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retrofun edited this page Feb 16, 2025 · 108 revisions

Current core status

This spreadsheet has a detailed description of all available cores and their features (last update: 12-Nov-2016).


System Docs Binary URL Core Project
Acorn Archimedes documentation binaries
Amstrad CPC documentation binaries FPGAmstrad
Amstrad CPC (alternative) documentation binaries sorgelig
Apogee BK-01 / Radio-86RK documentation binaries sorgelig
Apple I documentation binaries nippur72
Apple II+ documentation binaries Apple2FPGA
Apple II/e documentation binaries AppleII/e
Apple Macintosh documentation binaries PlusToo
Atari 800 documentation binaries foft's thread in AtariAge
Atari ST documentation, 2 binaries MiST original
Atari ST (MiSTery) documentation, 2 binaries MiST original
BBC Micro documentation binaries BBC Micro on FPGA
BK0011M documentation binaries sorgelig
Commodore 16/Plus4 documentation binaries FPGATED
Commodore 64 documentation binaries FPGA64
Commodore Amiga (AGA) documentation binaries minimig-mist AGA
Commodore PET (tba) binaries PET2001
Commodore VIC-20 documentation binaries Arcade Replay
Elan Enterprise documentation binaries ep
Exidy Sorcerer documentation binaries gyurco
HT 1080Z (TRS80 I clone) documentation binaries joco (TRS-80 clone)
LM80C documentation binaries LM80C
Luxor ABC 80 documentation binaries gyurco
Mattel Aquarius (tba) binaries sebdel
Miles Gordon SAM Coupe documentation binaries sorgelig
MSX documentation binaries KdL OneChipMSX
Ondra SPO 186 documentation binaries PetrM1
Oric documentation binaries rampa069
PC (Next186) documentation binaries Next186 SoC PC
PC (XT) documentation binaries, 2 PCXT_MiSTer
Primo documentation binaries joco
Sinclair QL documentation binaries MiST original
Sinclair ZX80/ZX81 documentation binaries ZX8X
Sinclair ZX Spectrum documentation binaries sorgelig
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K (alternative) documentation binaries joco
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next documentation binaries gyurco
Specialist/MX (tba) binaries sorgelig
Tandy TRS-80 Model I documentation binaries sebdel
Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer / Dragon 32/64 documentation binaries CoCo2-FPGA
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A documentation binaries gyurco
TSConf documentation binaries UzixLS
Vector-06C documentation binaries sorgelig
Videoton TVC documentation binaries joco
Vtech Video Technology Laser 350/500/700 documentation binaries nippur72


System Docs Binary URL Core Project
Atari 2600 documentation binaries A2601
Atari 5200 documentation binaries foft's thread in AtariAge
Atari 7800 documentation binaries Atari7800_MiSTer
Bally Astrocade (tba) binaries Arcade Replay
Chip8 documentation binaries FPGA SuperChip
Coleco ColecoVision documentation binaries PACE Colecovision
Emerson Arcadia 2001 documentation binaries Arcadia_MiSTer
Fairchild Channel F documentation binaries ChannelF_MiSTer
Gamate Handheld System documentation binaries Gamate_MiSTer
GCE Vectrex documentation binaries Dar FPGA
Intellivision documentation binaries Intv MiSTer
Interton VC4000 documentation binaries VC4000_MiSTer
NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 documentation binaries FPGAPCE
Nintendo Gameboy TBA binaries MiST Original
Nintendo NES documentation binaries FPGANES, 2
Nintendo SNES documentation binaries gyurco/srg320
Sega Genesis / Megadrive documentation binaries FPGAGEN
Sega Master System documentation binaries Project SMS
SNK Neo Geo MVS/AES documentation binaries NeoGeo_FPGA
Videopac/Odyssey2 (tba) binaries Arcade Replay
Videopac/Odyssey2 (alternative) documentation binaries Videopac-G7000
Watara Supervision documentation binaries SuperVision_MiSTer


Single-game Arcade boards. Setup of the Arcade cores is described here.

