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Steve Myers edited this page May 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Biweekly Team Meetings

Place: Discord General voice channel
Date Time: Tuesday 2020-11-03 at 20:00 UTC

Attendees: afilini, danielabrozzoni, Gus, justinmoon, LLFourn, moneyball, Murch, notmandatory, RCasatta, remyers, shesek, thunderbiscuit, ulrichard


  • wiki notes

  • @justinmoon Junction and multisig wallets

  • @shesek BWT --descriptor

  • Riccardo joining in Nov

BDWallet (USC Student Team)

Highlights of recent commits

  • @notmandatory add build variants for testnet (dev) and regtest (local)

  • @notmandatory Add Bitstamp TickerService, use in BalanceFragment

  • @ethanasm Sat / Btc conversion display working

  • @lazertazer cleanup & document a bit

  • @zhan307 Fixed can not shared address bug

  • @zhan307 Embded bitcoin graph

  • @ethanasm Number formatting on balance page + web widget uses Bitstamp price

  • @ethanasm Sending functionality now working

New Issues

  • @ethanasm Two exceptions from app.sync() #12

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