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ProSnippets KnowledgeGraph
UmaHarano edited this page Nov 6, 2024
3 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: KnowledgeGraph
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 10/22/2024
ArcGIS Pro: 3.4
Visual Studio: 2022
.NET Target Framework: .Net 8
string url =
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
//Open a connection
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//TODO...use the KnowledgeGraph
catch (GeodatabaseNotFoundOrOpenedException ex)
var kgLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// use the layer directly
KnowledgeGraph datastore = kgLayer.GetDatastore();
// or you can use any of the sub items since
//KnowledgeGraphLayer is a composite layer - get the first
// child feature layer or standalone table
var featlayer = kgLayer?.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
KnowledgeGraph kg = null;
if (featlayer != null)
using (var fc = featlayer.GetFeatureClass())
kg = fc.GetDatastore() as KnowledgeGraph;
//TODO use KnowledgeGraph
//try standalone table
var stbl = kgLayer?.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()?
if (stbl != null)
using (var tbl = stbl.GetTable())
kg = tbl.GetDatastore() as KnowledgeGraph;
//TODO use KnowledgeGraph
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
//Connect to the KnowledgeGraph datastore
//KnowledgeGraph datastores contain tables and feature classes
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the featureclass definitions from the KG datastore
var fc_defs = kg.GetDefinitions<FeatureClassDefinition>();
//For each feature class definition, get the corresponding
//feature class. Note: The name of the feature class will match
//the name of its corresponding KnowledgeGraph named object type
//in the KnowledgeGraph graph data model
foreach (var fc_def in fc_defs)
var fc_name = fc_def.GetName();
using (var fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(fc_name))
//TODO - use the feature class
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
//Connect to the KnowledgeGraph datastore
//KnowledgeGraph datastores contain tables and feature classes
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the table definitions from the KG datastore
var tbl_defs = kg.GetDefinitions<TableDefinition>();
//For each table definition, get the corresponding
//table. Note: The name of the table will match the name
//of its corresponding KnowledgeGraph named object type in
//the KnowledgeGraph graph data model
foreach (var tbl_def in tbl_defs)
var tbl_name = tbl_def.GetName();
using (var fc = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(tbl_name))
//TODO - use the table
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var connector = kg.GetConnector() as KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties;
var uri = connector.URL;
var serviceUri = uri.AbsoluteUri;
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var oidList = new List<long>() { 260294, 678, 3523, 3, 669, 93754 };
var idList = kg.TransformToIDs(entityName, oidList);
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var idList = new List<object>() { "{CA2EF786-A10E-4B40-9737-9BDDDEA127B0}",
var oidList = kg.TransformToObjectIDs(entityName, idList);
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
//TODO use KG data model...
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
var kg_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(
$"\r\n'{kg_name}' Datamodel:\r\n-----------------");
var time_stamp = kg_dm.GetTimestamp();
var sr = kg_dm.GetSpatialReference();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Timestamp: {time_stamp}");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Sref: {sr.Wkid}");
$"IsStrict: {kg_dm.GetIsStrict()}");
$"OIDPropertyName: {kg_dm.GetOIDPropertyName()}");
$"IsArcGISManaged: {kg_dm.GetIsArcGISManaged()}");
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
var kg_id_info = kg_dm.GetIdentifierInfo();
var kg_id_gen = kg_id_info.GetIdentifierGeneration();
if (kg_id_info is KnowledgeGraphNativeIdentifier kg_ni)
$"IdentifierInfo: KnowledgeGraphNativeIdentifier");
else if (kg_id_info is KnowledgeGraphUniformIdentifier kg_ui)
$"IdentifierInfo: KnowledgeGraphUniformIdentifier");
$"IdentifierName: '{kg_ui.GetIdentifierName()}'");
$"Identifier MethodHint: {kg_id_gen.GetMethodHint()}");
//Provenance entity type is stored as a MetaEntityType
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
var dict_types = kg_dm.GetMetaEntityTypes();
//If there is no provenance then MetaEntityTypes will be
//an empty collection
foreach (var kvp in dict_types)
var meta_entity_type = kvp.Value;
if (meta_entity_type.GetRole() ==
//TODO - use the provenance entity type
var name = meta_entity_type.GetName();
internal string GetProvenanceEntityTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
var entity_types = kg_dm.GetMetaEntityTypes();
foreach (var entity_type in entity_types)
if (entity_type.Value.GetRole() == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Provenance)
return entity_type.Value.GetName();
return "";
internal bool KnowledgeGraphSupportsProvenance(KnowledgeGraph kg)
//if there is a provenance entity type then the KnowledgeGraph
//supports provenance
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(
// OR use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo
var propInfo = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
return propInfo.SupportsProvenance;
internal void KnowledgeGraphProvenance(KnowledgeGraph kg)
// use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo
var propInfo = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
var supportsProvenance = propInfo.SupportsProvenance;
var provenanceType = propInfo.ProvenanceTypeName;
var provenanceInfo = propInfo.ProvenancePropertyInfo;
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
var dict_types = kg_dm.GetEntityTypes();
foreach (var kvp in dict_types)
var entity_type = kvp.Value;
var role = entity_type.GetRole();
//note "name" will be the same name as the corresponding
//feature class or table in the KG's relational gdb model
var name = entity_type.GetName();
var alias = entity_type.GetAliasName();
var objectIDPropertyName = entity_type.GetObjectIDPropertyName();
internal string GetDocumentEntityTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
var entity_types = kg_dm.GetEntityTypes();
foreach (var entity_type in entity_types)
var role = entity_type.Value.GetRole();
if (role == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Document)
return entity_type.Value.GetName();
return "";//Unusual - probably Neo4j user-managed
internal bool KnowledgeGraphHasDocumentType(KnowledgeGraph kg)
//uncommon for there not to be a document type
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(
//Use GetDocumentEntityTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm) from
//the 'Get Whether KG Has a Document Type' snippet to
//get the documentNameType parameter
protected bool GetEntityIsDocument(KnowledgeGraphEntityValue entity,
string documentNameType = "")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentNameType))
return false;
return entity.GetTypeName() == documentNameType;
//Use GetDocumentEntityTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm) from
//the 'Get Whether KG Has a Document Type' snippet to
//get the documentNameType parameter
protected bool HasGeometry(KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectType kg_named_obj)
var props = kg_named_obj.GetProperties();
return props.Any(prop => prop.FieldType == FieldType.Geometry);
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
var dict_types = kg_dm.GetRelationshipTypes();
foreach (var kvp in dict_types)
var rel_type = kvp.Value;
var role = rel_type.GetRole();
//note "name" will be the same name as the corresponding
//feature class or table in the KG's relational gdb model
var name = rel_type.GetName();
//Get relationship end points
var end_points = rel_type.GetEndPoints();
foreach (var end_point in end_points)
$"Origin: '{end_point.GetOriginEntityTypeName()}', " +
$"Destination: '{end_point.GetDestinationEntityTypeName()}'");
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
using (var kg_datamodel = kg.GetDataModel())
var entities = kg_datamodel.GetEntityTypes();
var relationships = kg_datamodel.GetRelationshipTypes();
var provenance = kg_datamodel.GetMetaEntityTypes();
var all_graph_types = new List<KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectType>();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("\r\nGraph Types");
int c = 0;
foreach (var graph_type in all_graph_types)
var type_name = graph_type.GetName();
var role = graph_type.GetRole().ToString();
//equivalent to:
//var fields = featClassDef.GetFields().Select(f => f.Name).ToList();
//var field_names = string.Join(",", fields);
var props = graph_type.GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name).ToList();
var prop_names = string.Join(",", props);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"[{c++}]: " +
$"{type_name}, {role}, {prop_names}");
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//With a connection to a KG established or source uri available...
