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@Entity, @Transient, @UniqueConstraint, @GenerationType, @Id, @Index, @SequenceGenerator, @GeneratedValue, @Table, @Column, @TableGenerator
@FKey 用于定义外键,其中的ddl参数用于指明这个FKey外键是否参与DDL输出,默认值为true
@SingleIndex 用于定义只针对单例有效的索引,相比于标准的@Index标签,在单个例上定义索引用起来更方便。
@SingleUnique 用于定义只针对单例有效的唯一约束
@SingleFKey 用于定义只针对单例有效的外键约束
public class AnnotationTest extends TestBase {
@Table(name = "testpo", //
uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "field1" }),
@UniqueConstraint(name = "unique_cons2", columnNames = { "field1", "field2" }) }, //
indexes = { @Index(columnList = "field1,field2", unique = true),
@Index(name = "index_cons2", columnList = "field1,field2", unique = false) }//
@SequenceGenerator(name = "seqID1", sequenceName = "seqName1", initialValue = 1, allocationSize = 10)
@TableGenerator(name = "tableID1", table = "table1", pkColumnName = "pkCol1", valueColumnName = "vcol1", pkColumnValue = "pkcolval1", initialValue = 2, allocationSize = 20)
@FKey(name = "fkey1", ddl=true, columns = { "field1", "field2" }, refs = { "Entity1", "field1", "field2" })
@FKey1(columns = { "field2", "field3" }, refs = { "Entity1", "field1", "field2" })
public static class Entity2 {
@SequenceGenerator(name = "seqID2", sequenceName = "seqName2", initialValue = 2, allocationSize = 20)
@TableGenerator(name = "tableID2", table = "table2", pkColumnName = "pkCol1", valueColumnName = "vcol1", pkColumnValue = "pkcolval1", initialValue = 2, allocationSize = 20)
@Column(columnDefinition = TypeUtils.VARCHAR, length = 20)
public String field1;
@Column(name = "field2", nullable = false, columnDefinition = TypeUtils.BIGINT)
public String field2;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE, generator = "CUST_GEN")
@Column(name = "field3", nullable = false, columnDefinition = TypeUtils.BIGINT)
@SingleFKey(name = "singleFkey1", ddl=true, refs = { "Entity1", "field1" })
public Integer field3;
public Integer field4;
public String field5;
public static void config(TableModel tableModel) {
//getter & Setter
public void ddlOutTest() {
String[] dropAndCreateDDL = Dialect.H2Dialect.toDropAndCreateDDL(ModelUtils.entity2Model(Entity1.class, Entity2.class));
for (String ddl : dropAndCreateDDL)
alter table testpo drop constraint singleFkey1
alter table testpo drop constraint fkey1
alter table testpo drop constraint fk_testpo_field2_field3
drop table table2 if exists
drop table table1 if exists
drop sequence if exists seqName2
drop sequence if exists seqName1
drop table Entity1 if exists
drop table testpo if exists
create table Entity1 ( field1 varchar(255),field2 varchar(255))
create table testpo ( field1 varchar(20),field2 bigint not null,field3 bigint not null,field5 varchar(255),field6 float,changedfield7 double,newField9 varchar(10), primary key (field1))
create unique index IX_testpo_field1_field2 on testpo (field1,field2)
create index index_cons2 on testpo (field1,field2)
create index IX_testpo_field3 on testpo (field3)
alter table testpo add constraint UK_testpo_field1 unique (field1)
alter table testpo add constraint unique_cons2 unique (field1,field2)
alter table testpo add constraint UK_testpo_field3 unique (field3)
create sequence seqName1 start with 1 increment by 10
create sequence seqName2 start with 2 increment by 20
create table table1 (pkCol1 varchar(100),vcol1 bigint )
create table table2 (pkCol1 varchar(100),vcol1 bigint )
alter table testpo add constraint fk_testpo_field2_field3 foreign key (field2,field3) references Entity1 (field1,field2)
alter table testpo add constraint fkey1 foreign key (field1,field2) references Entity1 (field1,field2)
alter table testpo add constraint singleFkey1 foreign key (field3) references Entity1 (field1)