sfdx-hardis v2.3.0
- hardis:work:save: Do not git add manifest files when they have not been updated
- Select type of org to connect: enhance label
- Multi-Select default to 9999 items displayed
- Display tips about deployment failures when they happen
- Create scratch org: When DeferSharingCalc in features, suspend and resume sharing calc during force:source:push
- Allow to define a file
to split the deployment into separate package.xml files
"packages": [
"label": "SharingRulesAccount",
"packageXmlFile": "splits/packageXmlSharingRulesAccount.xml",
"order": 10,
"waitAfter": 60
"label": "SharingRulesVisit__c",
"packageXmlFile": "splits/packageXmlSharingRulesAccountVisit__c.xml",
"order": 10