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Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions

Published at IJCAI 2022

This piece of software provides tools for set function Fourier analysis. Details can be found in the following paper:

Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions
Jakob Weissteiner, Chris Wendler, Sven Seuken, Ben Lubin, and Markus Püschel.
In Proceedings of the Thirty-first International joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI'22, Vienna, AUT, July 2022.
Full paper version including appendix: [pdf]

If you use this software for academic purposes, please cite the above in your work. Bibtex for this reference is as follows:

  author    = {Weissteiner, Jakob and Wendler, Chris and Seuken, Sven and Lubin, Ben and P{\"u}schel, Markus},
  title     = {Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  year      = {2022},

Specifically, this piece of software enables

i. in Section 3.1

to analyse the spectral energy distribution in three different Fourier domains: FT3, FT4, and WTH of your own set function $v:\{0,1\}^m\to \mathbb{R}$ (note that $v(\cdot)$ does not necessarily has to be a bidder's value function but can be an arbitrary set function).

ii. in Section 3.2

to apply set function Fourier analysis to combinatorial auctions and compute the outcome of the HYBRID mechanisms and MLCA, which are described in detail in the paper Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions.

1. Requirements

  • Python 3.7
  • Java 8 (or later)
    • Java environment variables set as described here
  • JAR-files ready (they should already be)
    • CPLEX (>=12.8.0): The file cplex.jar (for 12.10.0) is provided in the folder lib.
    • SATS (>=0.7.0): The file sats-0.7.0.jar is provided in the folder lib.
  • CPLEX Python API installed as described here
  • Make sure that your version of CPLEX is compatible with the cplex.jar file in the folder lib.

2. Dependencies

Prepare your python environment (whether you do that with conda, virtualenv, etc.) and enter this environment. You need to install Cython manually before to make sure the following command works.

Using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Example installation using conda

conda create -n ica python=3.7
conda activate ica
conda install openjdk
pip install cython
pip install -r requirements.txt

4. How to run

4.1 Spectral Energy Analysis of Set Functions

Let $M:=\{1,\ldots,m\}$ denote the ground set (e.g., number of items in a combinatorial auctions), and let

$$\large v:\{0,1\}^m \to \mathbb{R}$$

denote the corresponding set function (e.g., a bidder's value functions for sets/bundles of items). Note that we identify the input sets here with their corresponding indicator vectors, e.g., for $M=\{1,2,3\}$ the set $A=\{1,3\}$ can be equivalently represented as indicator vector $x_A=(1,0,1)$, and thus we use as domain of $v$ $\{0,1\}^m$ instead of $2^M$ (i.e., the powerset of $M$).

Then the spectral energy of $v(\cdot)$ for cardinality $d\in M$ w.r.t to a set function Fourier transform $F$ is defined as

$$ \sum_{y\in \{0,1\}^m: |y| = d} \phi_{v}(y)^2 {\Huge /} \sum_{y\in \{0,1\}^m} \phi_{v}(y)^2$$

where $\phi_{v}(y)$ denotes the Fourier coefficient corresponding to $F$ at frequency $y$ (see Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions, Section 3 and Section 5.1).

To analyze the spectral energy distribution of the set function $v:\{0,1\}^m\to \mathbb{R}$ of your choice go to the file, set the size of the ground set $m$ and define your set function $v$ as a python function which gets as input a list of length $m$, i.e., below, instead of "..." enter the desired parameters and uncomment.

# %% Define Set Function v: 2^M -> R_+ for spectral analysis

    # %% Define Set Function v: 2^M -> R_+ for spectral analysis

    # YOUR SET FUNCTION v: (uncomment if you use your own set function)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # m = ...
    # def v(x):
    #    return ...
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # evaluate v at empty and full bundle (i.e, set).
    print('\n\nCheck set function v:')
    print(f'v((0,...,0))) = {v([0]*m):6.2f}')
    print(f'v((1,...,1))) = {v([1]*m):.2f}')

Note that as an example, we provide various bidders' value functions $v$ from the spectrum auction test suite (SATS). To define a bidder's value function, choose below the sats_value_model, the sats_bidder_type and the seed. If you define your own set function as outlined above, you need to comment this part.

