Clean boilerplate for TypeScript + Expo (React Native) + React Apollo (GraphQL) + Firebase(react-native-firebase) + Tabs(react-navigation-material-bottom-tabs).
This is example base code to use TypeScript, React Native, GraphQL and Firebase.
- Use Expo to ease building the environment.
- Use React Apollo to use GraphQL.
- Use TypeScript instead of JavaScript for static type checking.
- Use React Native Firebase connect to Firebase services.
- Use React Navigation Material Bottom Tabs implement bottom tabs.
- Use existing REST endpoints with GraphQL(apollo-link-rest).
- minimal code without extra configs.
- no-any/noImplicitAny configs for TypeScript.
$ git clone
$ cd typescript-expo-apollo-firebase-tabs
$ yarn install # yarn upgrade; yarn install
$ yarn start
$ npm install # npm up; npm install
$ npm start