System Docs Binary URL Core Project All Cores Single File Download
Gehstock Collection documentation binaries Gehstock Mist_FPGA_Cores repo
Capcom Arcades documentation binaries Jotego jtbin repo
Arcade (mra link) Genre Year Hardware (core [+ mra] link) Arcade Museum
1941 Counter Attack Scrolling Shooter 1990 Capcom CPS 1 6765
1942 Scrolling Shooter 1984 Capcom 6766
1943 Scrolling Shooter 1987 Capcom 6769
1944 The Loop Master (64MB required) Scrolling Shooter 2000 Capcom CPS 2 6770
19XX The War Against Destiny Scrolling Shooter 1995 Capcom CPS 2 6772
280ZZZAP Racing 1976 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 6777
3 Wonders Other 1991 Capcom CPS 1 10089
4-D Warriors Fighting 1985 Sega System 1 Hardware 6785
Ace Attacker Sports 1989 Sega System 16
Action Fighter Shooter 1986 Sega System 16 6810
Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 Trivia/Quiz 1992 Capcom CPS 1 6816
Air Duel (Japan, M72 hardware) Shooter 1990 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 6829
Alex Kidd The Lost Stars Platform 1986 Sega System 16 6845
Ali Baba and 40 Thieves Fighting 1982 Namco Pacman Hardware 6847
Alien Arena Other 1985 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 6850
Alien Syndrome Labyrinth/Maze 1986 Sega System 16B 6857
Alien vs. Predator (64MB required) Fighting 1994 Capcom CPS 2 6858
Aliens Scrolling Fighter 1990 Konami 6859
Altered Beast Scrolling Fighter 1988 Sega System 16B 6873
Amazing Maze Labyrinth/Maze 1976 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 6875
Amidar Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 6883
Ant Eater Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Konami Scramble Hardware 6891
Argus Shooter 1986 Gottlieb Hardware 6913
Arkanoid Ball and Paddle 1986 Taito Arkanoid 6916
Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH Ball and Paddle 1987 Taito 6917
Armed F (Japan) Shooter 1988 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 6923
Armored Car Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 6926
Armored Warriors (64MB required) Scrolling Fighter 1994 Capcom CPS 2 6927
Astropal Shooter 1980 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware
Aurail Shooter 1990 Sega System 16B 6974
Azurian Attack Shooter 1982 Namco Galaxian Hardware 6982
Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja Scrolling Fighter 1988 Data East 6991
Bagman Platform 1982 Bagman Hardware 6995
BalloonBomber Shooter 1980 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 7004
Bank Panic Shooter 1985 Sega Bank Panic Hardware 7012
Battle Circuit (64MB required) Scrolling Fighter 1997 Capcom CPS 2 7038
Battle of Atlantis Shooter 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 7048
Bay Route Scrolling Fighter 1989 Sega System 16B 7060
Beastie Feastie (Pac-Man Conversion) Labyrinth/Maze 1984 Namco Pacman Hardware 7066
Berzerk Shooter 1980 Berzerk Hardware 7096
Big Kong Platform 1981 Crazy Climber Hardware 7107
Bionic Commando Scrolling Fighter 1987 Capcom 7123
Birdiy Skill 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware 7128
Black Hole Shooter 1980 Namco Galaxian Hardware 7134
Black Tiger Scrolling Fighter 1987 Capcom 7138
Blade Master Scrolling Fighter 1991 Irem M92 Hardware 7140
Blasto Shooter 1978 Gremlin Blockade Hardware 7147
Block Block Puzzle 1991 Capcom 7153
Block Buster Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Kiwako MrJong 18579
Block Gal Ball and Paddle 1987 Sega System 1 Hardware 7156
Blockade Skill 1976 Gremlin Blockade Hardware 7160
BlueShark Shooter 1978 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 7173
Body Slam Sports 1986 Sega System 16 7177
Bombjack Platform 1984 Tehkan Bombjack 7180
Boothill Shooter 1977 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 7193
Botanic Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Bagman Hardware
Boulder Dash - Boulder Dash Part 2 Labyrinth/Maze 1990 Data East 7199
BowlingAlley Sports 1979 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 12861
Brain Scrolling Shooter 1986 Sega System 1 Hardware 7210
Bubble Bobble Platform 1986 Taito 7222
Bubbles Platform 1982 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 7226
Bull Fight Skill 1984 Sega System 1 Hardware 7231
Bullet Scrolling Shooter 1987 Sega System 16B 12798
Burger Time Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Data East Burger Time Hardware 7238
Burnin Rubber Racing 1982 Data East Burger Time Hardware 7241
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Scrolling Fighter 1992 Capcom CPS 1.5 7255
