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components question_answering_datapreprocess

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Question Answering DataPreProcess



Component to preprocess data for question answering task. See docs to learn more.

Version: 0.0.70

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Task arguments

Sample example

{question_column: "In what year did Paul VI formally appoint Mary as mother of the Catholic church?", context_column: "Paul VI opened the third period on 14 September 1964, telling the Council Fathers that he viewed the text about the Church as the most important document to come out from the Council. As the Council discussed the role of bishops in the papacy, Paul VI issued an explanatory note confirming the primacy of the papacy, a step which was viewed by some as meddling in the affairs of the Council American bishops pushed for a speedy resolution on religious freedom, but Paul VI insisted this to be approved together with related texts such as ecumenism. The Pope concluded the session on 21 November 1964, with the formal pronouncement of Mary as Mother of the Church.", answers_column: {answer_start_column: [595], text_column: ['1964']}}

If the dataset follows above pattern, question_key: "question_column"; context_key: "context_column"; answers_key: answers_column; answer_start_key: answer_start_column; answer_text_key: text_column

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
question_key The question whose answer needs to be extracted from the provided context string False
context_key The context that contains the answer to the question string False
answers_key The value of this field is text in JSON format with two nested keys: answer_start_key and answer_text_key with their corresponding values string False
answer_start_key Refers to the position where the answer beings in context. Needs a value that maps to a nested key in the values of the answers_key parameter string False
answer_text_key Contains the answer to the question. Needs a value that maps to a nested key in the values of the answers_key parameter string False
doc_stride The amount of context overlap to keep in case the number of tokens per example exceed max_seq_length integer 128 True
n_best_size The top_n max probable start tokens and end tokens to be consider while generating possible answers. integer 20 True
max_answer_length_in_tokens The maximum allowed answer length specified in token length. The default value for this parameter is 30. All the answers with above 30 tokens will not be considered as a possible answer. integer 30 True
batch_size Number of examples to batch before calling the tokenization function integer 1000 True

Tokenization params

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
pad_to_max_length If set to True, the returned sequences will be padded according to the model's padding side and padding index, up to their max_seq_length. If no max_seq_length is specified, the padding is done up to the model's max length. string false True ['true', 'false']
max_seq_length Controls the maximum length to use when pad_to_max_length parameter is set to true. Default is -1 which means the padding is done up to the model's max length. Else will be padded to max_seq_length. integer -1 True

Data inputs Please note that either train_file_path or train_mltable_path needs to be passed. In case both are passed, mltable path will take precedence. The validation and test paths are optional and an automatic split from train data happens if they are not passed. If both validation and test files are missing, 10% of train data will be assigned to each of them and the remaining 80% will be used for training If anyone of the file is missing, 20% of the train data will be assigned to it and the remaining 80% will be used for training

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
train_file_path Path to the registered training data asset. The supported data formats are jsonl, json, csv, tsv and parquet. uri_file True
validation_file_path Path to the registered validation data asset. The supported data formats are jsonl, json, csv, tsv and parquet. uri_file True
test_file_path Path to the registered test data asset. The supported data formats are jsonl, json, csv, tsv and parquet. uri_file True
train_mltable_path Path to the registered training data asset in mltable format. mltable True
validation_mltable_path Path to the registered validation data asset in mltable format. mltable True
test_mltable_path Path to the registered test data asset in mltable format. mltable True

Model input

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
model_selector_output output folder of model selector containing model metadata like config, checkpoints, tokenizer config uri_folder False


Name Description Type
output_dir The folder contains the tokenized output of the train, validation and test data along with the tokenizer files used to tokenize the data uri_folder



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