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MangosArentLiterature edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 3 revisions

These commands relate to casing.


Usage: /doc <text>
Permissions: NONE
Sets the area's document. This can be any text or URL.


Usage: /cleardoc
Permissions: NONE
Clears the area's document.


Usage: /evidence_mod <mod>
Permissions: EVI_MOD
Changes the evidence mod in an area.


Usage: /evidence_swap <evidence1> <evidence2>
Permissions: CM
Swaps the position of two pieces of evidence in the current area.


Usage: /testify
Permissions: CM
Starts the area's testimony recorder. Any IC message sent from witness pos will be recorded by the testimony recorder.


Usage: /examine
Permissions: CM
Sets the testimony recorder to playback mode. The playback can be navigated with > < and >[number] IC messages.


Usage: /update
Permissions: CM
Updates the currently displayed statement from the testimony recorder. The next IC message will replace that statement.


Usage: /delete
Permissions: CM
Deletes the currently displayed statement from the testimony recorder.


Usage: /add
Permissions: CM
Adds a statement to the testimony recorder. The next IC message will be inserted.


Usage: /pause
Permissions: CM
Pauses the testimony playback. This also removes the "Testimony" effect from the top left of the viewport.


Usage: /testimony
Permissions: NONE
Sends a list of the current testimony statements.


Usage: /savetestimony <filename>
Permissions: NONE
Saves the current testimony to a file server side. Requires SAVETEST permissions, or moderator permission with /permitsaving.


Usage: /loadtestimony <filename>
Permissions: CM
Loads the given testimony.


Usage: /permitsaving <uid>
Permissions: MODCHAT
Allows the target client to save 1 testimony with /savetestimony.