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ProSnippets VoxelLayers
UmaHarano edited this page Nov 6, 2024
8 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: VoxelLayers
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 10/22/2024
ArcGIS Pro: 3.4
Visual Studio: 2022
.NET Target Framework: .Net 8
//Map must be a local scene
bool canCreateVoxel = (MapView.Active.ViewingMode == MapViewingMode.SceneLocal);
if (canCreateVoxel)
//TODO - use the voxel api methods
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//Must be a .NetCDF file for voxels
var url = @"C:\MyData\AirQuality_Redlands.nc";
var cim_connection = new CIMVoxelDataConnection()
URI = url
//Create a VoxelLayerCreationParams
var createParams = VoxelLayerCreationParams.Create(cim_connection);
createParams.IsVisible = true;
//Can also just use the path directly...
//var createParams = VoxelLayerCreationParams.Create(url);
//Use VoxelLayerCreationParams to enumerate the variables within
//the voxel
var variables = createParams.Variables;
foreach (var variable in variables)
var line = $"{variable.Variable}: {variable.DataType}, " +
$"{variable.Description}, {variable.IsDefault}, {variable.IsSelected}";
//Optional: set the default variable
//Create the layer - map must be a local scene
VoxelLayer voxelLayer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer<VoxelLayer>(createParams, map);
//Get selected layer if a voxel layer is selected
var voxelLayer = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers().OfType<VoxelLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (voxelLayer == null)
//just get the first voxel layer in the TOC
voxelLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<VoxelLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (voxelLayer == null)
//var voxelLayer = ...
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//Toggle containers and visibility in the TOC
var surfaces = MapView.Active.GetSelectedIsosurfaces();
//set selected w/ MapView.Active.SelectVoxelIsosurface(isoSurface)
var slices = MapView.Active.GetSelectedSlices();
//set selected w/ MapView.Active.SelectVoxelSlice(slice)
var sections = MapView.Active.GetSelectedSections();
//set selected w/ MapView.Active.SelectVoxelSection(section)
var locked_sections = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLockedSections();
//set selected w/ MapView.Active.SelectVoxelLockedSection(locked_section)
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//Change the visualization to Volume
//e.g. for creating slices
//Change the visualization to Surface
//e.g. to create isosurfaces and sections
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var offset = voxelLayer.CartographicOffset;
//apply an offset
voxelLayer.SetCartographicOffset(offset + 100.0);
var exaggeration = voxelLayer.VerticalExaggeration;
//apply an exaggeration
voxelLayer.SetVerticalExaggeration(exaggeration + 100.0);
//Change the exaggeration mode to "ScaleZ" - corresponds to 'Z-coordinates'
//on the Layer properties UI - must use the CIM
var def = voxelLayer.GetDefinition() as CIMVoxelLayer;
def.Layer3DProperties.ExaggerationMode = ExaggerationMode.ScaleZ;
//can set vertical exaggeration via the CIM also
//def.Layer3DProperties.VerticalExaggeration = exaggeration + 100.0;
//apply the change
//Diffuse Lighting
if (!voxelLayer.IsDiffuseLightingEnabled)
var diffuse = voxelLayer.DiffuseLighting;
//set Diffuse lighting to a value between 0 and 1
voxelLayer.SetDiffuseLighting(0.5); //50%
//Specular Lighting
if (!voxelLayer.IsSpecularLightingEnabled)
var specular = voxelLayer.SpecularLighting;
//set Diffuse lighting to a value between 0 and 1
voxelLayer.SetSpecularLighting(0.5); //50%
//At 2.x - var volume = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();
//var x_max = volume.Item1;
//var y_max = volume.Item2;
//var z_max = volume.Item3;
var x_max = voxelLayer.GetVolumes().Max(v => v.GetVolumeSize().X);
var y_max = voxelLayer.GetVolumes().Max(v => v.GetVolumeSize().Y);
var z_max = voxelLayer.GetVolumes().Max(v => v.GetVolumeSize().Z);
//Get the dimensions of just one volume
var dimensions = voxelLayer.GetVolumes().FirstOrDefault();
//Get the dimensions of the volume associated with the selected variable
var dimensions2 = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume.GetVolumeSize();
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Events.MapMemberPropertiesChangedEvent.Subscribe((args) =>
var voxel = args.MapMembers.OfType<VoxelLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
if (voxel == null)
//Anything changed on a voxel layer?
