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Yong Zhu edited this page Jan 20, 2018
2 revisions
According current dialect,use paginate method can translate a normal SQL to paginated SQL:
DataSource dataSource= new HikariDataSource();//DataSource
dataSource.setJdbcUrl("...");// Jdbc settings
Dialect d=Dialect.guessDialect(dataSource); //Guess dialect from DataSource
//Dialect d=Dialect.guessDialect(connection); //From connection,does not close connection
//Dialect d=Dialect.MySQL5Dialect; //Or assign a dialect
String result=d.paginate(3, 10, "select * from users where age>?"); //Let's rock it!
paginate method, first parameter is page number, second parameter is page size.
in MySQL5Dialect, result is: "select * from users where age>? limit 20, 10"
in Oracle8iDialect, result is: "select * from ( select row_.*, rownum rownum_ from ( select * from users where age>? ) row_ ) where rownum_ <= 30 and rownum_ > 20"
in Oracle12cDialect, result is: "select * from users where age>? offset 20 rows fetch next 10 rows only"
in Sybase11Dialect, get a DialectExcepiton with message: "Sybase11Dialect" does not support physical pagination
Some databases do not support pagination, for detial see excel file DatabaseDialects.xlsin root folder.