//Create a KnowledgeGraphLayerCreationParams
var kg_params = new KnowledgeGraphLayerCreationParams(kg)
Name = "KG_With_All_Types",
IsVisible = false
var kg_params2 = new KnowledgeGraphLayerCreationParams(new Uri(url))
Name = "KG_With_All_Types",
IsVisible = false
//Call layer factory with map or group layer container.
//A KG layer containing a feature layer and/or standalone table per
//entity and relate type (except provenance) is created
var kg_layer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer<KnowledgeGraphLayer>(
kg_params, map);
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//To create a KG layer (on a map or link chart) with a subset of
//entities and relates, you must create an "id set". The workflow
//is very similar to how you would create a SelectionSet.
//First, create a dictionary containing the names of the types to be
//added plus a corresponding list of ids (just like with a selection set).
//Note: null or an empty list means add all records for "that" type..
var kg_datamodel = kg.GetDataModel();
//Arbitrarily get the name of the first entity and relate type
var first_entity = kg_datamodel.GetEntityTypes().Keys.First();
var first_relate = kg_datamodel.GetRelationshipTypes().Keys.First();
//Make entries in the dictionary for each
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();
dict.Add(first_entity, new List<long>());//Empty list means all records
dict.Add(first_relate, null);//null list means all records
//or specific records - however the ids are obtained
//dict.Add(entity_or_relate_name, new List<long>() { 1, 5, 18, 36, 78});
//Create the id set...
var idSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromDictionary(kg, dict);
//Create the layer params and assign the id set
var kg_params = new KnowledgeGraphLayerCreationParams(kg)
Name = "KG_With_ID_Set",
IsVisible = false,
IDSet = idSet
//Call layer factory with map or group layer container
//A KG layer containing just the feature layer(s) and/or standalone table(s)
//for the entity and/or relate types + associated records will be created
var kg_layer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer<KnowledgeGraphLayer>(
kg_params, map);
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Feature class and/or standalone tables representing KG entity and
//relate types can only be added to a map (or link chart) as a child
//of a KnowledgeGraph layer....
//For example:
var fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Some_Entity_Or_Relate_Name");
//Attempting to create a feature layer containing the returned fc
//NOT ALLOWED - can only be a child of a KG layer
var fl_params_w_kg = new FeatureLayerCreationParams(fc);
//CanCreateLayer will return false
if (!(LayerFactory.Instance.CanCreateLayer<FeatureLayer>(
fl_params_w_kg, map)))
$"Cannot create a feature layer for {fc.GetName()}");
//This will throw an exception
LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer<FeatureLayer>(fl_params_w_kg, map);
catch (Exception ex)
//Can only be added as a child of a parent KG
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();
dict.Add(fc.GetName(), new List<long>());
var kg_params = new KnowledgeGraphLayerCreationParams(kg)
Name = $"KG_With_Just_{fc.GetName()}",
IsVisible = false,
IDSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromDictionary(kg, dict)
var kg_layer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer<KnowledgeGraphLayer>(
kg_params, map);
var kg_layer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
if (kg_layer == null)
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Get the existing kg layer id set and convert to a dictionary
var layer_id_set = kg_layer.GetIDSet();
var dict = layer_id_set.ToOIDDictionary();//Empty list means all records
//Create an id set from a dictionary
var dict2 = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();
dict2.Add("Enity_Or_Relate_Type_Name1", null);//Null means all records
dict2.Add("Enity_Or_Relate_Type_Name2", new List<long>());//Empty list means all records
new List<long>() { 3, 5, 9, 101, 34 });//Explicit list of ids
// new List<long>() { etc, etc });
//Create the id set
var idset = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromDictionary(kg, dict2);
//Can be used to create a layer, link chart, append to link chart, etc...
var featureLyer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
if (featureLyer == null)
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Get the feature class
var fc = featureLyer.GetFeatureClass();
// is it part of a KnowledgeGraph?
var isPartOfKG = fc.GetIsKnowledgeGraphDataset();
var kgLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
if (kgLayer == null)
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// get the datastore
var kg = kgLayer.GetDatastore();
// now submit a search or a query
// kg.SubmitSearch
// kg.SubmitQuery
var map = MapView.Active.Map;
var kgLayer = map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<KnowledgeGraphLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (kgLayer == null)
if (map.MapType == MapType.LinkChart)
// if map is of MapType.LinkChart then the first level
// children of the kgLayer are of type LinkChartFeatureLayer
var childLayers = kgLayer.Layers;
foreach (var childLayer in childLayers)
if (childLayer is LinkChartFeatureLayer lcFeatureLayer)
var isEntity = lcFeatureLayer.IsEntity;
var isRel = lcFeatureLayer.IsRelationship;
// TODO - continue processing
else if (map.MapType == MapType.Map)
// if map is of MapType.Map then the children of the
// kgLayer are the standard Featurelayer and StandAloneTable
var chidlren = kgLayer.GetMapMembersAsFlattenedList();
foreach (var child in chidlren)
if (child is FeatureLayer fl)
// TODO - process the feature layer
else if (child is StandaloneTable st)
// TODO - process the standalone table
var map = MapView.Active.Map;
if (map.MapType != MapType.LinkChart)
// find the KG layer
var kgLayer = map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<KnowledgeGraphLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (kgLayer == null)
// find the first LinkChartFeatureLayer in the KG layer
var lcFeatureLayer = kgLayer.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<LinkChartFeatureLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (lcFeatureLayer != null)
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// get the KG
var kg = kgLayer.GetDatastore();
// get the ID set of the KG layer
var idSet = kgLayer.GetIDSet();
// get the named object type in the KG that the LinkChartFeatureLayer represents
var typeName = lcFeatureLayer.GetTypeName();
// if there are items in the ID Set for this type
if (idSet.Contains(typeName))
// build a new ID set containing only these records
var dict = idSet.ToOIDDictionary();
var oids = dict[typeName];
var newDict = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();
newDict.Add(typeName, oids);
var newIDSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromDictionary(kg, newDict);
// now create a new link chart using just this subset of records
MapFactory.Instance.CreateLinkChart("subset LinkChart", kg, newIDSet);
//On the QueuedTask...
//and assuming you have established a connection to a knowledge graph
//Construct an openCypher query - return the first 10 entities (whatever
//they are...)
var query = "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 10";//default limit is 100 if not specified
//other examples...
//query = "MATCH (a:Person) RETURN [a.name, a.age] ORDER BY a.age DESC LIMIT 50";
//query = "MATCH (b:Person) RETURN { Xperson: { Xname: b.name, Xage: b.age } } ORDER BY b.name DESC";
//query = "MATCH p = (c:Person)-[:HasCar]-() RETURN p ORDER BY c.name DESC";
//Create a query filter
//Note: OutputSpatialReference is currently ignored
var kg_qf = new KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter()
QueryText = query
//Optionally - u can choose to include provenance in the results
//(_if_ the KG has provenance - otherwise the query will fail)
if (includeProvenanceIfPresent)
//see "Get Whether KG Supports Provenance" snippet
if (KnowledgeGraphSupportsProvenance(kg))
//Only include if the KG has provenance
kg_qf.ProvenanceBehavior =
KnowledgeGraphProvenanceBehavior.Include;//default is exclude
//submit the query - returns a KnowledgeGraphCursor
using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qf))
//wait for rows to be returned from the server
//note the "await"...
while (await kg_rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
//Rows have been retrieved - process this "batch"...
while (kg_rc.MoveNext())
//Get the current KnowledgeGraphRow
using (var graph_row = kg_rc.Current)
//Graph row is an array, process all returned values...
var val_count = (int)graph_row.GetCount();
for (int i = 0; i < val_count; i++)
var retval = graph_row[i];
//Process row value (note: recursive)
//See "Process a KnowledgeGraphRow Value" snippet
//On the QueuedTask...
