Hello! My name's Marco and this is my personal website, a simple static portfolio website made using HTML, CSS, Javascript and the React Framwork.
The website is available here.
My full name's Marco Bossle Villanova and I'm a Game Developer, currently working on my own Game Engine. I've worked on a few projects (less than I would've like to) using various technologies. You can find out more about said projects on the website ;)
If, for some reason, you want to run this project on your machine, here are the steps.
Download this repository and extract wherever you want
Install Node/npm
On your desired command prompt, go to the directory where you extracted the files
// this is just an example of how to navigate on the command prompt (on windows hehe)
cd [Partition]:/[Folder]/[Folder]/[ExtractedFolder]
npm install
to install all the project dependencies -
npm start
to run the app on your network