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Kang-min Liu edited this page Jun 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Perlbrew Release 0.76

0.76 is released at 2016-06-21T23:02:44+0200 with the following changes:

Special thanks to Alexey Melezhik for the intergation with [Sparrow project][]

Notably thi is the first version of perlbrew to non-p5p perl releases. The cperl installation works only with the versions mentioned in cperl releases page at [][]. perlbrew recognize the name format "cperl-" as a convention for installing cperl. So this will do the trick:

perlbrew install cperl-5.22.3

This naming convention is sufficient for now and it'll probably be sufficient for a while.

Notice that after switching to a cperl installation:

perlbrew using cperl-5.22.3

The command perl is then hashed to cperl. By default, cperl releases install the main interpreter under the name cperl but not perl. However, with perlbrew, only one installations can be activated anyway, so we symlinked cperl to perl for convienence. If this turns out to be causing more troubles then its benifit, we might revert this decision.

According to the [perl11 project][], cperl runs all CPAN code, so we expected minimum amonut of issues from activating it. For different perl-ish releases that we wish to support (for eg, perlito5) it'll be different stories.

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