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Aris Thallas edited this page May 17, 2016 · 4 revisions

RAPP Email provides an interface to allow users to handle their email accounts. It provides two services; fetch user's emails and send new email. The receive email service supports the IMAP protocol and the send mail the classic SMTP protocol. RAPP Email does not implement an email server and requires the user to have his own email provider who allows connections to the IMAP and SMTP servers.

ROS Services

Fetch Emails

Service URL: /rapp/rapp_email/receive_email

Service type:


# The user email username
string email
# The user email password
string password
# The email server's imap address, i.e. ''
string server
# The email server imap port
string port

# Define which mails the users requests.
string requestedEmailStatus

# Emails since date (unix timestamp)
uint64 fromDate
# Emails until date (unix timestamp)
uint64 toDate
# Number of requested emails
uint16 numberOfEmails

# Response

# 0 success, -1 failure
int8 status

# The requested emails
rapp_platform_ros_communications/MailMsg[] emails


# Path to the email body file
string bodyPath

string subject
string sender
string[] receivers
string dateTime

# Paths to the email's attachments
string[] attachmentPaths

Send Emails

Service URL: /rapp/rapp_email/send_email

Service type:


# The user email username
string userEmail
# The user email password
string password
# The email server's smtp address, i.e. ''
string server
# The email server smtp port
string port

# Email addresses of the recipients
string[] recipients

# The email body
string body
# The email subject
string subject

# File paths of the attachments
string[] files

# Response

# 0 success, -1 failure
int8 status


Standard launcher

Launches the rapp email node and can be invoked using:

roslaunch rapp_email email.launch

HOP Services

Send Email

Service URL: localhost:9001/hop/email_send


Input = {
    file_uri: '',
    email: '',
    passwd: '',
    server: '',
    port: '',
    recipients: [],
    body: '',
    subject: ''
Output = {
    error: ''

Receive Email

Service URL: localhost:9001/hop/email_fetch


Input = {
    email: '',
    passwd: '',
    server: '',
    port: '',
    email_status: '',
    from_date: 0,
    to_date: 0,
    num_emails: 0
Output = {
    emails: [],
    error: ''
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