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Knight.zhou edited this page May 16, 2018 · 4 revisions

Blockchain is an emerging technology that can radically improve banking, supply chain, and other transaction networks and can create new opportunities for innovation. Businesses contain many examples of networks of individuals and organizations that collaborate to create value and wealth. These networks work together in markets that exchange assets in the form of goods and services between the participants.

Blockchain technology provides the basis for a dynamic shared ledger that can be applied to save time when recording transactions between parties, remove costs associated with intermediaries, and reduce risks of fraud and tampering.


Ethurum Solidity

Nebulas DApps

Annual Hash Growth: Growth in the total network computations over the past 365 days

Block Height: The total number of blocks in the blockchain

Block Interval: Average amount of time between blocks

Block Size: The storage size of each block (i.e. megabytes)

BlockChain Size: The storage size of the blockchain (i.e. gigabytes)

Daily Blocks: Number of blocks found each day

Chain Value Density: The value of bitcoin's blockchain, in terms of dollars per megabyte

Daily Transactions: The number of transactions included in the blockchain per day

Difficulty: The minimum proof-of-work threshold required for a bitcoin miner to mine a block

Fee Percentage: Average fee paid as a percentage of transaction volume

Fee Rate: Average fee paid per transaction

Two-Week Hash Growth: Growth in the total network computations over the past 14 days

Hash Rate: The number of block solutions computed per second by all miners

Market Capitalization: The market value of all bitcoin in circulation

Metcalfe's Law - TX: A variant of Metcalfe's Law in which price is divided by n log n number of daily transactions

Metcalfe's Law - UTXO: A variant of Metcalfe's Law in which price is divided by n log n number of unspent transaction outputs

Miner Revenue Value: The amount of dollars earned by the mining network

Miner Revenue: The amount of bitcoin earned by the mining network, in the form of block rewards and transaction fees

Money Supply: The amount of bitcoin in circulation

Output Value: The dollar value of all outputs sent over the network

Output Volume: The amount of Bitcoin sent over the network

Bitcoin Price: The amount of dollars a single bitcoin is worth

Quarterly Hash Growth: Growth in the total network computations in the past 90 days

Total Transactions: The running total number of transactions processed by the Bitcoin network

Transaction Amount: The average amount of bitcoin moved per transaction

Fees Value: The dollar value of mining fees

Transaction Fees: The amount of bitcoin paid to miners in fees

Transaction Size: The average data size of a transaction

Transaction Value: The average dollar value moved in each transaction

Transactions per Block: The number of transactions in each block

Average UTXO Amount: The average amount of bitcoin contained in each unspent transaction output

UTXO Growth: The net number of unspent transaction outputs created

UTXO Set Size: The total number of unspent transaction outputs

Average UTXO Value: The average dollar value of each uspent transaction output

Velocity - Daily: The proportion of the money supply transacted each day

Velocity - Quarterly: The proportion of the money supply transacted each day, computed on a rolling-quarter basis

Velocity of Money: How many times the money supply changes hands in a given year


Lean Startup




一个微服务一般完成某个特定的功能,比如游戏玩家账号管理、游戏道具管理等等。每一个微服务都是微型六角形应用,都有自己的业务逻辑和适配器。一些微服务还会发布API给其它微服务和应用客户端使用。其它微服务完成一个Web UI,运行时,每一个实例可能是一个云VM或者是Docker容器。


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