER_PRIVATE_KEY
vanityDomain (String) Refers to the domain name used by your organization https://<vanity_domain> ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN
cloud (String) The host and basePath for the cloud services API is $api.<cloud_name> ZSCALER_CLOUD

Alternative OneAPI Cloud Environments

OneAPI supports authentication and can interact with alternative Zscaler enviornments i.e beta, alpha etc. To authenticate to these environments you must provide the following values:

Argument Description Environment variable
vanityDomain (String) Refers to the domain name used by your organization https://<vanity_domain> ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN
cloud (String) The host and basePath for the cloud services API is $api.<cloud_name> ZSCALER_CLOUD

For example: Authenticating to Zscaler Beta environment:

export ZSCALER_CLOUD="beta"

Note: By default this SDK will send the authentication request and subsequent API calls to the default base URL.

Authenticating to Zscaler Private Access (ZPA)

The authentication to Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) via the OneAPI framework, requires the extra attribute called customerId and optionally the attribute microtenantId.

Argument Description Environment variable
clientId (String) Zscaler API Client ID, used with clientSecret or PrivateKey OAuth auth mode. ZSCALER_CLIENT_ID
clientSecret (String) A string that contains the password for the API admin. ZSCALER_CLIENT_SECRET
privateKey (String) A string Private key value. ZSCALER_PRIVATE_KEY
customerId (String) The ZPA tenant ID found under Configuration & Control > Public API > API Keys menu in the ZPA console. ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID
microtenantId (String) The ZPA microtenant ID found in the respective microtenant instance under Configuration & Control > Public API > API Keys menu in the ZPA console. ZPA_MICROTENANT_ID
vanityDomain (String) Refers to the domain name used by your organization https://<vanity_domain> ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN
cloud (String) The host and basePath for the cloud services API is $api.<cloud_name> ZSCALER_CLOUD

Initialize OneAPI Client

Construct a client instance by passing it your Zidentity ClientID, ClientSecret and VanityDomain:

import (

func main() {
  config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
  service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)

Construct a client instance by passing it your Zidentity ClientID, PrivateKey and VanityDomain:

import (

func main() {
  config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
  service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)

Hard-coding the Zscaler clientID and clientSecret works for quick tests, but for real projects you should use a more secure way of storing these values (such as environment variables). This library supports a few different configuration sources, covered in the configuration reference section.

Usage guide

These examples will help you understand how to use this library. You can also browse the full API reference documentation.

Once you initialize a client, you can call methods to make requests to the Zscaler API. Most methods are grouped by the API endpoint they belong to.


In the default configuration the client utilizes a memory cache that has a time to live on its cached values. See Configuration Setter Object WithCache(cache bool), WithCacheTtl(i int32), and WithCacheTti(i int32). This helps to keep HTTP requests to the Zscaler API at a minimum. In the case where the client needs to be certain it is accessing recent data; for instance, list items, delete an item, then list items again; be sure to make use of the refresh next facility to clear the request cache. To completely disable the request memory cache configure the client with WithCache(false).

Connection Retry / Rate Limiting

By default this SDK retries requests that are returned with a 429 exception. To disable this functionality set ZSCALER_CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT and ZSCALER_CLIENT_RATE_LIMIT_MAX_RETRIES to 0.

Setting only one of the values to zero disables that check. Meaning, by default, four retry attempts will be made. If you set ZSCALER_CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT to 45 seconds and ZSCALER_CLIENT_RATE_LIMIT_MAX_RETRIES to 0. This SDK will continue to retry indefinitely for 45 seconds. If both values are non zero, this SDK attempts to retry until either of the conditions are met (not both).

We use the Date header from the server to calculate the delta, as it's more reliable than system time. But always add 1 second to account for some clock skew in our service:

backoff_seconds = header['X-Rate-Limit-Reset'] - header['Date'] + 1s

If the backoff_seconds calculation exceeds the request timeout, the initial 429 response will be allowed through without additional attempts.