Calipso Platform 1982 Konami Scramble Hardware 7261
Canyon Bomber Shooter 1977 Atari 6502 Black & White Raster Hardware 7265
Capcom Sports Club Sports 1997 Capcom CPS 2 12716
Capcom World Trivia/Quiz 1989 Capcom 6815
Capitol Shooter 1981 Phoenix Hardware 18888
Captain Commando Scrolling Fighter 1991 Capcom CPS 1 7276
Carrier Air Wing Shooter 1990 Capcom CPS 1 7287
Catacomb Shooter 1982 Namco Galaxian Hardware
Centipede Shooter 1980 Atari Centipede Hardware 7299
Checkmate Skill 1977 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 7320
Chelnov - Atomic Runner Platform 1988 Data East 7323
Chewing Gum Gambling Namco Galaxian Hardware
Choplifter Shooter 1985 Sega System 1 Hardware 7333
Clean Sweep Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Namco Galaxian Hardware
CoMotion Labyrinth/Maze 1977 Gremlin Blockade Hardware 7378
Colony 7 Shooter 1981 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 7367
Combat Hawk Shooter 1987 Sega Bank Panic Hardware
Combat School Sports 1987 Konami 7373
Commando Scrolling Fighter 1985 Capcom 7376
Commando (SEGA) Shooter 1983 Namco Rally X Hardware 7377
Computer Space Space 1971 Atari Discrete Logic 7381
Congo Bongo Platform 1983 Sega Zaxxon Hardware 7384
Contra Scrolling Fighter 1987 Konami 7389
Cosmic Alien Shooter 1980 Universal Cosmic Hardware 7398
Cosmic Avenger Shooter 1981 Universal Ladybug Hardware 7399
Cosmo Police Galivan Scrolling Fighter 1985 Nichibutsu Galivan Hardware 7896
Cotton Shooter 1989 Sega System 16B 7412
Crater Raider Shooter 1984 Midway MCR Scroll 7423
Crazy Balloon Labyrinth/Maze 1980 Taito Crazy Balloon 7424
Crazy Blocks Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Kiwako MrJong 10668
Crazy Climber Platform 1980 Crazy Climber Hardware 7426
Crazy Climber 2 (Japan) Platform 1988 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 7427
Crazy Kong Platform 1981 Crazy Climber Hardware 7430
Crazy Kong Part II (Alternative Levels) Platform 1981 Crazy Climber Hardware
Crime Fighters Scrolling Fighter 1989 Konami 7437
Crush Roller Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Namco Pacman Hardware 7454
Curve Ball Sports 1984 Gottlieb Hardware 7461
Cyberbots Fullmetal Madness (64MB required) Shooter 1994 Capcom CPS 2 7471
Dark Planet Shooter 1982 Konami Scramble Hardware 7520
Darkstalkers The Night Warriors (64MB required) Fighting 1994 Capcom CPS 2 7524
Defender Shooter 1981 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 7547
Demolition Derby Racing 1984 Midway MCR 3 7551
Devil Fish Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Namco Galaxian Hardware 7574
Dig Dug 2 Labyrinth/Maze 1985 Namco Super Pacman Hardware 7582
Digdug Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Namco Galaga Hardware 7581
Dimahoo (64MB required) Shooter 2000 Capcom CPS 2 7585
Discs of Tron Shooter 1983 Midway MCR 3 7594
Dokaben Sports 1989 Capcom 7602
Domino Man Skill 1983 Midway MCR 2 7603
Dominos Skill 1977 Atari 6502 Black & White Raster Hardware 7604
Donkey Kong Platform 1981 Nintendo Radar Scope Hardware 7610
Donkey Kong (Spanish Crazy Kong Bootleg) Platform 1981 Crazy Climber Hardware
Donkey Kong 3 Platform 1983 Nintendo Radar Scope Hardware 7611
Donkey Kong Jr. Platform 1982 Nintendo Radar Scope Hardware 7612
Dorodon Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Universal Ladybug Hardware 7613
Dottori Kun / Dottori-Man Jr / Mine Sweeper (3in1Game) Labyrinth/Maze 1990 Dottori-Kun Hardware 7614
Double Dragon Scrolling Fighter 1987 Taito 7619
Double Dragon II - The Revenge Scrolling Fighter 1988 Taito 7623
Dr. Toppel's Adventure Shooter 1987 Taito 7633
Dragon Breed (Japan, M72 hardware) Shooter 1989 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 7640
Draw Poker Gambling 1982 Midway MCR 1 7651
Dream Shopper Puzzle 1982 Namco Pacman Hardware 7652
Dream Soccer '94 (Japan) Soccer/Futbol 1994 Irem M92 Hardware 7653
Dungeons & Dragons Shadow over Mystara (64MB required) Scrolling Fighter 1996 Capcom CPS 2 7667
Dungeons & Dragons Tower of Doom Scrolling Fighter 1993 Capcom CPS 2 7668
Dunk Shot Sports 1986 Sega System 16B 7670
Dynamite Dux Fighting 1989 Sega System 16B 7678
Dynasty Wars Scrolling Fighter 1989 Capcom CPS 1 7680
E-Swat - Cyber Police Scrolling Fighter 1989 Sega System 16B 7685
Eco Fighters Shooter 1994 Capcom CPS 2 7690
Eeekk Platform 1984 Namco Pacman Hardware
Eggor Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware 17885
Exed Exes Shooter 1985 Capcom 7730
Express Raider Scrolling Fighter 1985 Data East Express Raider 7735
Extermination Shooter 1987 Taito 7736
