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Geoffrey Paulsen edited this page Aug 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Open MPI Weekly Telecon ---

Attendees (on Web-ex)

  • Austen Lauria (IBM)
  • Brendan Cunningham (Cornelis Networks)
  • David Bernholdt (ORNL)
  • Geoffrey Paulsen (IBM)
  • Harumi Kuno (HPE)
  • Hessam Mirsadeghi (NVIDIA))
  • Howard Pritchard (LANL)
  • Joseph Schuchart (HLRS)
  • Michael Heinz (Cornelis Networks)
  • Sam Gutierrez (LANL)
  • Todd Kordenbrock (Sandia)
  • Tomislav Janjusic (NVIDIA)
  • William Zhang (AWS)

not there today (I keep this for easy cut-n-paste for future notes)

  • Akshay Venkatesh (NVIDIA)
  • Artem Polyakov (NVIDIA)
  • Aurelien Bouteiller (UTK)
  • Brandon Yates (Intel)
  • Brian Barrett (AWS)
  • Charles Shereda (LLNL)
  • Christoph Niethammer (HLRS)
  • Edgar Gabriel (UH)
  • Erik Zeiske (HPE)
  • Geoffroy Vallee (ARM)
  • George Bosilca (UTK)
  • Jeff Squyres (Cisco)
  • Josh Hursey (IBM)
  • Joshua Ladd (NVIDIA)
  • Marisa Roman (Cornelius)
  • Mark Allen (IBM)
  • Matias Cabral (Intel)
  • Matthew Dosanjh (Sandia)
  • Nathan Hjelm (Google)
  • Naughton III, Thomas (ORNL)
  • Noah Evans (Sandia)
  • Raghu Raja
  • Ralph Castain (Intel)
  • Scott Breyer (Sandia?)
  • Shintaro iwasaki
  • Xin Zhao (NVIDIA)

New Topics For Today

  • Talk about Jenkins notifications
    • Anyone getting notifications from AWS server that runs Jenkins when somethings goes wrong.
      • Defer to discuss
  • Talk about OSHMEM link issue in v4.0 and v4.1 Do we want this change in the release branches? Or just wait for v5.0?
    • Consensus was to NOT take into release branches.
    • Leave issue open to investigate for different solution.
  • Remind everyone of the Annual Open MPI committer's review.
  • google sheet:


  • Schedule: milestone is set for September for 4.0.7
  • Nothing special to discuss this week


  • Schedule: Planning on late August (no reason for August) for accumulated bugfixes.
  • Nothing special to discuss this week




  • No update


  • Howard showed off new Open MPI 4.0 API Compliance Github Project
    • This is not yet the FULL list of things for 4.0, Howard is still working through minutes.
  • Please use MPI-4.0 label
  • MPI_T Events - someone needs to review


  • NVIDIA will investigate to get v5.0 and master back online

Longer Term discussions

  • No discussion.
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