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Rosemary Witchaven edited this page Mar 20, 2022 · 7 revisions

These commands are related to the moderation and administration of the server.


Usage: /help
Permissions: NONE
Prints all commands the caller has permission to use.


Usage: /motd [message]
Permissions: NONE
Sends the server's message of the day. If the client has MOTD permissions, they can supply a message to change the MOTD to.


Usage: /about
Permissions: NONE
Gives a brief description of Akashi.


Usage: /mods
Permissions: NONE
Lists the currently logged in moderators on the server.


Usage: /ban <ipid> <duration> <reason>
Permissions: BAN
Bans a client from the server, severing their connection and preventing them from returning. Both the reason and duration must be given in quotes. The duration can either be perma for a permanent ban, or given in the format YYyWWwDDdHHhMMmSSs to mean a YY years, WW weeks, DD days, HH hours, MM minutes and SS seconds long ban. Any of these may be left out, for example, 1h30m for a 1.5 hour long ban.


Usage: /unban <id>
Permissions: BAN
Removes a ban from the server database.


Usage: /kick <ipid> <"reason">
Permissions: KICK
Kicks all clients with the given IPID from the server, severing their connection.


Usage: /mute <uid>
Permissions: MUTE
Mutes a client, preventing them from speaking IC.


Usage: /unmute <uid>
Permissions: MUTE
Unmutes a client, allowing them to speak IC.


Aliases: /ooc_mute
Usage: /oocmute <uid>
Permissions: MUTE
Mutes a client, preventing them from speaking OOC.


Aliases: /ooc_unmute
Usage: /oocunmute <uid>
Permissions: MUTE
Unmutes a client, allowing them to speak OOC.


Aliases: /block_wtce
Usage: /blockwtce <uid>
Permissions: MUTE
Revokes judge controls from a client, preventing them from using WT/CE buttons or updating penalties.


Aliases: /unblock_wtce
Usage: /unblockwtce <uid>
Permissions: MUTE
Grants judge controls back to a client.


Usage: /bans
Permissions: BAN
Lists the last 5 bans made on the server.


Aliases: /allow_blankposting
Usage: /allowblankposting
Permissions: MODCHAT
Toggles whether sending IC messages purely of blank spaces is allowed.


Usage: /baninfo <banid> OR {banid|ipid|hdid} {"banid"|"ipid"|"hdid"}
Permissions: BAN
Looks up info on a given ban, returning all results matching a given banid, ipid, or hdid. This can either be done by supplying a banid, or supplying an ID and then specifying the type.


Usage: /reload
Permissions: SUPER
Reloads all server configuration files.


Aliases: /force_noint_pres
Usage: /forceimmediate
Permissions: CM
Toggles immediate text processing in the current area.


Aliases: /allow_iniswap
Usage: /allowiniswap
Permissions: CM
Toggles whether iniswaps are allowed in the current area.


Aliases: /kick_uid
Usage: /kickuid <uid> <reason>
Permissions: KICK
Kicks a specific client from the server with the specified reason. This command only kicks the client with the corresponding UID, and will not kick multiclients.


Usage: /updateban <ban id> <field> <updated info>
Permissions: BAN
Updates the ban with the specified ban ID. is either duration or reason and is the info to change the field to.


Usage: /clearcm
Permissions: KICK
Removes all CMs from the current area.