Eyes Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Namco Pacman Hardware 7742
F-1 Dream Racing 1988 Capcom 7744
Fantasy Zone Shooter 1985 Sega System 16 7755
Fantasy Zone II Shooter 1987 Sega System 16B 7756
Fast Lane Racing 1987 Konami 7761
Final Fight Scrolling Fighter 1989 Capcom CPS 1 7794
Finalizer Shooter 1985 Konami Finalizer 7804
Flash Point Puzzle 1989 Sega System 16B 7823
Flicky Adventure 1984 Sega System 1 Hardware 7825
Forgotten Worlds Scrolling Fighter 1988 Capcom CPS 1 7842
Freeze Puzzle 1982 Noma Tri-Pool Hardware 7851
Frenzy Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Berzerk Hardware 7853
Frogger Platform 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 7857
Future Spy Shooter 1984 Sega Zaxxon Hardware 7868
Galaga Space 1981 Namco Galaga Hardware 7881
Galaxian Space 1979 Namco Galaxian Hardware 7885
Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M72 hardware) Shooter 1991 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 7899
Ganbare! Marine Kun Shooter 2000 Capcom CPS 1
Gang Busters Shooter 1988 Konami 7908
Gang Wars Scrolling Fighter 1989 Alpha Denshi M68000 Hardware 7909
Gardia Scrolling Shooter 1986 Sega System 1 Hardware 7912
Ghosts'n Goblins Scrolling Fighter 1985 Capcom 7938
Ghouls'n Ghosts Scrolling Fighter 1988 Capcom CPS 1 7939
Giga Wing (64MB required) Shooter 1999 Capcom CPS 2 7942
Gold Medalist Sports 1988 Alpha Denshi M68000 Hardware 7965
Golden Axe Scrolling Fighter 1989 Sega System 16B 7966
Gorkans Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware
Green Beret Scrolling Fighter 1985 Konami Jailbreak Hardware 8007
Grobda Shooter 1984 Namco Super Pacman Hardware 8015
Gulun.Pa! Puzzle 1993 Capcom CPS 1
Gun Force II Shooter 1994 Irem M92 Hardware 10970
Gun Smoke Shooter 1985 Capcom 8042
GunFight Shooter 1975 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 8039
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island Shooter 1991 Irem M92 Hardware 8048
Guzzler Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Crazy Climber Hardware 8056
Gyruss Shooter 1983 Konami Gyruss 8060
Hammerin' Harry (US, M84 hardware) Scrolling Fighter 1990 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 8065
Haunted Castle Scrolling Fighter 1988 Konami 8089
Heavy Barrel Shooter 1987 Data East 8094
Hippodrome Fighting 1989 Data East 8118
Hook Scrolling Fighter 1992 Irem M92 Hardware 8134
Horizon Shooter 1985 Irem M62 Hardware 10968
Hustle Skill 1977 Gremlin Blockade Hardware 8158
Hyper Sports Sports 1984 Konami 8168
Hyper Street Fighter II The Anniversary Edition (64MB required) Fighting 2004 Capcom CPS 2 13720
I'm Sorry Labyrinth/Maze 1985 Sega System 1 Hardware 8171
Ikari III - The Rescue Scrolling Fighter 1989 SNK M68000 Hardware 8179
Image Fight Shooter 1988 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 8181
In The Hunt Shooter 1993 Irem M92 Hardware 8184
Inferno Scrolling Fighter 1984 Williams 6809 rev.2 Hardware 8191
Insector Shooter 1982 Gottlieb Hardware 8193
Insector X Shooter 1988 Taito 8194
Iron Horse Scrolling Fighter 1986 Konami Iron Horse 8206
Jack The Giantkiller Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Noma Tri-Pool Hardware 8217
Jackal Shooter 1986 Konami Jackal 8218
Jailbreak Scrolling Fighter 1985 Konami Jailbreak Hardware 8221
Janpai Puzzle Choukou (64MB required) Puzzle 2001 Capcom CPS 2
Jin Puzzle 1982 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware
Journey Platform 1983 Midway MCR 2 8242
Joust Platform 1982 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 8243
Joust 2 - Survival of the Fittest (revision 2) Platform 1986 Williams 6809 rev.2 Hardware 8244
Jump Shot Sports 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware 8252
Jungler Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Namco Rally X Hardware 8259
Jyangokushi Haoh no Saihai (64MB required) Puzzle 1999 Capcom CPS 2 12727
Kageki Fighting 1988 Taito 8269
Karate Champ Fighting 1984 Data East 8279
Karnov Scrolling Fighter 1987 Data East 8283
Kicker Platform 1985 Konami 8304
Kickman Skill 1981 Midway MCR 1 8298
Kid Niki - Radical Ninja Adventure 1986 Irem M62 Hardware 8305
Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen Labyrinth/Maze 1987 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 13664
King & Balloon Shooter 1981 Namco Galaxian Hardware 8311
King of Dragons Scrolling Fighter 1991 Capcom CPS 1 8313
Knightmare Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Gottlieb Hardware
Knights of the Round Scrolling Fighter 1992 Capcom CPS 1 8333
Konami's Ping-Pong Sports 1985 Konami 8349
