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ProSnippets SceneLayers
uma2526 edited this page May 12, 2021
11 revisions
Language: C#
Subject: SceneLayers
Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>
Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com
Date: 5/5/2021
ArcGIS Pro: 2.8
Visual Studio: 2017, 2019
.NET Target Framework: 4.8
var sceneLayerUrl = @"https://myportal.com/server/rest/services/Hosted/SceneLayerServiceName/SceneServer";
//portal items also ok as long as the portal is the current active portal...
//var sceneLayerUrl = @"https://myportal.com/home/item.html?id=123456789abcdef1234567890abcdef0";
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Create with initial visibility set to false. Add to current scene
var createparams = new LayerCreationParams(new Uri(sceneLayerUrl, UriKind.Absolute))
IsVisible = false
//cast to specific type of scene layer being created - in this case FeatureSceneLayer
var sceneLayer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer<Layer>(createparams, MapView.Active.Map) as FeatureSceneLayer;
//or...specify the cast directly
var sceneLayer2 = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer<FeatureSceneLayer>(createparams, MapView.Active.Map);
//ditto for BuildingSceneLayer, PointCloudSceneLayer, IntegratedMeshSceneLayer
var bsl_discipline = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer>().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "Architectural");
var disciplineName = bsl_discipline.GetDiscipline();
public void QueryBuildingSceneLayer()
var bldgLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<BuildingSceneLayer>().First();
var disciplines = new Dictionary<string, BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer>();
//A Building layer has two children - Overview and FullModel
//Overview is a FeatureSceneLayer
//Full Model is a BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer that contains the disciplines
var fullModel = bldgLayer.FindLayers("Full Model").First() as BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer;
CollectDisciplineLayers(fullModel, disciplines);
internal void CollectDisciplineLayers(BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer disciplineLayer,
Dictionary<string, BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer> disciplines)
//collect information on the disciplines
var name = disciplineLayer.Name;
var layerType = ((ISceneLayerInfo)disciplineLayer).SceneServiceLayerType.ToString();
var discipline = disciplineLayer.GetDiscipline();
//TODO - use collected information
disciplines.Add(discipline, disciplineLayer);
//Discipline layers are composite layers too
foreach (var childDiscipline in disciplineLayer.Layers.OfType<BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer>())
//Discipline layers can also contain FeatureSceneLayers that render the
//individual full model contents
var content_names = string.Join(", ", childDiscipline.Layers
.OfType<FeatureSceneLayer>().Select(fl => fl.Name));
CollectDisciplineLayers(childDiscipline, disciplines);
var bsl = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<BuildingSceneLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
var scenelayerName = bsl.Name;
//Must be called on the MCT
//Retrieve the complete set of types and values for the building scene
//var bsl = ...;
var dict = bsl.QueryAvailableFieldsAndValues();
//get a list of existing disciplines
var disciplines = dict.SingleOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "Discipline").Value ?? new List<string>();
//get a list of existing categories
var categories = dict.SingleOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "Category").Value ?? new List<string>();
//get a list of existing floors or "levels"
var floors = dict.SingleOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "BldgLevel").Value ?? new List<string>();
//Must be called on the MCT
//Creates a default filter on the building scene
//var bsl = ...;
var filter1 = bsl.CreateDefaultFilter();
var values = filter1.FilterBlockDefinitions[0].SelectedValues;
//values will be a single value for the type
//"CreatedPhase", value "New Construction"
//There will be at least one filter after "CreateDefaultFilter()" call
var filtersCount = bsl.GetFilters().Count;
//var bsl = ...;
//Note: wire_frame_filters can be null in this example
var wire_frame_filters = bsl.GetFilters().Where(
f => f.FilterBlockDefinitions.Any(fb => fb.FilterBlockMode == Object3DRenderingMode.Wireframe));
//substitute Object3DRenderingMode.None to get blocks with a solid mode (default)
//fb.FilterBlockMode == Object3DRenderingMode.Wireframe &&
//fb.FilterBlockMode == Object3DRenderingMode.None
//for blocks with both
//Must be called on the MCT
//Note: Use HasFilter to check if a given filter id exists in the layer
//var bsl = ...;
if (bsl.HasFilter(filter1.ID))
var activeFilter = bsl.GetActiveFilter();
//Clear the active filter
string filterID1 = filter1.ID;
var filter = bsl.GetFilter(filterID1);
