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Building a ML Classification application with Gramex

Table of Contents

  1. Workshop steps
  2. For organizers
  3. For participants

Workshop steps

Step 1 - Setup and Installation

To install gramex and its dependencies, please see the installation guide.

Step 2 - Overview

Workshop Outline

The workshop content is prepared for 1.5 hrs.

Section Content Duration
Introduction Gramex intro, controlling data with URL params 20 mins
Build an ML app Use snippets and build the application step-by-step 50 mins
Q&A, Support Q&A session, help the participants 10 mins
Possibilities Other ML applications, Email alerts, Charts, Screenshots, Admin module 10 mins

For workshop organizers

Please review the instructions on how this workshop content is put together at

What to say

  • How Gramex can help build custom applications with interactions, and charts
  • How to use Gramex to build ML as a service
  • Continue with content in

In the workshop, participants will learn how to create API endpoints for data and ML services.

Run locally or on cloud

  • To set up and use this application locally, see the file.
  • To set up on cloud, read file.
  • To learn how this app was built, see the tutorial.

For workshop participants

Audience and prerequisites

The workshop is intended for developers who are new to Gramex.


  • Participants are expected to be comfortable with programming (intro-level HTML, JavaScript, Python).

Objective of the workshop

Participants will get familiar with few Gramex components: back-end configuration via YAML, writing front-end (JavaScript) code.

At the end of the workshop

Participants will get familiar with different utilities in Gramex to

  • handle data (using FormHandler)
  • run arbitrary functions (using FunctionHandler)
  • customize components (using UIComponents)
    • add a utility to upload files (using UploadHandler)
    • add an interactive table (using g1 FormHandler)
    • productionize machine learning models
      • add endpoints to control machine learning classification algorithms in the UI
      • in the backend, explore how to use scikit-learn on-the-fly

View the live version of the application at