# %% Define Set Function v: 2^M -> R_+ for spectral analysis

    # YOUR SET FUNCTION v: (uncomment if you use your own set function)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # m = ...
    # def v(x):
    #    return ...
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # EXAMPLE LSVM (or GSVM) NATIONAL (or REGIONAL) BIDDER (comment if you use your set function):
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # For this example we use as set function v the national bidder from the SATS domain LSVM.

    # SELECT **********************
    sats_value_model = 'LSVM' # select from 'GSVM' and 'LSVM'
    sats_bidder_type = 'national' # select from 'regional' and 'national'
    seed = 1
    # *****************************
    if sats_value_model == 'LSVM':
        SATS_auction_instance = PySats.getInstance().create_lsvm(seed=seed, isLegacyLSVM=True)
        bidder_type_to_id_mapping = {'regional':[1,2,3,4,5],'national':[0]}
        bidder_id = random.sample(bidder_type_to_id_mapping[sats_bidder_type],1)[0]
    elif sats_value_model == 'GSVM':
        SATS_auction_instance = PySats.getInstance().create_gsvm(seed=seed, isLegacyGSVM=True)
        bidder_type_to_id_mapping = {'regional':[0,1,2,3,4,5],'national':[6]}
        bidder_id = random.sample(bidder_type_to_id_mapping[sats_bidder_type],1)[0]
        raise NotImplementedError(f'sats_value_model:{sats_value_model}')

    m = len(SATS_auction_instance.get_good_ids()) # number of items (size pof ground set); works up to m=32
    # create set function v, which gets as input a indicator list of size m, representing the set, and outputs a real number.
    def v(x):
        return SATS_auction_instance.calculate_value(bidder_id=bidder_id,

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # evaluate v at empty and full bundle (i.e, set).
    print('\n\nCheck set function v:')
    print(f'v((0,...,0))) = {v([0]*m):6.2f}')
    print(f'v((1,...,1))) = {v([1]*m):.2f}')

Once the set function $v$ is defined, run

$ python

to analyze the spectral energy distribution of $v$ (see Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions, Figure 1).

This will create the following console output:

Check set function v:
v((0,...,0))) =   0.00
v((1,...,1))) = 489.14

1. creating indicators...
elapsed time: 0d 0h:0m:2s (14:42 21-06-2022)

2. calculate full set function v...
elapsed time: 0d 0h:1m:28s (14:44 21-06-2022)

3. calculate Fourier transforms...
calculate WHT...
elapsed time: 0d 0h:0m:2s (14:44 21-06-2022)
calculate FT3...
elapsed time: 0d 0h:0m:1s (14:44 21-06-2022)
calculate FT4...
elapsed time: 0d 0h:0m:1s (14:44 21-06-2022)

4. saving Fourier transforms...

5. plot spectral energy distribution...
saved as spectral_analysis-energy-distribution-plot.pdf)

and it will save

  1. the spectral energy distribution plot as spectral_analysis-energy-distribution-plot.pdf
  2. the elapsed times fo the algorithm's steps as spectral_analysis-elapsed-times.json
  3. the computed result dictionary as spectral_analysis-results.pkl
results_dict = {'m':m,

where v_vec is the vector of size $2^m$ representing the (whole) set function $v$ and v_wht, v_ft3, and v_ft4 are the corresponding vectors representing the Fourier transforms WTH, FT3, and FT4 of $v$ (see Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions, Section 3).


Note that this software currently only works up to $m\approx30$. Calculating the exact Fourier transforms for $m>30$ requires using sparse FT algorithms instead.

4.2 Iterative Combinatorial Auction Mechanisms

To run any of the three hybrid mechanisms: HYBRID, HYBRID-FR, or HYBRID-FR-FA use

$ python

and select the desired world and auction mechanism.

To run MLCA use

$ python


The algorithms for computing FT3 and FT4 sparse approximations was provided to us by the authors of [1]. The algorithm for computing WHT sparse approximations was provided to us by the authors of [2].

[1] Learning Set Functions that are Sparse in Non-Orthogonal Fourier Bases

[2] Efficiently Learning Fourier Sparse Set Functions


Maintained by

Jakob Weissteiner (weissteiner)
E-mail: [email protected]

Chris Wendler (wendlerc)
E-mail: [email protected]


Fourier Analysis-based Iterative Combinatorial Auctions







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