//At 2.x - if (args.EventHints.Any(hint => hint == MapMemberEventHint.VoxelSelectedVariableProfileIndex))
if (args.EventHints.Any(hint => hint == MapMemberEventHint.VoxelSelectedVariable))
//Voxel variable profile selection changed
var changed_variable_name = voxel.SelectedVariableProfile.Variable;
//TODO respond to change, use QueuedTask if needed
else if (args.EventHints.Any(hint => hint == MapMemberEventHint.Renderer))
//This can fire when a renderer becomes ready on a new layer; the selected variable profile
//is changed; visualization is changed, etc.
var renderer = voxel.SelectedVariableProfile.Renderer;
//TODO respond to change, use QueuedTask if needed
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Voxel.Events.VoxelAssetChangedEvent.Subscribe((args) =>
//An asset changed on a voxel layer
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($" AssetType: {args.AssetType}, ChangeType: {args.ChangeType}");
if (args.ChangeType == VoxelAssetEventArgs.VoxelAssetChangeType.Remove)
//Get "what"changed - add or update
//eg IsoSurface
VoxelLayer voxelLayer = null;
if (args.AssetType == VoxelAssetEventArgs.VoxelAssetType.Isosurface)
var surface = MapView.Active.GetSelectedIsosurfaces().FirstOrDefault();
//there will only be one selected...
if (surface != null)
voxelLayer = surface.Layer;
//TODO respond to change, use QueuedTask if needed
//Repeat for Slices, Sections, LockedSections...
//GetSelectedSlices(), GetSelectedSections(), GetSelectedLockedSections();
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var sel_profile = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile;
//Get the variable profile name
var profile_name = sel_profile.Variable;
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var profiles = voxelLayer.GetVariableProfiles();
//Select any profile as long as it is not the current selected variable
var not_selected = profiles.Where(p => p.Variable != sel_profile.Variable).ToList();
if (not_selected.Count() > 0)
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var variable_profiles = voxelLayer.GetVariableProfiles();
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var variable = voxelLayer.GetVariableProfiles().First();
var renderer = variable.Renderer;
if (variable.DataType == VoxelVariableDataType.Continuous)
//Renderer will be stretch
var stretchRenderer = renderer as CIMVoxelStretchRenderer;
//access the renderer
else //VoxelVariableDataType.Discrete
//Renderer will be unique value
var uvr = renderer as CIMVoxelUniqueValueRenderer;
//access the renderer
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//Get the variable profile on which to access the data
var variable = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile;
//or use ...voxelLayer.GetVariableProfiles()
//Data range
//At 2.x -
//var min = variable.GetVariableStatistics().MinimumValue;
//var max = variable.GetVariableStatistics().MaximumValue;
var min = variable.Statistics.MinimumValue;
var max = variable.Statistics.MaximumValue;
//Color range (Continuous only)
double color_min, color_max;
if (variable.DataType == VoxelVariableDataType.Continuous)
var renderer = variable.Renderer as CIMVoxelStretchRenderer;
color_min = renderer.ColorRangeMin;
color_max = renderer.ColorRangeMax;
//Typically, the default color range covers the most
//commonly occuring voxel values. Usually, the data
//range is much broader than the color range
//Get the variable profile whose renderer will be changed
var variable = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile;
//Check DataType
if (variable.DataType != VoxelVariableDataType.Continuous)
return;//must be continuous to have a Stretch Renderer...
var renderer = variable.Renderer as CIMVoxelStretchRenderer;
var color_min = renderer.ColorRangeMin;
var color_max = renderer.ColorRangeMax;
//increase range by 10% of the current difference
var dif = (color_max - color_min) * 0.05;
color_min -= dif;
color_max += dif;
//make sure we do not exceed data range
//At 2.x -
//if (color_min < variable.GetVariableStatistics().MinimumValue)
// color_min = variable.GetVariableStatistics().MinimumValue;
//if (color_max > variable.GetVariableStatistics().MaximumValue)
// color_max = variable.GetVariableStatistics().MaximumValue;
if (color_min < variable.Statistics.MinimumValue)
color_min = variable.Statistics.MinimumValue;
if (color_max > variable.Statistics.MaximumValue)
color_max = variable.Statistics.MaximumValue;
renderer.ColorRangeMin = color_min;
renderer.ColorRangeMax = color_max;
//apply changes
//Get the variable profile whose renderer will be changed
var variable = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile;
//Check DataType
if (variable.DataType != VoxelVariableDataType.Discrete)
return;//must be Discrete to have a UV Renderer...