Kozmik Kroozr Shooter 1982 Midway MCR 2 8354
Kozure Ookami (Japan) Scrolling Fighter 1987 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 8341
Krull Other 1983 Gottlieb Hardware 8358
Kung-Fu Master Scrolling Fighter 1984 Irem M62 Hardware 8361
Labyrinth Runner Labyrinth/Maze 1987 Konami 8373
Lady Bug Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Universal Ladybug Hardware 8374
Laguna Racer Racing 1977 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 8375
Legend of Hero Tonma (Japan) Adventure 1989 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 8405
Legendary Wings Shooter 1986 Capcom 8411
Legion - Spinner-87 (World ver 2.03) Shooter 1987 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 8413
Lethal Thunder Shooter 1991 Irem M92 Hardware 8421
Lizard Wizard Shooter 1985 Namco Pacman Hardware 8435
Loco-Motion Puzzle 1982 Namco Rally X Hardware 8439
Lode Runner Platform 1984 Irem M62 Hardware 8441
Lode Runner 2 - The Bungling Strikes Back Platform 1984 Irem M62 Hardware 8445
Lode Runner 3 - Majin No Fukkatsu Platform 1985 Irem M62 Hardware 8443
Lode Runner 4 - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu Platform 1986 Irem M62 Hardware 8444
Lost Tomb Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Konami Scramble Hardware 8456
Lotto Fun Skill 1987 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 8460
Lucky Today Gambling 1980 Namco Galaxian Hardware
Lunar Lander Space 1979 Atari Vector 8465
Lunar Rescue Space 1979 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 8466
M.I.A. Missing In Action Scrolling Fighter 1989 Konami 8472
MVP Sports 1987 Sega System 16B 8473
MX5000 Shooter 1987 Konami 8477
Mad Planets Space 1983 Gottlieb Hardware 8489
Magic Sword Scrolling Fighter 1990 Capcom CPS 1 8496
Magical Spot Shooter 1980 Universal Cosmic Hardware 8505
Major League Sports 1985 Sega System 16 8602
Major Title Tournament Leader Sports 1992 Irem M92 Hardware 8604
Mappy Platform 1983 Namco Super Pacman Hardware 8617
Mars Shooter 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 8628
Mars Matrix Hyper Solid Shooting (64MB required) Shooter 2000 Capcom CPS 2 8629
Marvel Super Heroes (64MB required) Fighting 1995 Capcom CPS 2 8634
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (64MB required) Fighting 1997 Capcom CPS 2 8635
Marvel Vs. Capcom Clash of Super Heroes (64MB required) Fighting 1994 Capcom CPS 2 19233
Max RPM Racing 1986 Midway MCR 3 8644
Mayday Space 1981 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 8646
Mega Man Fighting 1995 Capcom CPS 1 8659
Mega Man 2 The Power Fighters Fighting 1996 Capcom CPS 2 13750
Mega Twins Scrolling Fighter 1990 Capcom CPS 1 8660
Mercs Scrolling Fighter 1990 Capcom CPS 1 8667
Midnight Resistance Scrolling Fighter 1989 Data East 8688
Mighty Monkey Platform 1982 Konami Scramble Hardware 8692
Mighty! Pang Platform 2000 Capcom CPS 2 8694
Mikie Labyrinth/Maze 1984 Konami 8696
Millipede Shooter 1982 Atari Centipede Hardware 8698
Minefield Scrolling Shooter 1983 Konami Scramble Hardware 8700
Missile Command Shooter 1980 Atari Missile Command 8715
Mister Viking Scrolling Fighter 1984 Sega System 1 Hardware 8722
Moon Cresta Shooter 1980 Namco Galaxian Hardware 8745
Moon Patrol Platform 1982 Irem M52 Hardware 8747
Moonwar Space 1981 Berzerk Hardware
Moonwar Shooter 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 8752
Motos Puzzle 1985 Namco Super Pacman Hardware 8762
Mr Do Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Universal Mr Do 8767
Mr. Do's Nightmare Labyrinth/Maze 2013 Namco Galaxian Hardware
Mr. Goemon Platform 1986 Konami Jailbreak Hardware 8776
Mr. HELI no Daibouken (Japan) Shooter 1987 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 8777
Mr. Jong Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Kiwako MrJong 8778
Mr. TNT Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware 8780
Ms. Pac-Man Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Namco Pacman Hardware 8782
Muscle Bomber Duo Ultimate Team Battle Sports 1993 Capcom CPS 1.5 8795
My Hero Scrolling Fighter 1985 Sega System 1 Hardware 8800
Mystic Marathon Platform 1984 Williams 6809 rev.2 Hardware 8803
Mystic Riders Shooter 1992 Irem M92 Hardware 8804
Nemo Scrolling Fighter 1990 Capcom CPS 1 8843
New Rally-X Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Namco Rally X Hardware 8855
Night Warriors Darkstalkers Revenge (64MB required) Fighting 1995 Capcom CPS 2 8872
Ninja Baseball Bat Man Scrolling Fighter 1992 Irem M92 Hardware 8876
Ninja Kun Scrolling Fighter 1990 UPL Nova2001_Hardware 8886