When creating your client, you can pass in these settings like you would with any other configuration.

import (

func main() {
  config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
  if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
  client := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)

ZPA - List All SCIM Groups By IDP

import (


func main() {
 config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)

 service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating OneAPI client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.Background()
 idp_Id := "216196257331285825"

 allGroups, resp, err := scimgroup.GetAllByIdpId(ctx, service, idp_Id)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error Getting Groups: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Groups: %+v\n Response: %+v\n\n", allGroups, resp)
 for index, user := range allGroups {
  fmt.Printf("Group %d: %+v\n", index, user)

ZPA - Get a Scim Groups

import (


func main() {
 config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)

 service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating OneAPI client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.Background()
 groupID := "1405240"

 allGroups, _, err := scimgroup.Get(ctx, service, groupID)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error retrieving scim group: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Successfully retrieved SCIM group: %+v\n", allGroups)

Create a ZPA Segment Group

import (


func main() {
 name := "tests-" + acctest.RandStringFromCharSet(10, acctest.CharSetAlpha)
 config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)

 service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating OneAPI client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.Background()
 newGroup := &segmentgroup.SegmentGroup{
  Name:        name,
  Description: name,
  Enabled:     true,
 createdGroup, _, err := segmentgroup.Create(ctx, service, newGroup)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating segment group: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Successfully created segment group: ID: %s, Name: %s\n", createdGroup.ID, createdGroup.Name)

Update a ZPA Segment Group

func main() {
 name := "tests-" + acctest.RandStringFromCharSet(10, acctest.CharSetAlpha)
 config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating configuration: %v", err)

 service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating OneAPI client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.TODO()
 groupID := "5448754152554"
 groupToUpdate, resp, err := segmentgroup.Get(ctx, service, groupID)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error fetching group to update: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Group to update: %+v\n Response: %+v\n\n", groupToUpdate, resp)

 updateGroup := &segmentgroup.SegmentGroup{
  Name: name + "-updated2",

 updatedGroup, err := segmentgroup.UpdateV2(ctx, service, groupToUpdate.ID, updateGroup)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error updating group: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Updated Group: %+v\n Response: %+v\n\n", updatedGroup, resp)

Create a ZIA Rule Label

import (


func main() {
 name := "tests-" + acctest.RandStringFromCharSet(10, acctest.CharSetAlpha)
 config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)

 service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating OneAPI client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.Background()
 newLabel := &rule_labels.RuleLabels{
  Name:        name,
  Description: name,
 createdLabel, _, err := rule_labels.Create(ctx, service, newLabel)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating rule label: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Successfully created rule label: ID: %d, Name: %s\n", createdLabel.ID, createdLabel.Name)

Update a ZIA Rule Label

import (


func main() {
 name := "tests-" + acctest.RandStringFromCharSet(10, acctest.CharSetAlpha)
 config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)

 service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating OneAPI client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.TODO()
 labelID := 2073922
 labelToUpdate, err := rule_labels.Get(ctx, service, labelID)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error fetching label to update: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Label to update: %+v\n", labelToUpdate)

 updateLabel := &rule_labels.RuleLabels{
  Name: name + "-updated2",

 updatedLabel, resp, err := rule_labels.Update(ctx, service, labelToUpdate.ID, updateLabel)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error updating label: %v", err)

 fmt.Printf("Updated Label: %+v\n Response: %+v\n\n", updatedLabel, resp)

List All ZCC Devices

import (


func main() {
 config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)

 service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating OneAPI client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.Background()
 username := ""
 osType := ""

 listDevices, err := devices.GetAll(ctx, service, username, osType)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error listing devices: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Devices: %+v\n", listDevices)

 for index, user := range listDevices {
  fmt.Printf("Device %d: %+v\n", index, user)

Configuration reference

This library looks for configuration in the following sources:

  1. An zscaler.yaml file in a .zscaler folder in the current user's home directory (~/.zscaler/zscaler.yaml or %userprofile\.zscaler\zscaler.yaml)
  2. A .zscaler.yaml file in the application or project's root directory
  3. Environment variables
  4. Configuration explicitly passed to the constructor (see the example in Getting started)

Higher numbers win. In other words, configuration passed via the constructor will override configuration found in environment variables, which will override configuration in zscaler.yaml (if any), and so on.

