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Restore Dakuten and Hakuten Mechanic to Graphic Accentuation ( ´ , ^ , etc.)
To do: Nickname Screen support.
Code edited from Japanese release (pokered-jp (luckytyphlosion)).
This method is simpler to code and understand. However, unless you add some new control characters (in the same way that, say, $54 is set to print out POKé), you'll have to add the accentation mark before the letter you're trying to accentuate (like À = `a).
dict "<TARGET>", PlaceMoveTargetsName
dict "<USER>", PlaceMoveUsersName
+ cp "´"
+ jr z, .placeCombiningChar
+ cp "^"
+ jr z, .placeCombiningChar
+ cp "`"
+ jr z, .placeCombiningChar
+ cp "~"
+ jr z, .placeCombiningChar
+ cp "*1" ; ponto do "j"
+ jr z, .placeCombiningChar
+ cp "*2" ; ponto do "i" e "l"
+ jr z, .placeCombiningChar
+ cp "¨"
+ jr nz, .placeChar
+ push hl
+ ld bc, -SCREEN_WIDTH
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ pop hl
+ jr NextChar
ld [hli], a
call PrintLetterDelay
inc de
jp PlaceNextChar
charmap "'v", $bf
+ charmap "´", $c0
+ charmap "^", $c1
+ charmap "`", $c2
+ charmap "~", $c3
+ charmap "¨", $c4
+ charmap "*1", $c5 ; "j"
+ charmap "*2", $c6 ; "i" e "l"
+ charmap "ç", $c7
+ charmap "Ç", $c8
charmap "'", $e0
To add accents in letters, you need to put the accents before the letter:
- text "Hello there!"
- line "Welcome to the"
- cont "world of #MON!"
- para "My name is OAK!"
- line "People call me"
- cont "the #MON PROF!"
+ text "O*2l´a `a todos!"
+ line "Se*1ja bem-v*2indo"
+ cont "ao MUNDO POK´EMON!"
+ para "Meu nome ´e JO~AO!"
+ line "Pessoas me chamam"
+ cont "de L*2ing¨u*2iça!"
text "Do you want to"
- line "give a nickname"
+ line "g*2ive a n*2ickname"
cont "to @"
text_ram wcd6d
text "?"
assert_table_length NUM_TWO_OPTION_MENUS
db "NO"
next "YES@"
- db "YES"
- next "NO@"
+ db "SIM"
+ next "N~AO@"
db "NORTH"
next "WEST@"
This is a method that the original Japanese developers have used to create the (han)dakuten accenting system in Pocket Monsters Red and Green. This system, for some reason, was scrubbed out of the other-region releases.
For starters, edit gfx/font/font.png
. For example:
These can be in different locations, just make sure not to overwrite a tile you used. For best results, have a 1-pixel gap at the bottom of the tile.
Now that that's done, we can move on to the character map. In constants/charmap.asm
add your characters like so:
charmap "<NULL>", $00
+; add your characters from $01 to $48
+ charmap "Á", $10
+ charmap "É", $14
+ charmap "Í", $18
+ charmap "Ó", $1d
+ charmap "Ú", $24
+ charmap "À", $30
+ charmap "È", $34
+ charmap "Ì", $38
+ charmap "Ò", $3d
+ charmap "Ù", $44
charmap "<PAGE>", $49
charmap "'v", $bf
+ charmap "`", $c0 ; this'll make our life
+ charmap "~", $c1 ; easier in step num. 3
charmap "'", $e0
Make sure you position your accented tiles so that, when we add the correct value later, we get the accent-less versions of these characters. There might be an issue in adding the lowercase tiles, but they don't work with the accents anyway.
Now, if you build this without any extra code, it won't appear correctly. That's because we haven't actually told the game what to do with these new tiles. To do that, we need to add code.
In home/text.asm
dict "<USER>", PlaceMoveUsersName
+ cp "`"
+ jr z, .upper_line
+ cp "~"
+ jr nz, .determine_accented_character
ld [hli], a
call PrintLetterDelay
+ push hl
+ ld bc, -SCREEN_WIDTH
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ pop hl
+ jr NextChar
+ cp "<PAGE>" ; anything above $49 (<PAGE>) treated as a normal character
+ jr nc, .normal_chr
+ cp "Ù" ; anything between $30 (À) and $44 (Ù) treated as reverse-accented
+ jr nc, .reverse_accent_chr
+ cp "Ú" ; anything between $10 (Á) and $24 (Ú) treated as accented
+ jr nc, .accent_chr
+ add a, $50
+ push af
+ ld a, "`"
+ jr .cont1
+ add a, $70
+ push af
+ ld a, "~"
+ push hl
+ ld bc, -SCREEN_WIDTH
+ add hl, bc
+ ld [hl], a
+ pop hl
+ pop af
+ jr .normal_chr
+ ld [hli], a
+ call PrintLetterDelay
(The code above is untested, please fix if needed)
And voila! You now should have the accented marks in your game.