//and assuming you have established a connection to a knowledge graph
//Construct a KG search filter. Search text uses Apache Lucene Query Parser
//syntax - https://lucene.apache.org/core/2_9_4/queryparsersyntax.html
var kg_sf = new KnowledgeGraphSearchFilter()
SearchTarget = KnowledgeGraphNamedTypeCategory.Entity,
SearchText = "Acme Electric Co.",
ReturnSearchContext = true,
MaxRowCount = 10 //Default is 100 if not specified
//submit the search - returns a KnowledgeGraphCursor
var e = 0;
using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitSearch(kg_sf))
//wait for rows to be returned from the server
//note the "await"...
while (await kg_rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
//Rows have been retrieved - process this "batch"...
while (kg_rc.MoveNext())
//Get the current KnowledgeGraphRow
using (var graph_row = kg_rc.Current)
//We are returning entities from this search
var entity = graph_row[0] as KnowledgeGraphEntityValue;
var entity_type = entity.GetTypeName();
var record = new List<string>();
//discover keys(aka "fields") dynamically via GetKeys
foreach (var prop_name in entity.GetKeys())
var obj_val = entity[prop_name] ?? "null";
$"{entity_type}[{e++}] " + string.Join(", ", record));
//or use "Process a KnowledgeGraphRow Value" snippet
QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
//Given an open-cypher qry against an entity or relationship type
var qry = @"MATCH (p:PhoneNumber) RETURN p LIMIT 10";
//create a KG query filter
var kg_qry_filter = new KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter()
QueryText = qry
//save a list of the ids
var oids = new List<long>();
using (var kgRowCursor = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qry_filter))
//wait for rows to be returned asynchronously from the server
while (await kgRowCursor.WaitForRowsAsync())
//get the rows using "standard" move next
while (kgRowCursor.MoveNext())
//current row is accessible via ".Current" prop of the cursor
using (var graphRow = kgRowCursor.Current)
var cell_phone = graphRow[0] as KnowledgeGraphEntityValue;
//note: some user-managed graphs do not have objectids
//create a query filter using the oids
if (oids.Count > 0)
//select them on the layer
var qf = new QueryFilter()
ObjectIDs = oids //apply the oids to the ObjectIds property
//select the child feature layer or standalone table representing
//the given entity or relate type whose records are to be selected
var phone_number_fl = kg_layer.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
.OfType<FeatureLayer>().First(l => l.Name == "PhoneNumber");
//perform the selection
QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
//assume we have, in this case, a list of ids (perhaps retrieved
//via a selection, hardcoded (like here), etc.
var oids = new List<long>() { 3,4,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,19,21,25,29,
//In the query, we refer to the "bind parameter" with the
//"$" and a variable name - '$object_ids' in this example
var qry = @"MATCH (p:PhoneNumber) " +
@" WHERE p.objectid IN $object_ids " +
@"RETURN p";
//we provide the values to be substituted for the variable via the
//KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter BindParameter property...
var kg_qry_filter = new KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter()
QueryText = qry
//the bind parameter added to the query filter must refer to
//the variable name used in the query string (without the "$")
//Collections must be converted to a KnowledgeGraphArrayValue before
//being assigned to a BindParameter
var kg_oid_array = new KnowledgeGraphArrayValue();
kg_qry_filter.BindParameters["object_ids"] = kg_oid_array;
//submit the query
using (var kgRowCursor = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qry_filter))
//wait for rows to be returned asynchronously from the server
while (await kgRowCursor.WaitForRowsAsync())
//get the rows using "standard" move next
while (kgRowCursor.MoveNext())
//current row is accessible via ".Current" prop of the cursor
using (var graphRow = kgRowCursor.Current)
var cell_phone = graphRow[0] as KnowledgeGraphEntityValue;
var oid = cell_phone.GetObjectID();
var name = (string)cell_phone["FULL_NAME"];
var ph_number = (string)cell_phone["PHONE_NUMBER"];
$"[{oid}] {name}, {ph_number}");
QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
//assume we have, in this case, a list of ids (perhaps retrieved
//via a selection, hardcoded (like here), etc.
var oids = new List<long>() { 3,4,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,19,21,25,29,
//In the query, we refer to the "bind parameter" with the
//"$" and a variable name - '$object_ids' and '$sel_geom'
//in this example
var qry = @"MATCH (p:PhoneNumber) " +
@"WHERE p.objectid IN $object_ids AND " +
@"esri.graph.ST_Intersects($sel_geom, p.shape) " +
@"RETURN p";
//create a KG query filter
var kg_qry_filter = new KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter()
QueryText = qry
//the bind parameter added to the query filter must refer to
//the variable name used in the query string (without the "$")
//Collections must be converted to a KnowledgeGraphArrayValue before
//being assigned to a BindParameter
var kg_oid_array = new KnowledgeGraphArrayValue();
kg_qry_filter.BindParameters["object_ids"] = kg_oid_array;
kg_qry_filter.BindParameters["sel_geom"] = poly;
//submit the query
using (var kgRowCursor = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qry_filter))
//wait for rows to be returned asynchronously from the server
while (await kgRowCursor.WaitForRowsAsync())
//get the rows using "standard" move next
while (kgRowCursor.MoveNext())
//current row is accessible via ".Current" prop of the cursor
using (var graphRow = kgRowCursor.Current)
#region Process Row
var cell_phone = graphRow[0] as KnowledgeGraphEntityValue;
var oid = cell_phone.GetObjectID();
var name = (string)cell_phone["FULL_NAME"];
var ph_number = (string)cell_phone["PHONE_NUMBER"];
$"[{oid}] {name}, {ph_number}");
//On the QueuedTask...
//and assuming you have established a connection to a knowledge graph
//submit query or search to return a KnowledgeGraphCursor
//using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qf)) {
//using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitSearch(kg_sf)) {
//wait for rows to be returned from the server
//"auto-cancel" after 20 seconds
var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20));
//catch TaskCanceledException
while (await kg_rc.WaitForRowsAsync(cancel.Token))
//check for row events
while (kg_rc.MoveNext())
using (var graph_row = kg_rc.Current)
//Graph row is an array, process all returned values...
var val_count = (int)graph_row.GetCount();
for (int i = 0; i < val_count; i++)
var retval = graph_row[i];
//Process row value (note: recursive)
//See "Process a KnowledgeGraphRow Value" snippet
//Timeout expired
catch (TaskCanceledException tce)
//Handle cancellation as needed
//Base class for entities and relationships
//(including documents and provenance)
public void ProcessGraphNamedObjectValue(
KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectValue kg_named_obj_val)
if (kg_named_obj_val is KnowledgeGraphEntityValue kg_entity)
var label = kg_entity.GetLabel();
//TODO - use label
else if (kg_named_obj_val is KnowledgeGraphRelationshipValue kg_rel)
var has_entity_ids = kg_rel.GetHasRelatedEntityIDs();
if (kg_rel.GetHasRelatedEntityIDs())
var origin_id = kg_rel.GetOriginID();
var dest_id = kg_rel.GetDestinationID();
//TODO - use ids
var id = kg_named_obj_val.GetID();
var oid = kg_named_obj_val.GetObjectID();
//Note: Typename corresponds to the name of the feature class or table
//in the relational gdb model -and- to the name of the KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectType
//in the knowledge graph data model
var type_name = kg_named_obj_val.GetTypeName();
//TODO use id, object id, etc.