YAML configuration

When you use OneAPI OAuth 2.0 the full YAML configuration looks like:

    clientId: "{yourClientId}"
    clientSecret: "{yourClientSecret}"
 vanityDomain: "{yourVanityDomain}"
 customerId: "{yourZpaCustomerId}" # Required if interacting with ZPA Service
 connectionTimeout: 30 # seconds
    requestTimeout: 0 # seconds
      maxRetries: 4
      port: null
      host: null
      username: null
      password: null

When you use OneAPI OAuth 2.0 with private key, the full YAML configuration looks like:

    clientId: "{yourClientId}"
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
 vanityDomain: "{yourVanityDomain}"
 customerId: "{yourZpaCustomerId}" # Required if interacting with ZPA Service
 connectionTimeout: 30 # seconds
    requestTimeout: 0 # seconds
      maxRetries: 4
      port: null
      host: null
      username: null
      password: null

Environment variables

Each one of the configuration values above can be turned into an environment variable name with the _ (underscore) character:

  • and so on

Configuration Setter Object

The client is configured with a configuration setter object passed to the NewOneAPIClient function.

function description
WithClientID(clientId string) OneAPI Client ID
WithClientSecret(clientSecret string) OneAPI Client Secret
WithPrivateKey(privateKey string) OneAPI Private key value
WithVanityDomain(vanityDomain string) The domain name used by your organization
WithZscalerCloud(cloud string) The alternative Zscaler cloud name for your organization i.e beta
WithSandboxToken(sandboxToken string) The Zscaler Internet Access Sandbox Token
WithSandboxCloud(sandboxCloud string) The Zscaler Internet Access Sandbox cloud name
WithZPACustomerID(customerId string) The ZPA tenant ID
WithZPAMicrotenantID(microtenantId string) The ZPA Microtenant ID
WithUserAgentExtra(userAgent string) Append additional information to the HTTP User-Agent
WithCache(cache bool) Use request memory cache
WithCacheManager(cacheManager cache.Cache) Use custom cache object that implements the cache.Cache interface
WithCacheTtl(i int32) Cache time to live in seconds
WithCacheTti(i int32) Cache clean up interval in seconds
WithProxyPort(i int32) HTTP proxy port
WithProxyHost(host string) HTTP proxy host
WithProxyUsername(username string) HTTP proxy username
WithProxyPassword(pass string) HTTP proxy password
WithHttpClient(httpClient http.Client) Custom net/http client
WithHttpClientPtr(httpClient *http.Client) pointer to custom net/http client
WithTestingDisableHttpsCheck(httpsCheck bool) Disable net/http SSL checks
WithRequestTimeout(requestTimeout int64) HTTP request time out in seconds
WithRateLimitMaxRetries(maxRetries int32) Max number of request retries when http request times out
WithRateLimitMaxWait(maxWait int32) Max wait time to wait before next retry
WithRateLimitMinWait(minWait int32) Min wait time to wait before next retry
WithDebug(debug int32) Enable debug mode for troubleshooting

Zscaler Client Base Configuration

The Zscaler Client's base configuration starts at

config setting


Every method that calls the API now has the ability to pass context.Context to it as the first parameter. If you do not have a context or do not know which context to use, you can pass context.TODO() to the methods.

Legacy API Framework

ZIA native authentication

  • For authentication via Zscaler Internet Access, you must provide username, password, api_key and cloud

The ZIA Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to. The following cloud environments are supported:

  • zscaler
  • zscalerone
  • zscalertwo
  • zscalerthree
  • zscloud
  • zscalerbeta
  • zscalergov
  • zscalerten
  • zspreview

Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZIA_USERNAME, ZIA_PASSWORD, ZIA_API_KEY, ZIA_CLOUD environment variables, representing your ZIA username, password, api_key and cloud respectively.

Argument Description Environment variable
username (String) A string that contains the email ID of the API admin. ZIA_USERNAME
password (String) A string that contains the password for the API admin. ZIA_PASSWORD
api_key (String) A string that contains the obfuscated API key (i.e., the return value of the obfuscateApiKey() method). ZIA_API_KEY
cloud (String) The host and basePath for the cloud services API is $zsapi.<Zscaler Cloud Name>/api/v1. ZIA_CLOUD

ZIA Client Initialization

import (


func main() {
	username := os.Getenv("ZIA_USERNAME")
	password := os.Getenv("ZIA_PASSWORD")
	apiKey   := os.Getenv("ZIA_API_KEY")
	ziaCloud := os.Getenv("ZIA_CLOUD")

	ziaCfg, err := zia.NewConfiguration(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating ZPA configuration: %v", err)

	// Initialize ZPA client
	service, err := zscaler.NewLegacyZiaClient(ziaCfg)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating ZIA client: %v", err)