//or via Linq
//var filter = bsl.GetFilters().FirstOrDefault(f => f.ID == filterID1);
//Must be called on the MCT
//var bsl = ...;
//var filter1 = bsl.GetFilter(filterID1);
filter1.Name = "Updated Filter Name";
filter1.Description = "Updated Filter description";
//refer to "Query Building Scene Layer for available Types and Values"
//var bsl = ...;
//var dict = bsl.QueryAvailableFieldsAndValues();
//var categories = dict.SingleOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "Category").Value;
//var floors = dict.SingleOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key == "BldgLevel").Value;
//Make a new filter definition
var fd = new FilterDefinition()
Name = "Floor and Category Filter",
Description = "Example filter",
//Set up the values for the filter
var filtervals = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
filtervals.Add("BldgLevel", new List<string>() { floors[0] });
var category_vals = categories.Where(v => v == "Walls" || v == "Stairs").ToList() ?? new List<string>();
if (category_vals.Count() > 0)
filtervals.Add("Category", category_vals);
//Create a solid block (other option is "Wireframe")
var fdef = new FilterBlockDefinition()
FilterBlockMode = Object3DRenderingMode.None,
Title = "Solid Filter",
SelectedValues = filtervals//Floor and Category
//Apply the block
fd.FilterBlockDefinitions = new List<FilterBlockDefinition>() { fdef };
//Add the filter definition to the layer
//Set it active. The ID is auto-generated
//Must be called on the MCT
//Assuming retrieve filter ok
//var bsl = ...;
//var filter1 = bsl.GetFilter(...);
var filterBlock = new FilterBlockDefinition();
filterBlock.FilterBlockMode = Object3DRenderingMode.Wireframe;
var selectedValues = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
//We assume QueryAvailableFieldsAndValues() contains "Walls" and "Doors"
//For 'Category'
selectedValues["Category"] = new List<string>() { "Walls", "Doors" };
filterBlock.SelectedValues = selectedValues;
filter1.FilterBlockDefinitions = new List<FilterBlockDefinition>() { filterBlock };
//var bsl = ...;
//Note: Use HasFilter to check if a given filter id exists in the layer
//Must be called on the MCT
if (bsl.HasFilter(filter1.ID))
//Or remove all filters
var featSceneLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
if (!featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService ||
return;//not supported
//TODO continue editing here...
//must support editing!
//var featSceneLayer = ... ;
if (!featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService ||
//Check geometry type...must be point in this example
if (featSceneLayer.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
var editOp = new EditOperation()
Name = "Create new 3d point feature",
SelectNewFeatures = true
var attributes = new Dictionary<string, object>();
//mapPoint contains the new 3d point location
attributes.Add("SHAPE", mapPoint);
attributes.Add("TreeID", "1");
editOp.Create(featSceneLayer, attributes);
editOp.ExecuteAsync();//fyi, no await
//must support editing!
//var featSceneLayer = .... ;
if (!featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService ||
var delOp = new EditOperation()
Name = "Delete selected features"
//Assuming we have a selection on the layer...
delOp.Delete(featSceneLayer, featSceneLayer.GetSelection().GetObjectIDs());
await delOp.ExecuteAsync();//await if needed but not required
//must support editing!
var featSceneLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
if (!featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService ||
var ok = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var editOp = new EditOperation()
Name = "Edit FeatureSceneLayer Attributes",
SelectModifiedFeatures = true
//make an inspector
var inspector = new Inspector();
//get the attributes for the specified oid
inspector.Load(featSceneLayer, oid);
inspector["PermitNotes"] = "test";//modify
return editOp.Execute();//synchronous flavor
var featSceneLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
var scenelayerName = featSceneLayer?.Name;
//Must be called on the MCT
var dataSourceType = featSceneLayer?.GetDataSourceType() ??
if (dataSourceType == SceneLayerDataSourceType.SLPK)
//Uses SLPK - only cached attributes
else if (dataSourceType == SceneLayerDataSourceType.Service)
//Hosted service - can have live attributes - check HasAssociatedFeatureService
//var featSceneLayer = ....;
if (featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService)
//Must be called on the MCT
using (var fc = featSceneLayer.GetFeatureClass())
//TODO query underlying feature class
//var featSceneLayer = ....;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Get only the readonly fields
var readOnlyFields = featSceneLayer.GetFieldDescriptions().Where(fdesc => fdesc.IsReadOnly);
//Must be called on the MCT
//var featSceneLayer = ...;
featSceneLayer.SetDefinitionQuery("Name = 'Ponderosa Pine'");
//assume the geometry used in SelectFeaturesEx() is coming from a
//map tool...