//Object values include entities, relationships, and anonymous objects
public void ProcessGraphObjectValue(KnowledgeGraphObjectValue kg_obj_val)
switch (kg_obj_val)
case KnowledgeGraphEntityValue kg_entity:
case KnowledgeGraphRelationshipValue kg_rel:
//Anonymous objects
//graph object values have a set of properties (equivalent
//to a collection of key/value pairs)
var keys = kg_obj_val.GetKeys();
foreach (var key in keys)
//Process a KnowledgeGraphValue from a query or search
public void ProcessGraphValue(KnowledgeGraphValue kg_val)
switch (kg_val)
case KnowledgeGraphPrimitiveValue kg_prim:
//KnowledgeGraphPrimitiveValue not currently used in
//query and search
case KnowledgeGraphArrayValue kg_array:
var count = kg_array.GetSize();
//Recursively process each value in the array
for (ulong i = 0; i < count; i++)
case KnowledgeGraphPathValue kg_path:
var entity_count = kg_path.GetEntityCount();
//Recursively process each entity value in the path
for (ulong i = 0; i < entity_count; i++)
//Recursively process each relationship value in the path
var relate_count = kg_path.GetRelationshipCount();
for (ulong i = 0; i < relate_count; i++)
case KnowledgeGraphObjectValue kg_object:
var type_string = kg_val.GetType().ToString();
$"Unknown: '{type_string}'");
//Process each value from the KnowledgeGraphRow array
public void ProcessKnowledgeGraphRowValue(object value)
switch (value)
//Graph value?
case KnowledgeGraphValue kg_val:
var kg_type = kg_val.KnowledgeGraphValueType.ToString();
$"KnowledgeGraphValue: '{kg_type}'");
//Primitive types...add additional logic as needed
case System.DBNull dbn:
case string str:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"'{str}' (string)");
case long l_val:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{l_val} (long)");
case int i_val:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{i_val} (int)");
case short s_val:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{s_val} (short)");
case double d_val:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{d_val} (double)");
case float f_val:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{f_val} (float)");
case DateTime dt_val:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{dt_val} (DateTime)");
case DateOnly dt_only_val:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{dt_only_val} (DateOnly)");
case TimeOnly tm_only_val:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{tm_only_val} (TimeOnly)");
case DateTimeOffset dt_tm_offset_val:
$"{dt_tm_offset_val} (DateTimeOffset)");
case System.Guid guid_val:
var guid_string = guid_val.ToString("B");
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"'{guid_string}' (Guid)");
case Geometry geom_val:
var geom_type = geom_val.GeometryType.ToString();
var is_empty = geom_val.IsEmpty;
var wkid = geom_val.SpatialReference?.Wkid ?? 0;
$"geometry: {geom_type}, empty: {is_empty}, sr_wkid {wkid} (shape)");
//Blob? Others?
var type_str = value.GetType().ToString();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Primitive: {type_str}");
// ...submit query or search
//using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qf)) {
//using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitSearch(kg_sf)) {
// ...wait for rows ...
// while (await kg_rc.WaitForRowsAsync()) {
// ...rows have been retrieved
// while (kg_rc.MoveNext()) {
// ...get the current KnowledgeGraphRow
// using (var graph_row = kg_rc.Current) {
// var val_count = (int)graph_row.GetCount();
// for (int i = 0; i<val_count; i++)
// ProcessKnowledgeGraphRowValue(graph_row[i]);
// find all the link chart project items
var linkChartItems = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().Where(pi => pi.MapType == MapType.LinkChart);
// find a link chart project item by name
var linkChartItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Name == "Acme Link Chart");
var projectItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Name == "Acme Link Chart");
var linkChartMap = projectItem?.GetMap();
var mv = MapView.Active;
// check the view
var isLinkChartView = mv.IsLinkChartView;
// or alternatively get the map and check that
var map = MapView.Active.Map;
// check the MapType to determine if it's a link chart map
var isLinkChart = map.MapType == MapType.LinkChart;
// or you could use the following
// var isLinkChart = map.IsLinkChart;
var mapPanes = FrameworkApplication.Panes.OfType<IMapPane>().ToList();
var mapPane = mapPanes.FirstOrDefault(
mp => mp.MapView.IsLinkChartView && mp.MapView.Map.Name == "Acme Link Chart");
var lcMap = mapPane.MapView.Map;
var mv = MapView.Active;
// a MapView can encapsulate a link chart IF it's map
// is of type MapType.LinkChart
var map = mv.Map;
var isLinkChart = map.MapType == MapType.LinkChart;
// or use the following
// var isLinkChart = map.IsLinkChart;
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
if (isLinkChart)
// get the layout algorithm
var layoutAlgorithm = mv.GetLinkChartLayout();
// toggle the value
if (layoutAlgorithm == KnowledgeLinkChartLayoutAlgorithm.Geographic_Organic_Standard)
layoutAlgorithm = KnowledgeLinkChartLayoutAlgorithm.Organic_Standard;
layoutAlgorithm = KnowledgeLinkChartLayoutAlgorithm.Geographic_Organic_Standard;
// set it
// OR set it and force a redraw / update
// await mv.SetLinkChartLayoutAsync(layoutAlgorithm, true);
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create the link chart and show it
//build the IDSet using KnowledgeGraphFilterType.AllNamedObjects
var idSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromKnowledgeGraph(
kg, KnowledgeGraphFilterType.AllNamedObjects);
var linkChart = MapFactory.Instance.CreateLinkChart(
"KG Link Chart", kg, idSet);
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create the link chart with a -null- id set
//This will create a KG Layer with empty sub-layers
//(Note: you cannot create an empty KG layer on a map - only on a link chart)
var linkChart = MapFactory.Instance.CreateLinkChart(
"KG Link Chart", kg, null);
string url =
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url))))
var idSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromKnowledgeGraph(
kg, KnowledgeGraphFilterType.AllEntities);
var newLinkChart = MapFactory.Instance.CreateLinkChart(
"All_Entities link chart", kg, idSet);
//use the results of a query to create an idset. Create the link chart
//containing just records corresponding to the query results
var qry = @"MATCH (p1:PhoneNumber)-[r1:MADE_CALL|RECEIVED_CALL]->(c1:PhoneCall)<-" +
@"->(c2:PhoneCall)<-[r4:MADE_CALL|RECEIVED_CALL]-(p3:PhoneNumber) " +
@"WHERE p1.FULL_NAME = ""Robert Johnson"" AND " +
@"p3.FULL_NAME= ""Dan Brown"" AND " +
@"p1.globalid <> p2.globalid AND " +
@"p2.globalid <> p3.globalid " +
@"RETURN p1, r1, c1, r2, p2, r3, c2, r4, p3";
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();
QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
using (var kg = kg_layer.GetDatastore())
var graphQuery = new KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter()
QueryText = qry
using (var kgRowCursor = kg.SubmitQuery(graphQuery))
while (await kgRowCursor.WaitForRowsAsync())
while (kgRowCursor.MoveNext())
using (var graphRow = kgRowCursor.Current)
// process the row
var cnt_val = (int)graphRow.GetCount();
for (int v = 0; v < cnt_val; v++)
var obj_val = graphRow[v] as KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectValue;
var type_name = obj_val.GetTypeName();
var oid = (long)obj_val.GetObjectID();
if (!dict.ContainsKey(type_name))
dict[type_name] = new List<long>();
if (!dict[type_name].Contains(oid))
//make an ID Set to create the LinkChart
var idSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromDictionary(kg, dict);
//Create the link chart and show it
var linkChart = MapFactory.Instance.CreateLinkChart(
"KG With ID Set", kg, idSet);
// note that the template link chart MUST use the same KG server
string url =
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// find the existing link chart by name
var projectItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>()
.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Name == "Acme Link Chart");
var linkChartMap = projectItem?.GetMap();
if (linkChartMap == null)
//Create a connection properties
var kg_props =
new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
//Open a connection
using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
//Add all entities to the link chart
var idSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromKnowledgeGraph(
kg, KnowledgeGraphFilterType.AllEntities);
//Create the new link chart and show it
var newLinkChart = MapFactory.Instance.CreateLinkChart(
"KG from Template", kg, idSet, linkChartMap.URI);
catch (Exception ex)
// running on QueuedTask
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();
dict.Add("person", new List<long>()); //Empty list means all records
dict.Add("made_call", null); //null list means all records
// or specific records - however the ids are obtained
dict.Add("phone_call", new List<long>() { 1, 5, 18, 36, 78 });
// make the id set
var idSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromDictionary(kg, dict);
//Create the link chart and show it
var linkChart = MapFactory.Instance.CreateLinkChart(
"KG With ID Set", kg, idSet);
catch (KnowledgeGraphLayerException e)
// get the invalid named types
// remember that the named types are case-sensitive
var invalidNamedTypes = e.InvalidNamedTypes;
// do something with the invalid named types
// for example - log or return to caller to show message to user
//We create an id set to contain the records to be appended
var dict = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();
dict["Suspects"] = new List<long>();
//In this case, via results from a query...