 // Create a new context
 ctx := context.Background()
 labels, err := rule_labels.GetAll(ctx, service)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error Listing Labels: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Labels: %+v\n", labels)
 for index, label := range labels {
  fmt.Printf("Label %d: %+v\n", index, label)

ZPA native authentication

For authentication via Zscaler Private Access, you must provide client_id, client_secret, customer_id and cloud

The ZPA Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to. The following cloud environments are supported:

  • BETA
  • GOV

ZPA Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZPA_CLIENT_ID, ZPA_CLIENT_SECRET, ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID, ZPA_CLOUD environment variables, representing your ZPA client_id, client_secret, customer_id and cloud of your ZPA account, respectively.

~> NOTE ZPA_CLOUD environment variable is required, and is used to identify the correct API gateway where the API requests should be forwarded to.

Argument Description Environment variable
client_id (String) The ZPA API client ID generated from the ZPA console. ZPA_CLIENT_ID
client_secret (String) The ZPA API client secret generated from the ZPA console. ZPA_CLIENT_SECRET
customer_id (String) The ZPA tenant ID found in the Administration > Company menu in the ZPA console. ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID
cloud (String) The Zscaler cloud for your tenancy. ZPA_CLOUD

ZPA Client Initialization

import (


func main() {
	clientID := os.Getenv("ZPA_CLIENT_ID")
	clientSecret := os.Getenv("ZPA_CLIENT_SECRET")
	customerID   := os.Getenv("ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID")
	cloud := os.Getenv("ZPA_CLOUD")

	zpaCfg, err := zpa.NewConfiguration(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating ZPA configuration: %v", err)

	// Initialize ZPA client
	service, err := zscaler.NewLegacyZpaClient(zpaCfg)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating ZPA client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.Background()

 groups, resp, err := segmentgroup.GetAll(ctx, service)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error list all segment group: %v", err)
 fmt.Printf("Groups: %+v\n Response: %+v\n\n", groups, resp)
 for index, group := range groups {
  fmt.Printf("Group %d: %+v\n", index, group)


This SDK supports direct interaction with the ZPA SCIM API endpoints. The SCIM APIs allow you to use custom SCIM clients to make REST API calls to Zscaler. The same way as the regular ZPA API All SCIM APIs are rate limited. For more details About SCIM APIs

The ZPA Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to. The following cloud environments are supported:

  • BETA
  • GOV

ZPA SCIM API Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZPA_SCIM_TOKEN, ZPA_IDP_ID, ZPA_SCIM_CLOUD environment variables, representing your ZPA scimToken, idpId, and baseURL of your ZPA account, respectively.

~> NOTE ZPA_SCIM_CLOUD environment variable is only required when required when authenticating to a ZPA environment other than production. This environment variable is used to identify the correct API gateway where the API requests should be forwarded to.

Argument Description Environment variable
scimToken (String) A string that contains the ZPA SCIM API Token ZPA_SCIM_TOKEN
idpId (String) A string that contains the ZPA Identity Provider ID ZPA_IDP_ID
baseURL (String) A string that contains the ZPA cloud environment name ZPA_SCIM_CLOUD

ZPA API SCIM Client Initialization

import (


func main() {
	scimToken := os.Getenv("ZPA_SCIM_TOKEN")
	idpId := os.Getenv("ZPA_IDP_ID")
	scimCloud := os.Getenv("ZPA_SCIM_CLOUD")

	scimClient, err := zpa.NewScimConfig(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create SCIM client: %v", err)

	service := zscaler.NewScimService(scimClient)

  ctx := context.Background()
	groups, _, err := scim_api.GetAllGroups(ctx, service)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error retrieving SCIM groups: %v", err)
	log.Printf("Retrieved SCIM Groups: %+v\n", groups)

ZCC native authentication

For authentication via Zscaler Client Connector (Mobile Portal), you must provide APIKey, SecretKey, cloudEnv

The ZCC Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to. The following cloud environments are supported:

  • zscaler
  • zscalerone
  • zscalertwo
  • zscalerthree
  • zscloud
  • zscalerbeta
  • zscalergov
  • zscalerten
  • zspreview

ZCC Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZCC_CLIENT_ID, ZCC_CLIENT_SECRET, ZCC_CLOUD environment variables, representing your ZCC APIKey, SecretKey, and cloudEnv of your ZCC account, respectively.