Ninja Spirit (Japan) Scrolling Fighter 1988 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 8891
Nova 2001 Space 1984 UPL Nova2001_Hardware 8901
Number Crash Platform 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware
Omega Shooter Namco Galaxian Hardware
Orbitron Shooter 1982 Namco Galaxian Hardware 8930
Out Run Racing 1986 Sega 8938
Ozma Wars Shooter 1979 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 8947
P.O.W. - Prisoners of War Scrolling Fighter 1988 SNK M68000 Hardware 8951
Pac & Pal Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Namco Super Pacman Hardware 8952
Pac Manic Miner Man Platform 2012 Namco Pacman Hardware
Pac-Man Labyrinth/Maze 1980 Namco Pacman Hardware 10816
Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Namco Super Pacman Hardware 8957
Pac-Man Club Labyrinth/Maze 1989 Namco Pacman Hardware
Pac-Man Plus Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Namco Pacman Hardware 8958
Pang Platform 1989 Mitchell 8971
Pang! 3 Platform 1995 Capcom CPS 1 8973
Parodius Da Shooter 1990 Konami 8985
Passing Shot Sports 1988 Sega System 16B 8986
Pengo Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Namco Pacman Hardware 8989
Penguin Kun Wars Shooter 1985 UPL Nova2001_Hardware 8990
Pest Place Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Nintendo Radar Scope Hardware 17933
Phoenix Shooter 1980 Phoenix Hardware 9004
Pickin Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Bagman Hardware 9008
Pirate Ship Higemaru Platform 1984 Capcom 8110
Pisces Shooter 1982 Namco Galaxian Hardware 9030
Pitfall 2 Platform 1985 Sega System 1 Hardware 9036
Playball! Ball and Paddle 1983 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware
Pleiads Shooter 1981 Phoenix Hardware 9045
Pnickies Puzzle 1994 Capcom CPS 1 9050
Pokonyan! Balloon Other 1994 Capcom CPS 1
Ponpoko Platform 1982 Namco Pacman Hardware 9078
Pooyan Shooter 1982 Konami Pooyan 9082
Popeye Platform 1982 Nintendo Popeye Hardware 9090
Power Drive Racing 1987 Midway MCR 3 9100
Power Surge Labyrinth/Maze 1988 Konami Time Pilot Hardware 9114
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 Shooter 1989 SNK M68000 Hardware 9120
Progear (64MB required) Scrolling Shooter 2001 Capcom CPS 2 9136
Puck Man Labyrinth/Maze 1979 Namco Pacman Hardware 9149
Punk Shot Sports 1990 Konami 9157
Puzz Loop 2 (64MB required) Puzzle 2001 Capcom CPS 2 12725
Q'bert (US, Set 1) Platform 1982 Gottlieb Hardware 9182
QBert Qubes Platform 1983 Gottlieb Hardware 9183
Quartet Platform 1986 Sega System 16 9192
Quartet 2 Platform 1986 Sega System 16 9193
Quiz & Dragons Trivia/Quiz 1992 Capcom CPS 1 9198
Quiz Nanairo Dreams Nijiirochou No Kiseki Trivia/Quiz 1996 Capcom CPS 2 9209
Quiz Tonosama No Yabou 2 Trivia/Quiz 1995 Capcom CPS 1 9214
R-Type Space 1987 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 9219
R-Type II Space 1989 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 9220
R-Type Leo Space 1992 Irem M92 Hardware 9221
Radar Scope Space 1980 Nintendo Radar Scope Hardware 9238
Rafflesia Space 1986 Sega System 1 Hardware 9242
Raiders5 Shooter 1985 UPL Nova2001_Hardware 9250
Rally X Labyrinth/Maze 1980 Namco Rally X Hardware 9259
Rampage Platform 1986 Midway MCR 3 9261
Rastan Scrolling Fighter 1987 Taito 9266
Regulus Shooter 1983 Sega System 1 Hardware 9295
Renegade Scrolling Fighter 1986 Taito 9297
Rescue Shooter 1982 Konami Scramble Hardware 9299
Ring of Destruction Slam Masters II (64MB required) Sports 1994 Capcom CPS 2 9322
Riot City Scrolling Fighter 1991 Sega System 16B 9324
River Patrol Platform 1981 Crazy Climber Hardware 9329
Road Fighter Racing 1984 Konami 9335
Robocop Scrolling Fighter 1988 Data East 9343
Robotron 2084 Shooter 1982 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 9347
Roc'n Rope Platform 1983 Konami 9348
Rush'n Attack Scrolling Fighter 1985 Konami Jailbreak Hardware 9382
RyuKyu Puzzle 1990 Sega System 16B
SAR - Search And Rescue Shooter 1989 SNK M68000 Hardware 9394
SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative Shooter 1987 Sega System 16 9396
Sarge Shooter 1985 Midway MCR 3 9433
Satans Hollow Shooter 1982 Midway MCR 2 9436
Saturday Night Slam Masters Sports 1993 Capcom CPS 1.5 9437
ScooterShooter Scrolling Shooter 1985 Konami ScooterShooter 13213
Scramble Shooter 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 9447
Secret Agent Scrolling Shooter 1989 Data East 9463
SectionZ Space 1985 Capcom 9465
Sega Ninja Scrolling Fighter 1985 Sega System 1 Hardware 9473
Sei Senshi Amatelass Shooter 1986 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 6874