var qry2 = "MATCH (s:Suspects) RETURN s";
QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
using (var kg = kg_layer.GetDatastore())
var graphQuery = new KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter()
QueryText = qry2
using (var kgRowCursor = kg.SubmitQuery(graphQuery))
while (await kgRowCursor.WaitForRowsAsync())
while (kgRowCursor.MoveNext())
using (var graphRow = kgRowCursor.Current)
var obj_val = graphRow[0] as KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectValue;
var oid = (long)obj_val.GetObjectID();
//make an ID Set to append to the LinkChart
var idSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromDictionary(kg, dict);
//Get the relevant link chart to which records will be
//appended...in this case, from an open map pane in the
//Pro application...
var mapPanes = FrameworkApplication.Panes.OfType<IMapPane>().ToList();
var mapPane = mapPanes.First(
mp => mp.MapView.IsLinkChartView &&
mp.MapView.Map.Name == "Acme Link Chart");
var linkChartMap = mapPane.MapView.Map;
//or get the link chart from an item in the catalog...etc.,etc.
//var projectItem = Project.Current.GetItems<MapProjectItem>()
// .FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Name == "Acme Link Chart");
//var linkChartMap = projectItem?.GetMap();
//Call AppendToLinkChart with the id set
if (linkChartMap.CanAppendToLinkChart(idSet))
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var idSet = kgLayer.GetIDSet();
// is the set empty?
var isEmpty = idSet.IsEmpty;
// get the count of named object types
var countNamedObjects = idSet.NamedObjectTypeCount;
// does it contain the entity "Species";
var contains = idSet.Contains("Species");
// get the idSet as a dictionary of namedObjectType and oids
var oidDict = idSet.ToOIDDictionary();
var speciesOIDs = oidDict["Species"];
// alternatively get the idSet as a dictionary of
// namedObjectTypes and uuids
var uuidDict = idSet.ToUIDDictionary();
var speciesUuids = uuidDict["Species"];
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// get the selection set
var sSet = map.GetSelection();
// translate to an KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet
// if the selectionset does not contain any KG entity or relationship records
// then idSet will be null
var idSet = KnowledgeGraphLayerIDSet.FromSelectionSet(sSet);
if (idSet == null)
// you can use the idSet to create a new linkChart
// (using MapFactory.Instance.CreateLinkChart)
var val = MapView.Active.GetShowRootNodes();
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
MapMemberIDSet rootNodes = MapView.Active.GetRootNodes();
var rootNodeDict = rootNodes.ToDictionary();
// rootNodeDict is a Dictionary<MapMember, List<long>>
// access a particular mapMember in the Dictionary
if (rootNodeDict.ContainsKey(mapMember))
var oids = rootNodeDict[mapMember];
// OR iterate through the dictionary
foreach (var (mm, oids) in rootNodeDict)
// do something
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var dict = new Dictionary<MapMember, List<long>>();
dict.Add(entityLayer, oids);
MapMemberIDSet mmIDSet = MapMemberIDSet.FromDictionary(dict);
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var mapSel = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection();
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var mapSel = MapView.Active.SelectAllRootNodes();
// this is the same as
MapMemberIDSet rootNodes = MapView.Active.GetRootNodes();
SelectionSet selSet = SelectionSet.FromMapMemberIDSet(rootNodes);
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var dict = new Dictionary<MapMember, List<long>>();
dict.Add(entityLayer, oids);
dict.Add(entityLayer2, oids2);
MapMemberIDSet mmIDSet = MapMemberIDSet.FromDictionary(dict);
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Instantiate an operation for the Create
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create a new organization",
SelectNewFeatures = true
//Use datasets or feature layer(s) or standalone table(s)
//Get a reference to the KnowledgeGraph
//var kg = ... ;
//Open the feature class or Table to be edited
var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
//Alternatively, use the feature layer for 'Organization' if your context is a map
//Get the parent KnowledgeGraphLayer
var kg_layer = mv.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
//From the KG Layer get the relevant child feature layer
var org_fl = kg_layer.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Organization");
//Define attributes
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
attribs["Name"] = "Acme Ltd.";
attribs["Description"] = "Specializes in household items";
attribs["SHAPE"] = org_location;
//Add it to the operation via the dataset...
edit_op.Create(org_fc, attribs);
//or use the feature layer/stand alone table if preferred and available
//edit_op.Create(org_fl, attribs);
if (edit_op.Execute())
//TODO: Operation succeeded
var create_rel = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Instantiate an operation for the Create
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create a new relationship record",
SelectNewFeatures = true
//Use datasets or feature layer(s) or standalone table(s)
//Get a reference to the KnowledgeGraph
//var kg = ... ;
//We will use a relate called 'HasEmployee' to relate an Organization w/ a Person
//Use either tables or map members to get the rows to be related...
var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");
//Get the relationship dataset
//We can use either a table or standalone table
var emp_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("HasEmployee");
//we need the names of the origin and destination relationship properties
var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
//Arbitrarily use the first record from the two entity datasets "to be" related
//Entities are always related by Global ID. Origin to Destination specifies the
//direction (of the relate).
//Populate the attributes for the relationship
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
using (var rc = org_fc.Search())
if (rc.MoveNext())
//Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
attribs[kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName] = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
using (var rc = person_tbl.Search())
if (rc.MoveNext())
//Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
attribs[kg_prop_info.DestinationIDPropertyName] = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
//Add any extra attribute information for the relation as needed
attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);
//Add a create for the relationship to the operation
edit_op.Create(emp_tbl, attribs);
//Do the create
return edit_op.Execute();
var create_rel2 = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Instantiate an operation for the Create
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create a new relationship record",
SelectNewFeatures = true
//Use datasets or feature layer(s) or standalone table(s)
//Get a reference to the KnowledgeGraph
//var kg = ... ;
//We will use a relate called 'HasEmployee' to relate an Organization w/ a Person
//Use either tables or map members to get the rows to be related...