~> NOTE ZCC_CLOUD environment variable is required, and is used to identify the correct API gateway where the API requests should be forwarded to.

Argument Description Environment variable
APIKey (String) A string that contains the apiKey for the Mobile Portal. ZCC_CLIENT_ID
SecretKey (String) A string that contains the secret key for the Mobile Portal. ZCC_CLIENT_SECRET
cloudEnv (String) The host and basePath for the ZCC cloud services API is $mobileadmin.<Zscaler Cloud Name>/papi. ZCC_CLOUD

ZCC Client Initialization

import (


func main() {
	clientID := os.Getenv("ZCC_CLIENT_ID")
	clientSecret := os.Getenv("ZCC_CLIENT_SECRET")
	cloud := os.Getenv("ZCC_CLOUD")

 zccCfg, err := zcc.NewConfiguration(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating ZCC configuration: %v", err)

	// Initialize ZPA client
	service, err := zscaler.NewLegacyZccClient(zpaCfg)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating ZCC client: %v", err)

 ctx := context.TODO()
 username := "[email protected]"
 osType := "3"
 listDevices, err := devices.GetAll(ctx, service, username, osType)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error listing devices: %v", err)

 for _, device := range listDevices {
  log.Printf("Device: %+v\n", device)

ZCON native authentication

  • For authentication via Zscaler Client Connector, you must provide username, password, api_key and cloud

The ZCON Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to. The following cloud environments are supported:

  • zscaler
  • zscalerone
  • zscalertwo
  • zscalerthree
  • zscloud
  • zscalerbeta
  • zscalergov
  • zscalerten
  • zspreview

ZCON Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZCON_USERNAME, ZCON_PASSWORD, ZCON_API_KEY, ZCON_CLOUD environment variables, representing your ZCON username, password, api_key and cloud respectively.

Argument Description Environment variable
username (String) A string that contains the email ID of the API admin. ZCON_USERNAME
password (String) A string that contains the password for the API admin. ZCON_PASSWORD
api_key (String) A string that contains the obfuscated API key (i.e., the return value of the obfuscateApiKey() method). ZCON_API_KEY
cloud (String) The host and basePath for the cloud services API is $connector.<Zscaler Cloud Name>/api/v1. ZCON_CLOUD

NOTE: The Zscaler Cloud Connector (ZCON) API Client instantiation DOES NOT require the use of the the useLegacyClient attribute.

ZCON Client Initialization

import (


func main() {
	username := os.Getenv("ZCON_USERNAME")
	password := os.Getenv("ZCON_PASSWORD")
	apiKey   := os.Getenv("ZCON_API_KEY")
	zconCloud := os.Getenv("ZCON_CLOUD")

	zconCfg, err := zcon.NewConfiguration(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error creating ZCON configuration: %v", err)

	zconClient, err := zcon.NewClient(zconCfg)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create ZCON client: %v", err)

	service := services.New(zconClient)

	ctx := context.Background()
	locations, err := location.GetAll(ctx, service)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error listing locations: %v", err)

	fmt.Printf("Locations: %+v\n", locations)
	for index, location := range locations {
		fmt.Printf("Location %d: %+v\n", index, location)

ZDX native authentication

For authentication via Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX), you must provide APIKeyID, SecretKey

The ZDX Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to.

ZDX Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZDX_API_KEY_ID, ZDX_API_KEY_ID environment variables, representing your ZDX APIKey, SecretKey of your ZDX account, respectively.

Argument Description Environment variable
APIKey (String) A string that contains the apiKey for the ZDX Portal. ZDX_API_KEY_ID
SecretKey (String) A string that contains the secret key for the ZDX Portal. ZDX_API_KEY_ID

NOTE: The Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX) API Client instantiation DOES NOT require the use of the the useLegacyClient attribute.

