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Command Extensions

Salanto edited this page Jun 18, 2022 · 2 revisions

[This page is still under construction.]
Creating an alias for an already existing command was hard in Akashi 1.6 (Fig) or older. The command-extensions system allows server owners to define their own aliases for already existing commands to simplify customization and remove the need to recompile the entire server for a change as simple as making "kick_other" and "kickother" do the same.

Do note that an alias can't overwrite an already existing command and that all alias names need to be unique.

To create a new alias, the server owner can add a new alias group or edit an already existing one in command_extensions.ini
The structure for an alias entry is as follows:

aliases = entry1 entry2

Do note that aliases are only a single consecutive word. An entry like aliases = foo bar will create two aliases called foo and bar. Please only use an underscore _ if you want to combine words.