//SketchType = SketchGeometryType.Rectangle;
//SketchOutputMode = SketchOutputMode.Screen;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var result = MapView.Active.SelectFeaturesEx(geometry);
//Get scene layers with selections
var scene_layers = result.Where(kvp => kvp.Key is FeatureSceneLayer);
foreach (var kvp in scene_layers)
var scene_layer = kvp.Key as FeatureSceneLayer;
var sel_oids = kvp.Value;
//If there are attributes then get them
if (scene_layer.HasAssociatedFeatureService)
var insp = new Inspector();
foreach (var oid in sel_oids)
insp.Load(scene_layer, oid);
//TODO something with retrieved attributes
var featSceneLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
if (featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService)
//Can Select and Search...possibly edit
//var featSceneLayer = ...;
if (!featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService)
return;//Search and Select not supported
//Multipatch (Object3D) or point?
var is3dObject = ((ISceneLayerInfo)featSceneLayer).SceneServiceLayerType
== esriSceneServiceLayerType.Object3D;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var queryFilter = new QueryFilter
WhereClause = "Name = 'Ponderosa Pine'",
SubFields = "*"
int rowCount = 0;
//or select... var select = featSceneLayer.Select(queryFilter)
using (RowCursor rowCursor = featSceneLayer.Search(queryFilter))
while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
using (var feature = rowCursor.Current as Feature)
var oid = feature.GetObjectID();
var shape = feature.GetShape();
var attrib = feature["Name"];
if (is3dObject)
//shape is a multipatch
//shape is a point
rowCount += 1;
//var featSceneLayer = ...;
if (featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService)
return;//Search and Select not supported
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter()
ObjectIDs = new List<long>() { 6069, 6070, 6071 },
SubFields = "*"
featSceneLayer.Select(qf, SelectionCombinationMethod.New);
var selectionCount = featSceneLayer.SelectionCount;
selectionCount = featSceneLayer.SelectionCount;
//var featSceneLayer = ...;
var sname = featSceneLayer.Name;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Select all features within the current map view
var sz = MapView.Active.GetViewSize();
var c_ll = new Coordinate2D(0, 0);
var c_ur = new Coordinate2D(sz.Width, sz.Height);
//Use screen coordinates for 3D selection on MapView
var env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(c_ll, c_ur);
//HasAssociatedFeatureService does not matter for SelectFeaturesEx
//or GetFeaturesEx
var result = MapView.Active.SelectFeaturesEx(env);
//var result = MapView.Active.GetFeaturesEx(env);
//The list of object ids from SelectFeaturesEx
var oids1 = result.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.Name == sname).First().Value;
//TODO - use the object ids
//var featSceneLayer = ...;
//var sname = featSceneLayer.Name;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
if (!featSceneLayer.HasAssociatedFeatureService)
return;//no search or select
//Select all features within the current map view
var sz = MapView.Active.GetViewSize();
var map_pt1 = MapView.Active.ClientToMap(new System.Windows.Point(0, sz.Height));
var map_pt2 = MapView.Active.ClientToMap(new System.Windows.Point(sz.Width, 0));
//Convert to an envelope
var temp_env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(map_pt1, map_pt2, MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference);
//Project if needed to the layer spatial ref
SpatialReference sr = null;
using (var fc = featSceneLayer.GetFeatureClass())
using (var fdef = fc.GetDefinition())
sr = fdef.GetSpatialReference();
var env = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(temp_env, sr) as Envelope;
//Set up a query filter
var sf = new SpatialQueryFilter()
FilterGeometry = env,
SpatialRelationship = SpatialRelationship.Intersects,
SubFields = "*"
//Select against the feature service
var select = featSceneLayer.Select(sf);
if (select.GetCount() > 0)