var renderer = variable.Renderer as CIMVoxelUniqueValueRenderer;
//A CIMVoxelUniqueValueRenderer consists of a collection of
//CIMVoxelColorUniqueValue classes - one per discrete value
//in the associated variable profile value array
//Get the first class
var classes = renderer.Classes.ToList();
var unique_value_class = classes.First();
//Set its visibility off
unique_value_class.Visible = false;
//Apply the change to the renderer
renderer.Classes = classes.ToArray();
//apply the changes
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var variable = voxelLayer.GetVariableProfiles().First();
var max = variable.MaxNumberOfIsosurfaces;
if (max >= variable.GetIsosurfaces().Count)
//no more surfaces can be created on this variable
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var variable = voxelLayer.GetVariableProfiles().First();
if (variable.DataType != VoxelVariableDataType.Continuous)
//No iso surfaces
//Iso surface can only be created for VoxelVariableDataType.Continuous
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//Visualization must be surface or CanCreateIsosurface will return
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//Get the variable profile on which to create the iso surface
var variable = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile;
//or use ...voxelLayer.GetVariableProfiles().First(....
// o Visualization must be Surface
// o Variable profile must be continuous
// o Variable MaxNumberofIsoSurfaces must not have been reached...
if (variable.CanCreateIsosurface)
//Do the create
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//Visualization must be surface
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//Get the variable profile on which to create the iso surface
var variable = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile;
// o Visualization must be Surface
// o Variable profile must be continuous
// o Variable MaxNumberofIsoSurfaces must not have been reached...
if (variable.CanCreateIsosurface)
//Note: calling create if variable.CanCreateIsosurface == false
//will trigger an InvalidOperationException
//Specify a voxel value for the iso surface
//At 2.x -
//var min = variable.GetVariableStatistics().MinimumValue;
//var max = variable.GetVariableStatistics().MaximumValue;
var min = variable.Statistics.MinimumValue;
var max = variable.Statistics.MaximumValue;
var mid = (max + min) / 2;
//color range (i.e. values that are being rendered)
var renderer = variable.Renderer as CIMVoxelStretchRenderer;
var color_min = renderer.ColorRangeMin;
var color_max = renderer.ColorRangeMax;
//keep the surface within the current color range (or it
//won't render)
if (mid < color_min)
mid = renderer.ColorRangeMin;
else if (mid > color_max)
mid = renderer.ColorRangeMax;
//Create the iso surface
var suffix = Math.Truncate(mid * 100) / 100;
variable.CreateIsosurface(new IsosurfaceDefinition()
Name = $"Surface {suffix}",
Value = mid,
IsVisible = true
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var variable = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile;
//Change the color of the first surface for the given profile
var surface = variable.GetIsosurfaces().FirstOrDefault();
if (surface != null)
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//Change the iso surface voxel value
surface.Value = surface.Value * 0.9;
//get a random color
var count = new Random().Next(0, 100);
var colors = ColorFactory.Instance.GenerateColorsFromColorRamp(
((CIMVoxelStretchRenderer)variable.Renderer).ColorRamp, count);
var idx = new Random().Next(0, count - 1);
surface.Color = colors[idx];
//set the custom color flag true to lock the color
//locking the color prevents it from being changed if the
//renderer color range or color theme is updated
surface.IsCustomColor = true;
//update the surface
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//var variable = ...;
//var surface = ...;
if (surface.IsCustomColor)
surface.Color = variable.GetIsosurfaceColor((double)surface.Value);
surface.IsCustomColor = false;
//update the surface
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var variable = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile;
//delete the last surface
var last_surface = variable.GetIsosurfaces().LastOrDefault();
if (last_surface != null)
//delete all the surfaces
foreach (var surface in variable.GetIsosurfaces())
//Optional - set visualization back to Volume
if (variable.GetIsosurfaces().Count() == 0)
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//At 2.x - var slices = voxelLayer.GetSlices();
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the slices currently in the TOC
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var slices = volume.GetSlices();
//Do something... e.g. make them visible
foreach (var slice in slices)
slice.IsVisible = true;
//at 2.x - voxelLayer.UpdateSlice(slice);
//expand the slice container and make sure container visibility is true
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//At 2.x -
//var slice = voxelLayer.GetSlices().FirstOrDefault();
//var slice2 = voxelLayer.GetSlices().First(s => s.Id == my_slice_id);
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the slices currently in the TOC
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var slice = volume.GetSlices().FirstOrDefault();
var slice2 = volume.GetSlices().First(s => s.Id == my_slice_id);
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var slice = MapView.Active?.GetSelectedSlices()?.FirstOrDefault();
if (slice != null)
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
VoxelLayer voxelLayer = null;
var slice = MapView.Active?.GetSelectedSlices()?.FirstOrDefault();
if (slice != null)
voxelLayer = slice.Layer;
//TODO - use the layer
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Volume)
//To stop the Voxel Exploration Dockpane activating use:
voxelLayer.AutoShowExploreDockPane = false;
//This is useful if u have your own dockpane currently activated...
