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Lachlan McDonald edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 65 revisions

Brush Shaders

See: How to use Brush Shaders

Brick Brushes Generates alternating rows of bricks or tiles
Noise Brushes

Generates different types of noise

Terrain  •  Cellular 2D Noise  •  Cellular 3D Noise  •  Clover 2D Noise

Gradient Brush Generates different styles of gradients
Radial Gradient Brush Generates different styles of radial gradients
Grass Brush Generates generates randomly protruding lines of voxels with a constant distribution
Grid Brush Generates a grid pattern with variable thickness and spacing
Tiles Brush Generates a tile pattern
Puzzle Tile Brush Generates a puzzle tile pattern
Uneven Tile Brush Generates an uneven tile pattern
Diagonal Line Brush Generates parallel 45° lines of alternating widths and colors
Weave Brush Generates a weave pattern
Zigzag Brushes Generates zig-zag patterns
Truchet Brush Generates a truchet pattern
Treemap Brush Generates a treemap pattern

Primitive Brush Shaders

See: How to use Brush Shaders

Prism Brush Generates prisms, pyramids or tetrahedrons with straight or curved angles
Cylinder Brush Generates cylinders and tubes
Stairs Brushes

Generates a slope of stairs

stairs  •  stairs_runs  •  stairs_stringer

Greeble Brushes

Generates greebles

greebles1  •  greebles2

Volume Shaders

Knife Removes voxels and shuffles to fill the remaining space
Moisture Generates the effect of downward or upward streaks
Heightmap Transforms a 2D height-map texture into a 3D volume
Erode Erodes selected colors using a noise texture
Grass Fit Generates generates randomly protruding lines of voxels with a constant distribution
Slices Removes a segment of the volume and shuffles voxels to fill its place
Case Surrounds/encases voxels
Pyramid Iteratively generate a pyramid
Sand Iteratively generate jagged voxels; i.e. piles of sand or cliffs
Outline Creates an outline where voxels meet a voxel of a different color
Soil & Cover

Generates voxels above other voxels; i.e. snow or grass

Soil  •  Cover

Noise Randomly generates noise of a specified size within a range of colors
Random Randomly generates noise with a set threshold
Flood Generates a flood effect


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