//enumerate over the selected features
using (var rc = select.Search())
while (rc.MoveNext())
using (var feature = rc.Current as Feature)
var oid = feature.GetObjectID();
var pcsl = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<PointCloudSceneLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
var scenelayerName = pcsl?.Name;
//var pcsl = ...;
ISceneLayerInfo slInfo = pcsl as ISceneLayerInfo;
SceneLayerDataSourceType dataSourceType = slInfo.GetDataSourceType();
if (dataSourceType == SceneLayerDataSourceType.Service)
else if (dataSourceType == SceneLayerDataSourceType.SLPK)
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
Dictionary<int, string> classCodesAndLabels = pcsl.QueryAvailableClassCodesAndLabels();
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
//Retrieve the available classification codes
var dict = pcsl.QueryAvailableClassCodesAndLabels();
//Filter out low noise and unclassified (7 and 1 respectively)
//consult https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/help/data/las-dataset/storing-lidar-data.htm
var filterDef = new PointCloudFilterDefinition()
ClassCodes = dict.Keys.Where(c => c != 7 && c != 1).ToList(),
ReturnValues = new List<PointCloudReturnType> { PointCloudReturnType.FirstOfMany }
//apply the filter
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
var filters = pcsl.GetFilters();
PointCloudFilterDefinition fdef = null;
if (filters.Count() == 0)
fdef = new PointCloudFilterDefinition()
//7 is "edge of flight line" - exclude
ClassFlags = new List<ClassFlag> { new ClassFlag(7, ClassFlagOption.Exclude) }
fdef = PointCloudFilterDefinition.FromCIM(filters);
//keep any include or ignore class flags
var keep = fdef.ClassFlags.Where(cf => cf.ClassFlagOption != ClassFlagOption.Exclude).ToList();
//7 is "edge of flight line" - exclude
keep.Add(new ClassFlag(7, ClassFlagOption.Exclude));
fdef.ClassFlags = keep;
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
IReadOnlyList<CIMPointCloudFilter> updatedFilter = pcsl.GetFilters();
foreach (var filter in updatedFilter)
//There is either 0 or 1 of each
if (filter is CIMPointCloudReturnFilter returnFilter)
PointCloudFilterDefinition pcfl = PointCloudFilterDefinition.FromCIM(updatedFilter);
List<PointCloudReturnType> updatedReturnValues = pcfl.ReturnValues;
if (filter is CIMPointCloudValueFilter classCodesFilter)
// do something
if (filter is CIMPointCloudBitFieldFilter classFlagsFilter)
// do something
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
CIMPointCloudRenderer cimGetPCLRenderer = pcsl.GetRenderer();
//Can be one of Unknown, Stretch, ClassBreaks, UniqueValue, RGB
PointCloudRendererType pclRendererType = pcsl.RendererType;
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
IReadOnlyList<string> flds = pcsl.QueryAvailablePointCloudRendererFields(
var fldCount = flds.Count;
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
var fields = pcsl.QueryAvailablePointCloudRendererFields(PointCloudRendererType.StretchRenderer);
var stretchDef = new PointCloudRendererDefinition(PointCloudRendererType.StretchRenderer)
//Will be either ELEVATION or INTENSITY
Field = fields[0]
//Create the CIM Renderer
var stretchRenderer = pcsl.CreateRenderer(stretchDef) as CIMPointCloudStretchRenderer;
//Apply a color ramp
var style = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>().First(s => s.Name == "ArcGIS Colors");
var colorRamp = style.SearchColorRamps("").First();
stretchRenderer.ColorRamp = colorRamp.ColorRamp;
//Apply modulation
stretchRenderer.ColorModulation = new CIMColorModulationInfo()
MinValue = 0,
MaxValue = 100
//apply the renderer
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
var fields = pcsl.QueryAvailablePointCloudRendererFields(PointCloudRendererType.ClassBreaksRenderer);
var classBreakDef = new PointCloudRendererDefinition(PointCloudRendererType.ClassBreaksRenderer)
Field = fields[0]
//create the renderer
var cbr = pcsl.CreateRenderer(classBreakDef) as CIMPointCloudClassBreaksRenderer;
//Set up a color scheme to use