Shinobi Scrolling Fighter 1987 Sega System 16 9516
Shot Rider Racing 1985 Irem M52 Hardware 18819
Side Arms - Hyper Dyne Space 1986 Capcom 9537
Silver Land Platform 1981 Crazy Climber Hardware 9547
Sinistar Space 1982 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 9553
Sky Adventure Shooter 1989 Alpha Denshi M68000 Hardware 9563
Sky Robo Scrolling Shooter 1989 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware
Sky Skipper Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Nintendo Popeye Hardware 9575
Sky Soldiers Shooter 1988 Alpha Denshi M68000 Hardware 9577
Snapjack Platform 1981 Universal Ladybug Hardware 9597
Solar Fox Space 1981 Midway MCR 1 9610
SonSon Platform 1984 Capcom SonSon 9620
Sonic Boom Shooter 1987 Sega System 16B 9623
Space Chaser Labyrinth/Maze 1980 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 9644
Space Invaders Space 1978 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 9662
Space Invaders II(Deluxe) Space 1980 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 9668
Space Laser Shooter 1980 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 9672
Space Panic Labyrinth/Maze 1980 Universal Cosmic Hardware 9676
Space Race Space 1973 Atari Discrete Logic
SpaceWalk Space 1978 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 9686
Spatter Labyrinth/Maze 1984 Sega System 1 Hardware 9696
Speed Ball Sports 1985 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 10865
Speed Coin Skill 1984 Konami Scramble Hardware 9706
Speed Rumbler Platform 1986 Capcom 9713
Spelunker Labyrinth/Maze 1985 Irem M62 Hardware 9715
Spelunker 2 Labyrinth/Maze 1985 Irem M62 Hardware 9716
Splat Platform 1982 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 9727
Sprint 2 Racing 1978 Atari 6502 Black & White Raster Hardware 9739
Sprint One Racing 1978 Atari 6502 Black & White Raster Hardware 9738
Spy Hunter Racing 1983 Midway MCR Scroll 9742
Squash Sports 1984 Bagman Hardware
Star Jacker Space 1983 Sega System 1 Hardware 9764
Stargate Space 1981 Williams 6809 rev.1 Hardware 9780
Strategy X Shooter 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 9797
Street Fighter Fighting 1987 Capcom 9803
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (64MB required) Fighting 1996 Capcom CPS 2 9804
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (64MB required) Fighting 1998 Capcom CPS 2 9805
Street Fighter Alpha Warriors Dreams Fighting 1995 Capcom CPS 2 9806
Street Fighter II Fighting 1991 Capcom CPS 1 19451
Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (64MB required) Fighting 1996 Capcom CPS 2 9826
Street Smart Scrolling Fighter 1989 SNK M68000 Hardware 9834
Strider Scrolling Fighter 1989 Capcom CPS 1 9838
Subs Shooter 1977 Atari 6502 Black & White Raster Hardware 9858
Super Bagman Labyrinth/Maze 1984 Bagman Hardware 9863
Super Basketball Sports 1984 Konami 9864
Super Breakout Ball and Paddle 1978 Atari 6502 Black & White Raster Hardware 9873
Super Casino Gambling 1982 Noma Tri-Pool Hardware 9879
Super Champion Baseball Baseball 1989 Alpha Denshi M68000 Hardware 9880
Super Cobra Shooter 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 9883
Super Contra Scrolling Fighter 1988 Konami 9884
Super Earth Invasion Space 1980 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware 9894
Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (64MB required) Fighting 1997 Capcom CPS 2 12322
Super Glob Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware 9900
Super Hang-On Racing 1987 Sega 9901
Super Pacman Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Namco Super Pacman Hardware 9924
Super Pang Shooter 1990 Mitchell 9925
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Puzzle 1996 Capcom CPS 2 9931
Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers Fighting 1993 Capcom CPS 2 9956
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (64MB required) Fighting 1994 Capcom CPS 2 9959
Super Zaxxon Space 1982 Sega Zaxxon Hardware 9976
Superior Soldiers Fighting 1993 Irem M92 Hardware 17802
Swat Shooter 1984 Sega System 1 Hardware 9400
Swimmer Platform 1982 Crazy Climber Hardware 9988
Tactician Space 1981 Namco Rally X Hardware 10008
Tank Battalion Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Namco Tank Battalion 10026
Tapper Platform 1983 Midway MCR 3 12839
Tazz Mania Shooter 1982 Konami Scramble Hardware 10040
TeddyBoy Blues Scrolling Fighter 1985 Sega System 1 Hardware 10048
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Scrolling Fighter 1989 Konami 10052
Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1) Space 1985 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 10077
Terra Force Space 1987 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 10079
Terra Force (Japan, bootleg with additional Z80) Space 1987 Nichibutsu M68000 Hardware 10079
Tetris Gambling 1988 Atari Tetris 10081
Tetris (SEGA) Puzzle 1988 Sega System 16 10082
The Battle Road Shooter 1984 Irem M62 Hardware 7055
The End Shooter 1980 Konami Scramble Hardware 12912
The Final Round Sports 1988 Konami 7802
The Glob (Pac-Man Hardware) Labyrinth/Maze 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware 7952
The New Zealand Story Platform 1988 Taito 8859
The Punisher Scrolling Fighter 1993 Capcom CPS 1.5 9156
The Simpsons Scrolling Fighter 1991 Konami 9550
The Tower of Druaga Labyrinth/Maze 1984 Namco Super Pacman Hardware 10178
Thunder Cross Shooter 1988 Konami 10098
Tiger Road Scrolling Fighter 1987 Capcom 10111
Timber Platform 1984 Midway MCR 3 10113
Time Pilot Shooter 1982 Konami Time Pilot Hardware 10119
Time Pilot '84 Shooter 1984 Konami Time Pilot '84 10120
Time Scanner Video Pinball 1986 Sega System 16B 10122
Time Soldiers Scrolling Fighter 1987 Alpha Denshi M68000 Hardware 10123
Tip Top Platform 1983 Sega Zaxxon Hardware 10128
Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier Scrolling Fighter 1987 Sega System 1 Hardware 7336
Tokio - Scramble Formation Shooter 1986 Taito 10136
Toryumon Puzzle 1994 Sega System 16B
Tough Turf Scrolling Fighter 1989 Sega System 16B 10172
Track & Field Sports 1983 Konami 10180
Traverse USA Racing 1983 Irem M52 Hardware 10185
Tri-Pool Other 1981 Noma Tri-Pool Hardware 10994
Trick Trap Labyrinth/Maze 1987 Konami 10189
Triple Draw Poker Gambling 1983 Namco Galaxian Hardware
Trojan Scrolling Fighter 1986 Capcom 10202
Tron Other 1982 Midway MCR 2 10204
Tropical Angel Sports 1983 Irem M57 Hardware 10205
Turbo Out Run (Decrypted ROMs required) Racing 1989 Sega 10218
Turbo Tag Platform 1985 Midway MCR Scroll 10220
Turkey Shoot Shooter 1984 Williams 6809 rev.2 Hardware 10222
Turtles Labyrinth/Maze 1981 Konami Scramble Hardware 10226
Two Tigers (Tron Conversion) Shooter 1984 Midway MCR 2 10242
Tylz Labyrinth/Maze 1984 Gottlieb Hardware
U.N. Squadron Scrolling Shooter 1989 Capcom CPS 1 10247
Ufo Robo Dangar Shooter 1986 Nichibutsu Galivan Hardware 19564
Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan Shooter 1988 Sega System 1 Hardware 10253
Ultra Tank Shooter 1978 Atari 6502 Black & White Raster Hardware 10261
Undercover Cops Scrolling Fighter 1992 Irem M92 Hardware 10266
Uniwars Space 1980 Namco Galaxian Hardware 10268
Up'n Down Racing 1983 Sega System 1 Hardware 10273
Vampire Hunter 2 Darkstalkers Revenge (64MB required) Fighting 1997 Capcom CPS 2 10285
Vampire Savior 2 The Lord of Vampire (64MB required) Fighting 1997 Capcom CPS 2 10287
Vampire Savior The Lord of Vampire (64MB required) Fighting 1997 Capcom CPS 2 10288
Van Van Car Platform 1983 Namco Pacman Hardware 10291
Varth Operation Thunderstorm Shooter 1992 Capcom CPS 1 10297
Vendetta Scrolling Fighter 1991 Konami 10300
Victory Shootem up 1982 Namco Galaxian Hardware 20315
Vigilante Scrolling Fighter 1988 Irem 10317
Vortex Space 1980 Midway / Taito 8080 Hardware
Vulgus Space 1984 Capcom 10382
Wacko Shooter 1983 Midway MCR 2 10390
War of Bugs Shooter 1981 Namco Galaxian Hardware 10400
Warriors of Fate Scrolling Fighter 1992 Capcom CPS 1.5 10410
Water Match Sports 1984 Sega System 1 Hardware 10412
Willow Scrolling Fighter 1989 Capcom CPS 1 10437
Wonder Boy Platform 1986 Sega System 1 Hardware 10463
Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair Adventure 1989 Sega System 16B 10466
Wonder Boy in Monster Land Adventure 1987 Sega System 1 Hardware 10464
Wonder Planet (Japan) Shooter 1987 Data East 10468
Woodpecker Platform 1981 Namco Pacman Hardware 13320
Wrestle War Sports 1989 Sega System 16B 10493
X Multiply (Japan, M72 hardware) Shooter 1989 Irem M72-M84 Hardware 10495
X-Men Children of the Atom (64MB required) Scrolling Fighter 1994 Capcom CPS 2 10498
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (64MB required) Scrolling Fighter 1996 Capcom CPS 2 10497
Xevious Shooter 1982 Namco Galaga Hardware 10505
Yamato Shooter 1983 Crazy Climber Hardware 10512
Yie Ar Kung-Fu Fighting 1985 Konami 10513
Youjyudn Scrolling Shooter 1986 Irem M62 Hardware 18628
Zaxxon Space 1982 Sega Zaxxon Hardware 12757
Zig Zag Labyrinth/Maze 1982 Namco Galaxian Hardware 10532
Zzyzzyxx Platform 1982 Noma Tri-Pool Hardware 10547

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