ZDX Client Initialization

import (

func main() {
	apiKey := os.Getenv("ZDX_API_KEY_ID")
	secretKey := os.Getenv("ZDX_API_SECRET")
	cloud := os.Getenv("ZDX_CLOUD") // Optional

 zdxCfg, err := zdx.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating ZDX configuration: %v", err)

 zdxClient, err := zdx.NewClient(zdxCfg)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating ZDX client: %v", err)

 service := services.New(zdxClient)

 filters := common.GetFromToFilters{
  From: 0, // Start time in epoch seconds (optional)
  To:   0, // End time in epoch seconds (optional)

 apps, resp, err := applications.GetAllApps(service, filters)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error retrieving applications: %v", err)

 log.Printf("Successfully retrieved %d applications.\n", len(apps))
 log.Printf("HTTP Response: %v\n", resp.Status)
 for _, app := range apps {
  log.Printf("Application Name: %s, ZDX Score: %.2f\n", app.Name, app.Score)

ZWA native authentication

For authentication via Zscaler Workflow Automation (ZWA), you must provide key_id, key_secret

The ZWA Cloud is identified by several cloud name prefixes, which determines which API endpoint the requests should be sent to.

ZWA Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZWA_API_KEY_ID, ZWA_API_SECRET environment variables, representing your ZDX key_id, key_secret of your ZWA account, respectively.

Argument Description Environment variable
key_id (String) The ZWA string that contains the API key ID. ZWA_API_KEY_ID
key_secret (String) The ZWA string that contains the key secret. ZWA_API_SECRET
cloud (String) The ZWA string containing cloud provisioned for your organization. ZWA_CLOUD

NOTE: The Zscaler Workflow Automation (ZWA) API Client instantiation DOES NOT require the use of the the useLegacyClient attribute.

ZWA Client Initialization

import (

func main() {
	key_id := os.Getenv("ZWA_API_KEY_ID")
	key_secret := os.Getenv("ZWA_API_SECRET")
	cloud := os.Getenv("ZWA_CLOUD") // Optional

 zwaCfg, err := zwa.NewConfiguration(
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating ZWA configuration: %v", err)

 zwaClient, err := zwa.NewClient(zwaCfg)
 if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("Error creating ZWA client: %v", err)

 service := services.New(zwaClient)

	dlpIncidentID := "167867439920099003"

	evidence, _, err := dlp_incidents.GetDLPIncidentTriggers(ctx, service, dlpIncidentID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error fetching DLP incident evidence: %v", err)

	fmt.Printf("Evidence Details: %+v\n", evidence)

Hard-coding any of the Zscaler API credentials works for quick tests, but for real projects you should use a more secure way of storing these values (such as environment variables). This library supports a few different configuration sources, covered in the configuration reference section.


In the default configuration the client utilizes a memory cache that has a time to live on its cached values. See Configuration Setter Object WithCache(cache bool), WithCacheTtl(i int32), and WithCacheTti(i int32). This helps to keep HTTP requests to the Zscaler API at a minimum. In the case where the client needs to be certain it is accessing recent data; for instance, list items, delete an item, then list items again; be sure to make use of the refresh next facility to clear the request cache. To completely disable the request memory cache configure the client with WithCache(false).

Connection Retry / Rate Limiting

This SDK is designed to handle connection retries and rate limiting to ensure reliable and efficient API interactions.

ZIA and ZPA Retry Logic

By default, this SDK retries requests that receive a 429 Too Many Requests response from the server. The retry mechanism respects the Retry-After header provided in the response. The Retry-After header indicates the time required to wait before another call can be made. For example, a value of 13s in the Retry-After header means the SDK should wait 13 seconds before retrying the request.

Additionally, the SDK uses an exponential backoff strategy for other server errors, where the wait time between retries increases exponentially up to a maximum limit. This is managed by the BackoffConfig configuration, which specifies the following:

  • Enabled: Set to true to enable the backoff and retry mechanism.
  • RetryWaitMinSeconds: Minimum time to wait before retrying a request.
  • RetryWaitMaxSeconds: Maximum time to wait before retrying a request.
  • MaxNumOfRetries: Maximum number of retries for a request.

To comply with API rate limits, the SDK includes a custom rate limiter. The rate limiter ensures that requests do not exceed the following limits:

  • GET requests: Maximum 20 requests in a 10-second interval.
  • POST, PUT, DELETE requests: Maximum 10 requests in a 10-second interval.

If the request rate exceeds these limits, the SDK waits for an appropriate amount of time before proceeding with the request. The rate limiter tracks the number of requests and enforces these limits to avoid exceeding the allowed rate.

ZIA Retry Logic

The ZIA API client in this SDK is designed to handle retries and rate limiting to ensure reliable and efficient interactions with the ZIA API.

