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Releases: swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings

2024.1 - PayloadsAllTheThings - CHIPMUNKFEED

26 Apr 14:50
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2 years after the latest release, it is time for a new one 🥳
Many pages have been updated with new payloads and descriptions.
Every pages under "Methodology and Resources" have been moved in their own repository (InternalAllTheThings)

This repository is now available as a website with nice features such as a "complete search bar", "dark/light mode", and buttons to share a specific page on your favorite social networks.

The "AllTheThings" family is expanding, check out the other projects

2022.1 - PayloadsAllTheThings - INTELWRITER

30 Jun 14:38
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A long due release with all the new payloads and techniques from the last 3 years.
Lots of new things happened in the Methodology and Resources folder, check it out if you like Internal Pentesting and Active Directory 😉

2019.1 - Kali Linux Repository - GLOBALSHIP

05 Jul 18:22
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PayloadsAllTheThings is now ready for the Kali Linux repository.
You can install it with apt install payloadsallthethings.

Thanks to @g0tmi1k