//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the slices currently in the TOC
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();
//Orientation 90 degrees (West), Tilt 0.0 (vertical)
//Convert to a normal
var normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(90, 0.0);
//Create the slice at the voxel mid-point. VoxelPosition
//is specified in voxel-space coordinates
//At 2.x -
//voxelLayer.CreateSlice(new SliceDefinition()
// Name = "Middle Slice",
// VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volume.Item1 / 2, volume.Item2 / 2, volume.Item3 / 2),
// Normal = normal,
// IsVisible = true
//Create the slice on the respective volume
volume.CreateSlice(new SliceDefinition()
Name = "Middle Slice",
VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2),
Normal = normal,
IsVisible = true
//reset if needed...
voxelLayer.AutoShowExploreDockPane = true;
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//To stop the Voxel Exploration Dockpane activating use:
voxelLayer.AutoShowExploreDockPane = false;
//This is useful if u have your own dockpane currently activated...
//Normally, it would be set in your dockpane
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Volume)
//At 2.x - var slice = voxelLayer.GetSlices().First(s => s.Name == "Change Tilt Slice");
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the slices currently in the TOC
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var slice = volume.GetSlices().First(s => s.Name == "Change Tilt Slice");
(double orientation, double tilt) = voxelLayer.GetOrientationAndTilt(slice.Normal);
//Convert orientation and tilt to a normal
slice.Normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(orientation, 45.0);
//At 2.x - voxelLayer.UpdateSlice(slice);
//reset if needed...Normally this might be when your dockpane
//was de-activated (ie "closed")
voxelLayer.AutoShowExploreDockPane = true;
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//At 2.x
//var last_slice = voxelLayer.GetSlices().LastOrDefault();
// if (last_slice != null)
// voxelLayer.DeleteSlice(last_slice);
// //Delete all slices
// var slices = voxelLayer.GetSlices();
// foreach (var slice in slices)
// voxelLayer.DeleteSlice(slice);
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the slices currently in the TOC
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var last_slice = volume.GetSlices().LastOrDefault();
if (last_slice != null)
//Delete all slices
var slices = volume.GetSlices();
foreach (var slice in slices)
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//At 2.x -
//var section = voxelLayer.GetSections().FirstOrDefault();
//var section2 = voxelLayer.GetSections().First(sec => sec.Id == my_section_id);
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections currently in the TOC
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var section = volume.GetSections().FirstOrDefault();
var section2 = volume.GetSections().First(sec => sec.ID == my_section_id);
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//At 2.x - var sections = voxelLayer.GetSections();
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections currently in the TOC
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var sections = volume.GetSections();
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var section = MapView.Active?.GetSelectedSections()?.FirstOrDefault();
if (section != null)
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
VoxelLayer voxelLayer = null;
var section = MapView.Active?.GetSelectedSections()?.FirstOrDefault();
if (section != null)
voxelLayer = section.Layer;
//TODO - use the layer
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//To stop the Voxel Exploration Dockpane activating use:
voxelLayer.AutoShowExploreDockPane = false;
//This is useful if u have your own dockpane currently activated...
