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Adding Extra RockyLinux Repositories

Robert Spencer edited this page May 10, 2024 · 4 revisions

Adding Extra RockyLinux Repositories

In order to add the Remi repository for Rocky, which contains useful PHP related packages, we enable a couple of other repositories to bootstrap our way up to the Remi repository.

  1. First ensure the standard 'extras' repository is enabled:
    • sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled extras
  2. Now we can install the very useful EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository:
    • sudo dnf install epel-release
    • The EPEL repository holds many useful packages, some of which may be required by Remi.
  3. Now install the Remi repositories:
    • sudo dnf install
  4. Verify you have Remi-modular in the list of enabled repositories by checking the output of:
    • dnf repolist

At this point you should now be able to reference the needed PHP packages from the Remi-modular repository. The main install instructions for RockyLinux will show the dnf commands for enabling the particular version/module you want prior to installing the actual packages.

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