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Brush Shaders

Lachlan McDonald edited this page Oct 4, 2020 · 37 revisions

Brush Shaders are shaders that allow you to easily to add or remove voxels from your geometry by selecting the area in which you want the shaders to take effect.

How to use a Brush Shader

  1. Select Box Mode [B]
  2. Select
    • Attach: shader will only add new voxels
    • Erase: shader will only erase existing voxels
    • Paint: shader will only change existing voxels, but voxels will not be added or erased
    • Marquee Select: shader will create a selection of the existing voxels
  3. Under Box, press the Voxel Shader option and Gizmo
  4. Select the shader in the Shader List

Relevant buttons in the editor UI.

Example of the box gizmo and the brick brush shader.

Restricting voxels (painting existing voxels)

By default, Brush Shaders are used with the Box Mode, however, the Paint mode can also be used to replace voxels with the chosen color.

  1. Right-click your chosen color and select Voxel select by color
  2. Select Box Mode [B]
  3. Select Paint
  4. Under Box, press the Voxel Shader option and Gizmo
  5. Select the shader in the Shader List
  6. Draw a box over the volume; only the selected voxels will be updated.

List of shaders

Brush Shaders

Brick Brushes Generates alternating rows of bricks or tiles
Grass Brushes Generates generates randomly protruding lines of voxels with a constant distribution
Grid Brush Generates a grid pattern with variable thickness and spacing
Tiles Brush Generates a tile pattern
Puzzle Tile Brush Generates a puzzle tile pattern
Uneven Tile Brush Generates an uneven tile pattern
Diagonal Line Brushes Generates parallel 45° lines of alternating widths
Weave Brush Generates a weave pattern
Zigzag Brushes Generates zig-zag patterns

Primitive Brush Shaders

Prism Brush Generates prisms, pyramids or tetrahedrons with straight or curved angles
Cylinder Brush Generates cylinders and tubes
Stairs Brushes Generates a slope of stairs
Greeble Brushes Generates greebles
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