The retry mechanism for the ZIA API client works as follows:

  • The SDK retries requests that receive a 429 Too Many Requests response or other recoverable errors.
  • The primary mechanism for retries leverages the Retry-After header included in the response from the server. This header indicates the amount of time to wait before retrying the request. If the Retry-After header is present in the response body, it is also respected.
  • If the Retry-After header is not provided, the SDK uses an exponential backoff strategy with configurable parameters:
    • RetryWaitMinSeconds: Minimum time to wait before retrying a request.
    • RetryWaitMaxSeconds: Maximum time to wait before retrying a request.
    • MaxNumOfRetries: Maximum number of retries for a request.
  • The SDK also includes custom handling for specific error codes and messages to decide if a retry should be attempted.


Each Zscaler service provides pagination support. The SDK independently provides pagination logic for each individual service based on its unique parameters and requirements.

ZPA Pagination

The ZPA package robust support for pagination, allowing users to fetch all results for a specific API endpoint even if the data spans multiple pages. The SDK abstracts pagination, so you can fetch all records seamlessly without worrying about page-by-page API requests.

The SDK includes a generic function, GetAllPagesGenericWithCustomFilters, which automates fetching all resources across multiple pages. Here's an example of how you can use this functionality to list SCIM groups by an IDP ID.

  • Custom Filters: Use the Filter struct to refine results with parameters such as Search, SortBy, and SortOrder.

Example Usage in a Program

func main() {

ctx := context.Background()
idpId := "your-idp-id"

allGroups, resp, err := scimgroup.GetAllByIdpId(ctx, service, idpId)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error fetching SCIM groups: %v", err)

fmt.Printf("Fetched %d SCIM Groups\n", len(allGroups))
for _, group := range allGroups {
    fmt.Printf("Group: %+v\n", group)

Example - Direct Use of Pagination Functions

The primary pagination functions, such as GetAllPagesGenericWithCustomFilters and GetAllPagesGeneric, can be directly invoked to handle paginated API requests. Here’s an example of how a user could utilize these functions:

  • Custom Filters: Use the Filter struct to refine results with parameters such as Search, SortBy, and SortOrder.
import (


func main() {
    // Initialize ZPA configuration
    config, err := zscaler.NewConfiguration(
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error creating configuration: %v", err)

    service, err := zscaler.NewOneAPIClient(config)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error creating ZPA client: %v", err)
    ctx := context.Background()
    relativeURL := "/zpa/mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/21619xxxxxxxxxx/scimgroups/idpId/{idpId}"

    // Define filters for pagination
    filters := common.Filter{
        SortBy:    "name",
        SortOrder: "ASC",
        Search:    "example-query",

    // Use the generic pagination function
    allGroups, resp, err := common.GetAllPagesGenericWithCustomFilters[ScimGroup](ctx, service.Client, relativeURL, filters)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error fetching paginated data: %v", err)

    fmt.Printf("Fetched %d SCIM Groups\n", len(allGroups))
    for index, group := range allGroups {
        fmt.Printf("Group %d: %+v\n", index, group)
    fmt.Printf("Response: %+v\n", resp)

ZIA Pagination

The ZIA SDK provides pagination support tailored to its API's unique parameters. The SDK allows you to fetch large datasets across multiple pages seamlessly, using built-in utilities or customizable pagination logic. Pagination in the ZIA service is powered by the ReadAllPages and ReadPage functions. These utilities enable efficient data retrieval while handling all necessary API parameters for pagination, including page size and sort options.

  • Using Built-In Pagination Functions: The ReadAllPages function automates fetching all pages of data for a given endpoint and aggregates the results into a single slice. For example, the GetAllUsers function leverages ReadAllPages to retrieve all users.
func GetAllUsers(ctx context.Context, service *zscaler.Service) ([]Users, error) {
	var users []Users
	err := common.ReadAllPages(ctx, service.Client, usersEndpoint+"?"+common.GetSortParams(common.SortField(service.SortBy), common.SortOrder(service.SortOrder)), &users)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return users, nil

Example Usage in a Program

func main() {
ctx := context.Background()

// Fetch all users
allUsers, err := GetAllUsers(ctx, service)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error fetching users: %v", err)

fmt.Printf("Fetched %d users\n", len(allUsers))
for _, user := range allUsers {
    fmt.Printf("User: %+v\n", user)


We're happy to accept contributions and PRs! Please see the contribution guide to understand how to structure a contribution.

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 Zscaler

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.