//Normally, it would be set in your dockpane
//Create a section that cuts the volume in two on the vertical plane
//At 2.x - var volume = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();
//Orientation 90 degrees (due West), Tilt 0 degrees
var normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(90, 0.0);
//Position must be specified in voxel space
//At 2.x -
//voxelLayer.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
// Name = "Middle Section",
// VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volume.Item1 / 2, volume.Item2 / 2, volume.Item3 / 2),
// Normal = normal,
// IsVisible = true
volume.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
Name = "Middle Section",
VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2),
Normal = normal,
IsVisible = true
//reset if needed...Normally this might be when your dockpane
//was de-activated (ie "closed")
voxelLayer.AutoShowExploreDockPane = true;
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//Create a section that cuts the volume in two on the horizontal plane
//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();
//Or use normal (0, 0, 1) or (0, 0, -1)...
var horz_section = SectionDefinition.CreateHorizontalSectionDefinition();
horz_section.Name = "Horizontal Section";
horz_section.IsVisible = true;
horz_section.VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2);
//At 2.x - voxelLayer.CreateSection(horz_section);
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();
//180 degrees orientation is due South. 90 degrees orientation is due west.
var south = 180.0;
var num_sections = 12;
var spacing = 1 / (double)num_sections;
//Create a section every nth degree of orientation. Each section
//bisects the middle of the voxel
for (int s = 0; s < num_sections; s++)
var orientation = south * (s * spacing);
//At 2.x -
//voxelLayer.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
// Name = $"Circle {s + 1}",
// VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.Item1 / 2, volumeSize.Item2 / 2, volumeSize.Item3 / 2),
// Normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(orientation, 0.0),
// IsVisible = true
volume.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
Name = $"Circle {s + 1}",
VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2),
Normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(orientation, 0.0),
IsVisible = true
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();
//Make three Normals - each is a Unit Vector (x, y, z)
var north_south = new Coordinate3D(1, 0, 0);
var east_west = new Coordinate3D(0, 1, 0);
var horizontal = new Coordinate3D(0, 0, 1);
int n = 0;
//The two verticals bisect the x,y plane. The horizontal normal bisects
//the Z plane.
foreach (var normal in new List<Coordinate3D> { north_south, east_west, horizontal })
//At 2.x -
//voxelLayer.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
// Name = $"Cross {++n}",
// VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.Item1 / 2, volumeSize.Item2 / 2, volumeSize.Item3 / 2),
// Normal = normal,
// IsVisible = true
volume.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
Name = $"Cross {++n}",
VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X / 2, volumeSize.Y / 2, volumeSize.Z / 2),
Normal = normal,
IsVisible = true
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//At 2.x - var volumeSize = voxelLayer.GetVolumeSize();
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var volumeSize = volume.GetVolumeSize();
//make a diagonal across the voxel
var voxel_pos = new Coordinate3D(0, 0, volumeSize.Z);
var voxel_pos_ur = new Coordinate3D(volumeSize.X, volumeSize.Y, volumeSize.Z);
var lineBuilder = new LineBuilderEx(voxel_pos, voxel_pos_ur, null);
var diagonal = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(lineBuilder.ToSegment());
var num_sections = 12;
var spacing = 1 / (double)num_sections;
//change as needed
var orientation = 20.0; //(approx NNW)
var tilt = -15.0;
var normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(orientation, tilt);
for (int s = 0; s < num_sections; s++)
Coordinate2D end_pt = new Coordinate2D(0, 0);
if (s > 0)
//position each section evenly spaced along the diagonal
var segments = new List<Segment>() as ICollection<Segment>;
var part = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetSubCurve3D(
diagonal, 0.0, s * spacing, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio);
part.GetAllSegments(ref segments);
end_pt = segments.First().EndCoordinate;
//At 2.x -
//voxelLayer.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
// Name = $"Diagonal {s + 1}",
// VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(end_pt.X, end_pt.Y, volumeSize.Item3),
// Normal = normal,
// IsVisible = true
volume.CreateSection(new SectionDefinition()
Name = $"Diagonal {s + 1}",
VoxelPosition = new Coordinate3D(end_pt.X, end_pt.Y, volumeSize.Z),
Normal = normal,
IsVisible = true
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
//At 2.x - foreach (var section in voxelLayer.GetSections())
foreach (var section in volume.GetSections())