var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");
//Get the relationship dataset
//We can use either a table or standalone table
var emp_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("HasEmployee");
// get the origin, destination records
Guid guidOrigin = Guid.Empty;
Guid guidDestination = Guid.Empty;
using (var rc = org_fc.Search())
if (rc.MoveNext())
//Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
guidOrigin = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
using (var rc = person_tbl.Search())
if (rc.MoveNext())
//Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
guidDestination = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
//Add any extra attribute information for the relation as needed
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);
var rd = new KnowledgeGraphRelationshipDescription(guidOrigin, guidDestination, attribs);
//Add a create for the relationship to the operation
edit_op.Create(emp_tbl, rd);
//Do the create
return edit_op.Execute();
var create_rel1 = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//This example uses a chained edit operation
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create entities and a relationship",
SelectNewFeatures = true
//We are just going to use the GDB objects in this one but
//we could equally use feature layers/standalone tables
//using Feature Class/Tables (works within Investigation or map)
var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");
//Relationship table
var emp_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("HasEmployee");
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
//New Organization
attribs["Name"] = "Acme Ltd.";
attribs["Description"] = "Specializes in household items";
attribs["SHAPE"] = org_location;
//Add it to the operation - we need the rowtoken
var rowtoken = edit_op.Create(org_fc, attribs);
attribs.Clear();//we are going to re-use the dictionary
//New Person
attribs["Name"] = "Bob";
attribs["Age"] = "41";
attribs["Skills"] = "Plumbing, Framing, Flooring";
//Add it to the operation
var rowtoken2 = edit_op.Create(person_tbl, attribs);
//At this point we must execute the create of the entities
if (edit_op.Execute())
//if we are here, the create of the entities was successful
//Next, "chain" a second create for the relationship - this ensures that
//Both creates (entities _and_ relation) will be -undone- together if needed
//....in other words they will behave as if they are a -single- transaction
var edit_op_rel = edit_op.CreateChainedOperation();
//we need the names of the origin and destination relation properties
var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
//use the row tokens we held on to from the entity creates
attribs[kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName] = rowtoken.GlobalID;
attribs[kg_prop_info.DestinationIDPropertyName] = rowtoken2.GlobalID;
//Add any extra attribute information for the relation as needed
attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);
//Do the create of the relate
edit_op_rel.Create(emp_tbl, attribs);
return edit_op_rel.Execute();
return false;//Create of entities failed
var createRel = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//This example uses a KnowledgeGraphRelationshipDescription
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create entities and a relationship using a KG relate desc",
SelectNewFeatures = true
//We are just going to use mapmembers in this example
//we could equally use feature classes/tables
var kg_layer = mv.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
//From the KG Layer get the relevant child feature layer(s) and/or standalone
var org_fl = kg_layer.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Organization");
var person_stbl = kg_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Person");
var rel_stbl = kg_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "HasEmployee");
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
//New Organization
attribs["Name"] = "Acme Ltd.";
attribs["Description"] = "Specializes in household items";
attribs["SHAPE"] = org_location;
//Add it to the operation - we need the rowtoken
var rowtoken_org = edit_op.Create(org_fl, attribs);
attribs.Clear();//we are going to re-use the dictionary
//New Person
attribs["Name"] = "Bob";
attribs["Age"] = "41";
attribs["Skills"] = "Plumbing, Framing, Flooring";
//Add it to the operation
var rowtoken_person = edit_op.Create(person_stbl, attribs);
//Create the new relationship using a KnowledgeGraphRelationshipDescription
//Row handles act as the placeholders for the TO BE created new entities that will
//be related
var src_row_handle = new RowHandle(rowtoken_org);
var dest_row_handle = new RowHandle(rowtoken_person);
//Add any extra attribute information for the relation as needed
attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);
var rel_desc = new KnowledgeGraphRelationshipDescription(
src_row_handle, dest_row_handle, attribs);
//Add the relate description to the edit operation
edit_op.Create(rel_stbl, rel_desc);
//Execute the create of the entities and relationship
return edit_op.Execute();
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Instantiate an operation for the Create
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create a new provenance record",
SelectNewFeatures = true
//lets get the provenance table (provenance is not added to the
//map TOC)
var provenance_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Provenance");
if (provenance_tbl == null)
//we will add a row to the provenance for person entity
var person_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>("Person");
//Arbitrarily retrieve the first "person" row
var instance_id = Guid.Empty;
using (var rc = person_tbl.Search())
if (!rc.MoveNext())
instance_id = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();//Get the global id
//Define the provenance attributes - we need the names
//of the provenance properties from the KG ProvenancePropertyInfo
var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var ppi = kg_prop_info.ProvenancePropertyInfo;
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceTypeNamePropertyName] =
person_tbl.GetDefinition().GetName();//entity type name
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceFieldNamePropertyName] = "name";//Must be a property/field on the entity
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourceNamePropertyName] = "Annual Review 2024";//can be anything - can be null
//note: Source type is controlled by the CodedValueDomain "esri__provenanceSourceType"
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourceTypePropertyName] = "Document";//one of ["Document", "String", "URL"].
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceSourcePropertyName] = "HR records";//can be anything, not null
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceCommentPropertyName] = "Rock star";//can be anything - can be null
//Add in the id of the provenance owner - our "person" in this case
attribs[ppi.ProvenanceInstanceIDPropertyName] = instance_id;
//Specify any additional custom attributes added to the provenance
//schema by the user as needed....
//attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
//attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";
//Create the provenance row
edit_op.Create(provenance_tbl, attribs);
if (edit_op.Execute())
//TODO: Operation succeeded
internal static string GetDocumentTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
var entity_types = kg_dm.GetEntityTypes();
foreach (var entity_type in entity_types)
var role = entity_type.Value.GetRole();
if (role == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Document)
return entity_type.Value.GetName();
return "";
internal static string GetHasDocumentTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
var rel_types = kg_dm.GetRelationshipTypes();
foreach (var rel_type in rel_types)
var role = rel_type.Value.GetRole();
if (role == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Document)
return rel_type.Value.GetName();
return "";
internal async void AddDocumentRecord()
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create Document Example",
SelectNewFeatures = true
var doc_entity_name = GetDocumentTypeName(kg.GetDataModel());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc_entity_name))
return false;
var hasdoc_rel_name = GetHasDocumentTypeName(kg.GetDataModel());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hasdoc_rel_name))
return false;
//Document can also be FeatureClass
var doc_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(doc_entity_name);
var doc_rel_tbl = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(hasdoc_rel_name);
//This is the document to be added...file, image, resource, etc.
var url = @"E:\Data\Temp\HelloWorld.txt";
var text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(url);
//Set document properties
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
attribs["contentType"] = @"text/plain";
attribs["name"] = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(url);
attribs["url"] = url;
//Add geometry if relevant
//attribs["Shape"] = doc_location;
attribs["fileExtension"] = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(url);
attribs["text"] = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(url);
//optional and arbitrary - your choice
attribs["title"] = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(url);
attribs["keywords"] = @"text,file,example";
attribs["metadata"] = "";
//Specify any additional custom attributes added to the document
//schema by the user as needed....
//attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
//attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";
//Get the entity whose document this is...
var org_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>("Organization");
var qf = new QueryFilter()
WhereClause = "name = 'Acme'",
SubFields = "*"
var origin_org_id = Guid.Empty;
using (var rc = org_fc.Search(qf))
if (!rc.MoveNext())
return false;
origin_org_id = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();//For the relate
//Create the document row/feature
var rowtoken = edit_op.Create(doc_tbl, attribs);
if (edit_op.Execute())
//Create the relationship row
//we need the names of the origin and destination relation properties
var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
//Specify the origin entity (i.e. the document 'owner') and
//the document being related to (i.e. the document 'itself')
attribs[kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName] = origin_org_id;//entity
attribs[kg_prop_info.DestinationIDPropertyName] = rowtoken.GlobalID;//document
//Specify any custom attributes added to the has document
//schema by the user as needed....
//attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
//attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";
//"Chain" a second create for the relationship - this ensures that
//Both creates (doc _and_ "has doc" relation) will be -undone- together if needed
//....in other words they will behave as if they are a -single- transaction
var edit_op_rel = edit_op.CreateChainedOperation();
edit_op_rel.Create(doc_rel_tbl, attribs);
return edit_op_rel.Execute();
return false;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Modify an Entity and Relationship record",
SelectModifiedFeatures = true
//We are going to use mapmembers in this example
//we could equally use feature classes/tables
var kg_layer = mv.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
var org_fl = kg_layer.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Organization");
//and/or Relationship
var rel_stbl = kg_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "HasEmployee");
//Get the entity feature to modify
long org_oid = -1;
var org_gid = Guid.Empty;
var qf = new QueryFilter()
WhereClause = "name = 'Acme'",
SubFields = "*"
using (var rc = org_fl.Search(qf))
if (!rc.MoveNext())
org_oid = rc.Current.GetObjectID();
org_gid = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
if (org_oid == -1)
return; //nothing to modify
var attribs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
//Specify attributes to be updated
attribs["Name"] = "Acme Ltd.";
attribs["Description"] = "Specializes in household items";
attribs["SHAPE"] = org_updated_location;
//Add to the edit operation
edit_op.Modify(org_fl, org_oid, attribs);
//Get the relationship record (if a relate is being updated)
//we need the name of the origin id property
var kg_prop_info = kg.GetPropertyNameInfo();
var sql = $"{kg_prop_info.OriginIDPropertyName} = ";
sql += "'" + org_gid.ToString("B").ToUpper() + "'";
qf = new QueryFilter()
WhereClause = sql,
SubFields = "*"
long rel_oid = -1;
using (var rc = rel_stbl.Search(qf))
if (!rc.MoveNext())
rel_oid = rc.Current.GetObjectID();
if (rel_oid > -1)
//add the relate row updates to the edit operation
attribs.Clear();//we are going to re-use the dictionary
attribs["StartDate"] = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now);
attribs["custom_attrib"] = "Foo";
attribs["custom_attrib2"] = "Bar";
//Add to the edit operation
edit_op.Modify(rel_stbl, rel_oid, attribs);
//do the update(s)
if (edit_op.Execute())
//TODO: Operation succeeded
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Delete an Entity record"
//We are going to use mapmembers in this example
//we could equally use feature classes/tables
var kg_layer = mv.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
var org_fl = kg_layer.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Organization");
//Get the entity feature(s) to delete
long org_oid = -1;
var qf = new QueryFilter()
WhereClause = "name = 'Acme'",
SubFields = "*"
using (var rc = org_fl.Search(qf))
if (!rc.MoveNext())
return;//nothing to delete
org_oid = rc.Current.GetObjectID();
edit_op.Delete(org_fl, org_oid);
edit_op.Execute();//Do the delete
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Delete a Relationship record"
//We are going to use mapmembers in this example
//we could equally use feature classes/tables
var kg_layer = mv.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
var rel_stbl = kg_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "HasEmployee");
//Get the relation row to delete
long rel_oid = -1;
using (var rc = rel_stbl.Search())
if (!rc.MoveNext())
//arbitrarily, in this example, get the first row
rel_oid = rc.Current.GetObjectID();
edit_op.Delete(rel_stbl, rel_oid);
edit_op.Execute();//Do the delete
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var edit_op = new EditOperation()
Name = "Delete a Relationship record"
//We are going to use mapmembers in this example
//we could equally use feature classes/tables
var kg_layer = mv.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
var entityOrg = kg_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Organization");
var entityPerson = kg_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "Person");
var rel_stbl = kg_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
.First(child_layer => child_layer.Name == "HasEmployee");
// get the origin, destination records
Guid guidOrigin = Guid.Empty;
Guid guidDestination = Guid.Empty;
using (var rc = entityOrg.Search())
if (rc.MoveNext())
//Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
guidOrigin = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
using (var rc = entityPerson.Search())
if (rc.MoveNext())
//Use the KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo to avoid hardcoding...
guidDestination = rc.Current.GetGlobalID();
var rd = new KnowledgeGraphRelationshipDescription(guidOrigin, guidDestination);
edit_op.Delete(rel_stbl, rd);
edit_op.Execute();//Do the delete
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "PhoneCall";
var relate_name = "WhoCalledWho";
//Entity Fields
var descs1 =
new List<KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription>();
new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription("PhoneOwner", FieldType.String));
new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription("PhoneNumber", FieldType.String));
new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription("LocationID", FieldType.BigInteger));
new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription("DateAndTime", FieldType.Date));
//Relate Fields
var descs2 =
new List<KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription>();
new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription("Foo", FieldType.String));
new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription("Bar", FieldType.String));
var includeShape = true;//change to false to omit the shape column
var hasZ = false;
var hasM = false;
KnowledgeGraphEntityTypeDescription entityDesc = null;
KnowledgeGraphRelationshipTypeDescription relateDesc = null;
if (includeShape)
var sr = kg.GetSpatialReference();
var shp_desc = new ShapeDescription(GeometryType.Point, sr)
HasM = hasM,
HasZ = hasZ
entityDesc = new KnowledgeGraphEntityTypeDescription(
entity_name, descs1, shp_desc);
relateDesc = new KnowledgeGraphRelationshipTypeDescription(
relate_name, descs2, shp_desc);
entityDesc = new KnowledgeGraphEntityTypeDescription(
entity_name, descs1);
relateDesc = new KnowledgeGraphRelationshipTypeDescription(
relate_name, descs2);
//Run the schema builder
SchemaBuilder sb = new(kg);
//Use the KnowledgeGraph extension method 'ApplySchemaEdits(...)'
//to refresh the Pro UI
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Entity/Relate Create error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "PhoneCall";
var relate_name = "WhoCalledWho";
var entityDesc = new KnowledgeGraphEntityTypeDescription(entity_name);
var relateDesc = new KnowledgeGraphRelationshipTypeDescription(relate_name);
//Run the schema builder
SchemaBuilder sb = new(kg);
//Use the KnowledgeGraph extension method 'ApplySchemaEdits(...)'
//to refresh the Pro UI
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Entity/Relate Delete error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "PhoneCall";
var relate_name = "WhoCalledWho";
var kvp_entity = kg.GetDataModel().GetEntityTypes()
.First(r => r.Key == entity_name);
var kvp_relate = kg.GetDataModel().GetRelationshipTypes()
.First(r => r.Key == relate_name);
//Let's delete one field and add a new one from each
//A field gets deleted implicitly if it is not included in the list of
//fields - or "properties" in this case....so we will remove the last
//property from the list
var entity_props = kvp_entity.Value.GetProperties().Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse();
var prop_descs = new List<KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription>();
foreach (var prop in entity_props)
if (prop.FieldType == FieldType.Geometry)
continue;//skip shape
var prop_desc = new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription(prop);
//deal with shape - we need to keep it
//SchemaBuilder deletes any field not included in the "modify" list
ShapeDescription shape_desc = null;
if (kvp_entity.Value.GetIsSpatial())
var geom_def = kvp_entity.Value.GetShapeDefinition();
var shape_name = kvp_entity.Value.GetShapeField();
shape_desc = new ShapeDescription(
shape_name, geom_def.geometryType, geom_def.sr);
//add the new entity property
KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription.CreateStringProperty("foo", 10));
//make a description for the entity type - ok if shape_desc is null
var entityDesc = new KnowledgeGraphEntityTypeDescription(
entity_name, prop_descs, shape_desc);
//Add the entity type description to the schema builder using 'Modify'
SchemaBuilder sb = new(kg);
//Repeat for the relationship - assuming we have at least one custom attribute field
//that can be deleted on our relationship schema...
var rel_props = kvp_relate.Value.GetProperties().Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse();
var rel_prop_descs = new List<KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription>();
foreach (var prop in rel_props)
if (prop.FieldType == FieldType.Geometry)
continue;//skip shape
var prop_desc = new KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription(prop);
//deal with shape - we need to keep it
//SchemaBuilder deletes any field not included in the "modify" list
ShapeDescription shape_desc_rel = null;
if (kvp_relate.Value.GetIsSpatial())
var geom_def = kvp_relate.Value.GetShapeDefinition();
var shape_name = kvp_relate.Value.GetShapeField();
shape_desc_rel = new ShapeDescription(
shape_name, geom_def.geometryType, geom_def.sr);
//add a new relationship property
KnowledgeGraphPropertyDescription.CreateStringProperty("bar", 10));
//make a description for the relationship type - ok if shape_desc is null
var relDesc = new KnowledgeGraphRelationshipTypeDescription(
relate_name, rel_prop_descs, shape_desc_rel);
//Add the relationship type description to the schema builder using 'Modify'
//Run the schema builder
//Use the KnowledgeGraph extension method 'ApplySchemaEdits(...)'
