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This repo contains materials for CSET's fields of study pipeline, which predicts the relevance of scientific documents to research concepts. For more background, see:

This involves the following:

  1. Our starting point is our merged corpus of publications, specifically its English-language text. We use it to learn FastText and tf-idf word vectors.

  2. The second fundamental input is a taxonomy that defines fields of study, in a hierarchy of broad areas like "computer science" and more granular subfields like "machine learning". We derived the top level of this taxonomy from the taxonomy previously used by MAG, and create the lower layers ourselves (as described in the paper). For current purposes it's static. We call this the field taxonomy.

  3. For each field in the taxonomy, we have various associated text extracted from Wikipedia (pages and their references). Using this field content and the word vectors learned from the merged corpus, we create embeddings for each field. We refer to these as FastText and tf-idf field embeddings.

  4. We then identify in the field content every mention of another field. (For instance, the "computer science" content mentions "artificial intelligence," "machine learning," and many other fields.) The averages of the FastText field embeddings for these mentioned fields are the entity embeddings for each field.

  5. Next, for each English publication in the merged corpus we create publication embeddings. Specifically, for each publication a FastText embedding, tf-idf embedding, and FastText field mention embedding (as immediately above, but for fields mentioned in the publication text).

  6. Lastly, scoring: we compute the cosine similarities of the embeddings for publications and fields. This yields up to three cosine similarity (FastText, tf-idf, and mention FastText) for a publication-field pair. We average them to get a publication's field score.



git clone --recurse-submodules

On Linux with Python 3.8.10 via Miniconda, pip-install the requirements file:

cd fields-of-study-pipeline
~/miniconda3/bin/python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
pip install -r requirements.txt

Some assets are large, so we're using dvc. GitHub is responsible for tracking the asset metadata in .dvc files and DVC stores the assets themselves in GCS. Retrieve them with dvc pull.

dvc pull
cd assets/scientific-lit-embeddings/ && dvc pull && cd ../..


We have an instance named fields in us-east1-c. It's set up as above.

DVC is backed by storage in the gs://fields-of-study-model bucket. When retrieving the merged corpus (fos/ we use the field_model_replication BQ dataset and the gs://fields-of-study bucket.


Retrieve English text in our merged corpus:

# writes 'assets/corpus/{lang}_corpus-*.jsonl.gz'
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ en

Embed the publication text:

# reads 'assets/corpus/{lang}_corpus-*.jsonl.gz'
# writes 'assets/corpus/{lang}_embeddings.jsonl'
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ en

Calculate field scores from the publication embeddings:

# reads 'assets/corpus/{lang}_embeddings.jsonl'
# writes 'assets/corpus/{lang}_scores.tsv'
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ en

Alternatively, embed + score without writing the publication embeddings to the disk:

# reads 'assets/corpus/{lang}_corpus-*.jsonl.gz'
# writes 'assets/corpus/{lang}_scores.jsonl'
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ en

Project workflow

1. Merged corpus text and word vectors

We start by retrieving English in the merged corpus.

PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ en

We learned English FastText and tf-idf vectors from these corpora. Documentation for this is in assets/scientific-lit-embeddings.

Outputs (annually):

  • FastText vectors: assets/en_merged_fasttext.bin
  • tf-idf vectors and vocab: assets/en_merged_tfidf.bin and TODO

Outputs (~weekly):

  • Preprocessed corpus: assets/corpus/en_corpus-*.jsonl.gz

2. Field taxonomy

The field taxonomy defines fields of study: their names, the parent/child relations among fields, and other metadata. At time of writing, we're using a field taxonomy derived from MAG. In the future, we might extend or otherwise update the taxonomy.

Outputs (static):

  • wiki-field-text/fields.tsv

3. Field content and embeddings

For each field in the field taxonomy, we identified associated text (page content and references) in Wikipedia. This is documented in the wiki-field-text repo. Using this content and the word vectors learned from the merged corpus, we created embeddings for each field.

Outputs (annually):

  • FastText field embeddings: assets/en_field_fasttext.bin
  • tf-idf field embeddings: assets/en_field_tfidf.bin

4. Entity embeddings

We identify in the field content every mention of another field. For instance, the "computer science" content mentions "artificial intelligence," "machine learning," etc. We average over the FastText embeddings for mentioned fields to generate FastText entity embeddings. This is documented in the wiki-field-text repo.

Outputs (annually):

  • FastText entity embeddings: assets/en_field_mention_fasttext.bin

5. Publication embedding

We embed each English publication in the preprocessed corpora (1) using the FastText and tf-idf vectors (2), and by averaging the entity embeddings (3) for each field mentioned in the publication text.

PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ en

Outputs (~weekly):

  • Publication embeddings: assets/corpus/{lang}_embeddings.jsonl

6. Field scoring

For publication-field pairs, we take the cosine similarity of the publication and field embeddings, and then average over these cosine similarities yielding field scores.

PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/ en

Outputs (~weekly):

  • Publication field scores: assets/corpus/{lang}_scores.jsonl

Airflow deployment

To add new queries to the sequence that is run after scores are ingested into BQ, add the query to the sql directory and put the filename in query_sequence.txt in the position the query should be run. You can reference the staging and production datasets in your query using {{staging_dataset}} and {{production_dataset}}. Because the production dataset contains old data until the sequence of queries finishes running, you normally want to reference the staging dataset.

To update the artifacts used by airflow, run bash

To view the dag, visit this link. To trigger a run on only new or modified data, trigger the dag without configuration parameters. To rerun on all data, trigger the dag with the configuration {"rerun": true}.


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Contributors 4