//set each normal to 45.0 orientation and tilt
section.Normal = voxelLayer.GetNormal(45.0, 45.0);
//apply the change
//At 2.x - voxelLayer.UpdateSection(section);
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//At 2.x - var sections = voxelLayer.GetSections().Where(s => !s.IsVisible);
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
var sections = volume.GetSections().Where(s => !s.IsVisible);
//Make them all visible
foreach (var section in sections)
section.IsVisible = true;
//apply the change
//At 2.x - voxelLayer.UpdateSection(section);
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
//At 2.x - foreach (var section in voxelLayer.GetSections())
// voxelLayer.DeleteSection(section);
foreach (var section in volume.GetSections())
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Volume)
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
var locked_sections = voxelLayer.GetLockedSections();
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var locked_section = voxelLayer.GetLockedSections().FirstOrDefault();
var locked_section2 = voxelLayer.GetLockedSections()
.First(lsec => lsec.ID == my_locked_section_id);
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var locked_section = MapView.Active?.GetSelectedLockedSections()?.FirstOrDefault();
if (locked_section != null)
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
VoxelLayer voxelLayer = null;
var locked_section = MapView.Active?.GetSelectedLockedSections()?.FirstOrDefault();
if (locked_section != null)
voxelLayer = locked_section.Layer;
//TODO - use the layer
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
var locked_section = MapView.Active?.GetSelectedLockedSections()?.FirstOrDefault();
if (locked_section != null)
var variable = locked_section.Layer.GetVariableProfile(locked_section.VariableName);
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//Use the SelectedVariableProfile to get the sections
//via its associated volume
var volume = voxelLayer.SelectedVariableProfile.Volume;
//get the selected section
var section = MapView.Active.GetSelectedSections().FirstOrDefault();
if (section == null)
//At 2.x - section = voxelLayer.GetSections().FirstOrDefault();
section = volume.GetSections().FirstOrDefault();
if (section == null)
//Lock the section (Creates a locked section, deletes
//the section)
//if (voxelLayer.CanLockSection(section))
// voxelLayer.LockSection(section);
if (volume.CanLockSection(section))
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
var locked_sections = voxelLayer.GetLockedSections().Where(ls => !ls.IsVisible);
//Make them visible
foreach (var locked_section in locked_sections)
locked_section.IsVisible = true;
//apply change
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.Visualization != VoxelVisualization.Surface)
//get the selected locked section
var locked_section = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLockedSections().FirstOrDefault();
if (locked_section == null)
locked_section = voxelLayer.GetLockedSections().FirstOrDefault();
if (locked_section == null)
//Unlock the locked section (Deletes the locked section, creates
//a section)
if (voxelLayer.CanUnlockSection(locked_section))
//var voxelLayer = ... ;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
if (voxelLayer.GetLockedSections().Count() == 0)
//Delete the last locked section from the collection of
//locked sections
Home | API Reference | Requirements | Download | Samples
Get a Voxel Layer from the TOC
Manipulate the Voxel Layer TOC Group
Get/Set Selected Voxel Assets from the TOC
Change the Voxel Visualization
Lighting Properties, Offset, Vertical Exaggeration
Get the Voxel Volume Dimensions
Get the Selected Variable Profile
Change the Selected Variable Profile
Get the Variable Profiles
Get the Variable Renderer
Access Stats and Color Range for a Stretch Renderer
Change Stretch Renderer Color Range
Change The Visibility on a CIMVoxelColorUniqueValue class
Check the MaxNumberofIsoSurfaces for a Variable
Check a Variable's Datatype
Check CanCreateIsoSurface
Create Isosurface
Change Value and Color on an Isosurface
Change Isourface Color Back to Default
Delete Isosurface- s
Get the Collection of Slices
Get a Slice
Get Selected Slice in TOC
Get Voxel Layer for the Selected Slice in TOC
Create a Slice
Change Tilt on a Slice
Delete Slice
Get a Section
Get the Current Collection of Sections
Get the Selected Section in TOC
Get Voxel Layer for the Selected Section in TOC
Create a Section at the Voxel MidPoint
Create a Horizontal Section
Create Sections in a Circle Pattern
Create Sections that Bisect the Voxel
Create Sections Diagonally across the Voxel
Update Section Orientation and Tilt
Update Section Visibility
Delete Sections
Get the Current Collection of Locked Sections
Get a Locked Section
Get Selected Locked Section in TOC
Get Voxel Layer for the Selected Locked Section in TOC
Set the Variable Profile Active for Selected Locked Section
Lock a Section/"Create" a Locked Section
Update Locked Section Visibility
Unlock a Locked Section
Delete a Locked Section