//to refresh the Pro UI
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Entity/Relate Modify error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "PhoneCall";
//indexes are managed on the GDB objects...
var entity_table_def = kg.GetDefinition<TableDefinition>(entity_name);
var entity_table_desc = new TableDescription(entity_table_def);
var entity_table_flds = entity_table_def.GetFields();
AttributeIndexDescription attr_index1 = null;
AttributeIndexDescription attr_index2 = null;
foreach (var fld in entity_table_flds)
//index the first string field
if (fld.FieldType == FieldType.String && attr_index1 == null)
if (fld.Name == "ESRI__ID")//special case
//Index _must_ be ascending for KG
attr_index1 = new AttributeIndexDescription(
"Index1", entity_table_desc, new List<string> { fld.Name })
IsAscending = true
//index the first numeric field (if there is one)
if ((fld.FieldType == FieldType.BigInteger ||
fld.FieldType == FieldType.Integer ||
fld.FieldType == FieldType.Single ||
fld.FieldType == FieldType.SmallInteger ||
fld.FieldType == FieldType.Double) && attr_index2 == null)
attr_index2 = new AttributeIndexDescription(
"Index2", entity_table_desc, new List<string> { fld.Name })
IsAscending = true,
IsUnique = true //optional - unique if all values are to be unique in the index
if (attr_index1 != null && attr_index2 != null) break;
if (attr_index1 == null && attr_index2 == null)
return; //nothing to index
//Run the schema builder
SchemaBuilder sb = new(kg);
if (attr_index1 != null)
if (attr_index2 != null)
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Create index error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "PhoneCall";
//indexes are managed on the GDB objects...
var entity_table_def = kg.GetDefinition<TableDefinition>(entity_name);
var entity_table_desc = new TableDescription(entity_table_def);
var indexes = entity_table_def.GetIndexes();
foreach (var idx in indexes)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Index {idx.GetName()}");
var idx1 = indexes.FirstOrDefault(
idx => idx.GetName().ToLower() == "Index1".ToLower());
var idx2 = indexes.FirstOrDefault(
idx => idx.GetName().ToLower() == "Index2".ToLower());
if (idx1 == null && idx2 == null)
//Run the schema builder
SchemaBuilder sb = new(kg);
if (idx1 != null)
var idx_attr = new AttributeIndexDescription(idx1, entity_table_desc);
if (idx2 != null)
var idx_attr = new AttributeIndexDescription(idx2, entity_table_desc);
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Delete index error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
var entity_name = "Fruit";
//Domains are managed on the GDB objects...
var fruit_fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(entity_name);
var fruit_fc_def = fruit_fc.GetDefinition();
var fieldFruitTypes = fruit_fc_def.GetFields()
.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "FruitTypes");
var fieldShelfLife = fruit_fc_def.GetFields()
.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "ShelfLife");
//Create a coded value domain and add it to a new field
var fruit_cvd_desc = new CodedValueDomainDescription(
"FruitTypes", FieldType.String,
new SortedList<object, string> {
{ "A", "Apple" },
{ "B", "Banana" },
{ "C", "Coconut" }
}) {
SplitPolicy = SplitPolicy.Duplicate,
MergePolicy = MergePolicy.DefaultValue
//Create a Range Domain and add the domain to a new field description also
var shelf_life_rd_desc = new RangeDomainDescription(
"ShelfLife", FieldType.Integer, 0, 14);
var sb = new SchemaBuilder(kg);
//Create the new field descriptions that will be associated with the
//"new" FruitTypes coded value domain and the ShelfLife range domain
var fruit_types_fld = new ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.FieldDescription(
"FruitTypes", FieldType.String);
//ShelfLife will use the range domain
var shelf_life_fld = new ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.FieldDescription(
"ShelfLife", FieldType.Integer);
//Add the descriptions to the list of field descriptions for the
//fruit feature class - Modify schema needs _all_ fields to be included
//in the schema, not just the new ones to be added.
var fruit_fc_desc = new FeatureClassDescription(fruit_fc_def);
var modified_fld_descs = new List<ArcGIS.Core.Data.DDL.FieldDescription>(
//Create a feature class description to modify the fruit entity
//with the new fields and their associated domains
var updated_fruit_fc =
new FeatureClassDescription(entity_name, modified_fld_descs,
//Add the modified fruit fc desc to the schema builder
//Run the schema builder
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Create domains error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
using (var kg = GetKnowledgeGraph())
if (kg == null)
//Get all the domains in the KG
var domains = kg.GetDomains();
var sb = new SchemaBuilder(kg);
foreach (var domain in domains)
//skip the special provenance domain
var name = domain.GetName();
if (string.Compare(name, "esri__provenanceSourceType", true) == 0)
continue;//skip this one
//Delete all other domains
if (domain is RangeDomain rd)
sb.Delete(new RangeDomainDescription(rd));
else if (domain is CodedValueDomain cvd)
sb.Delete(new CodedValueDomainDescription(cvd));
//note: will throw an InvalidOperationException if there are no operations
//to run. Will also delete associated fields dependent on deleted domain(s)
if (!kg.ApplySchemaEdits(sb))
var err_msg = string.Join(",", sb.ErrorMessages.ToArray());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Delete domains error: {err_msg}");
catch (Exception ex)
Home | API Reference | Requirements | Download | Samples
Opening a Connection to a KnowledgeGraph
Getting a Connection from a KnowledgeGraphLayer
Retrieving GDB FeatureClasses and Definitions
Retrieving GDB Tables and Definitions
Get service Uri from KG datastore
Transform a set of objectIDs to IDs for an entity
Transform a set of IDs to objectIDs for an entity
Retrieving the Data Model
Get Data Model Properties
Get Data Model Identifier Info
Get Data Model MetaEntityTypes/Provenance
Get Whether KG Supports Provenance
Get Whether KG Supports Provenance using KnowledgeGraphPropertyInfo
Get KnowledgeGraph Entity Types
Get Whether KG Has a Document Type
Check Whether A KG Entity Is a Document
Check Whether A Graph Type has a Spatial Property
Get KnowledgeGraph Relationship Types
Get All KnowledgeGraph Graph Types
Create a KG Layer containing all Entity and Relate types
Create a KG Layer containing a subset of Entity and Relate types
Using LayerFactory.Instance.CanCreateLayer with KG Create Layer Params
Get and Set a KG Layer IDSet
Is a dataset part of a Knowledge Graph
Get KG Datastore
Get KG Service uri
SubLayers of a KnowledgeGraph Layer
Create a LinkChart from a subset of an existing LinkChart IDSet
Submit a Graph Query
Submit a Text Search
Convert an Open Cypher Query Result to a Selection
Use Bind Parameters with an Open Cypher Query
Use Bind Parameters with an Open Cypher Query2
Call WaitForRowsAsync With Cancellation
Process a KnowledgeGraphRow Value
Find link chart project items
Find link chart map by name
Does Active MapView contain a link chart map
Find Link Chart from Map panes
Get and set the link chart layout
Create a Link Chart Containing All Records for a KG
Create a Link Chart With an Empty KG Layer
Create a link chart with all the entities of the Knowledge Graph
Create a Link Chart from a query
Create a link chart based on a template link chart
Checking KnowledgeGraphLayerException
Append to Link Chart
Toggle Root Node Display
Get records that are set as Root Nodes
Assign a set of records as Root Nodes
Assign a selection as Root Nodes
Select the records that are Root Node
Define and select a set of records as Root Nodes
Clear Root Nodes
Create a new Entity
Create a new Relationship from Existing Entities 1
Create a new Relationship from Existing Entities 2
Create a new Relationship and New Entities 1
Create a new Relationship and New Entities 2
Create a Provenance Record
Create a Document Record
Modify an Entity and Relationship record
Delete an Entity record
Delete a Relationship record 1
Delete a Relationship record 2
Create Entity and Relationship Types with SchemaBuilder
Delete Entity and Relationship Types with SchemaBuilder
Modify Entity and Relationship Type Schemas with SchemaBuilder
Create Attribute Indexes on KG Schemas with SchemaBuilder
Delete Attribute Indexes on KG Schemas with SchemaBuilder
Create Domain and Field Definition on KG Schemas with SchemaBuilder
Delete Domain on KG Schemas with SchemaBuilder