var style = Project.Current.GetItems<StyleProjectItem>().First(s => s.Name == "ArcGIS Colors");
var rampStyle = style.LookupItem(
StyleItemType.ColorRamp, "Spectrum By Wavelength-Full Bright_Multi-hue_2")
as ColorRampStyleItem;
var colorScheme = rampStyle.ColorRamp;
//Set up 6 manual class breaks
var breaks = 6;
var colors = ColorFactory.Instance.GenerateColorsFromColorRamp(
colorScheme, breaks);
var classBreaks = new List<CIMColorClassBreak>();
var min = cbr.Breaks[0].UpperBound;
var max = cbr.Breaks[cbr.Breaks.Count() - 1].UpperBound;
var step = (max - min) / (double)breaks;
//add in the class breaks
double upper = min;
for (int b = 1; b <= breaks; b++)
double lower = upper;
upper = b == breaks ? max : min + (b * step);
var cb = new CIMColorClassBreak()
UpperBound = upper,
Label = string.Format("{0:#0.0#} - {1:#0.0#}", lower, upper),
Color = colors[b - 1]
cbr.Breaks = classBreaks.ToArray();
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
var def = pcsl.GetDefinition() as CIMPointCloudLayer;
//Get the ColorModulation off the renderer
var modulation = def.Renderer.ColorModulation;
if (modulation == null)
modulation = new CIMColorModulationInfo();
//Set the minimum and maximum intensity as needed
modulation.MinValue = 0;
modulation.MaxValue = 100.0;
//apply back
def.Renderer.ColorModulation = modulation;
//Commit changes back to the CIM
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
var def = pcsl.GetDefinition() as CIMPointCloudLayer;
//Set the point shape and sizing on the renderer
def.Renderer.PointShape = PointCloudShapeType.DiskShaded;
var pointSize = new CIMPointCloudFixedSizeAlgorithm()
UseRealWorldSymbolSizes = false,
Size = 8
def.Renderer.PointSizeAlgorithm = pointSize;
//Commit changes back to the CIM
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
//var def = pcsl.GetDefinition() as CIMPointCloudLayer;
//Set the point shape and sizing on the renderer
def.Renderer.PointShape = PointCloudShapeType.DiskFlat;//default
var scaleSize = new CIMPointCloudSplatAlgorithm()
MinSize = 8,
ScaleFactor = 1.0 //100%
def.Renderer.PointSizeAlgorithm = scaleSize;
//Commit changes back to the CIM
//Must be called on the MCT
//var pcsl = ...;
var def = pcsl.GetDefinition() as CIMPointCloudLayer;
//PointsBudget - corresponds to Display Limit on the UI
// - the absolute maximum # of points to display
def = pcsl.GetDefinition() as CIMPointCloudLayer;
def.PointsBudget = 1000000;
//PointsPerInch - corresponds to Density Min --- Max on the UI
// - the max number of points per display inch to renderer
def.PointsPerInch = 15;
//Commit changes back to the CIM
Home | API Reference | Requirements | Download | Samples
Get BuildingDisciplineSceneLayer Discipline
Enumerate the Discipline Layers from a Building SceneLayer
Name of BuildingSceneLayer
Query Building Scene Layer for available Types and Values
Create a Default Filter and Get Filter Count
Get all the Filters that Contain WireFrame Blocks
Set and Clear Active Filter for BuildingSceneLayer
Get BuildingSceneLayer Filter ID and Filter
Modify BuildingSceneLayer Filter Name and Description
Create a Filter using Building Level and Category
Modify BuildingSceneLayer Filter Block
Remove BuildingSceneLayer Filter
Determine if a FeatureSceneLayer supports editing
Create a new Point feature in FeatureSceneLayer
Delete all the selected features in FeatureSceneLayer
Edit the attributes of a FeatureSceneLayer
Name of FeatureSceneLayer
Get the Data Source type
Get the Associated Feature class
Get Field Definitions
Set a Definition Query
Select features via the MapView
Has Associated FeatureService
Search Rows on the FeatureSceneLayer
Hide Selected features and Show Hidden features
Use MapView Selection SelectFeaturesEx or GetFeaturesEx
Use Select or Search with a Spatial Query
Name of PointCloudSceneLayer
Get Data Source type for PointCloudSceneLayer
Query all class codes and lables in the PointCloudSceneLayer
Set a Filter for PointCloudSceneLayer
Update the ClassFlags for PointCloudSceneLayer
Get the filters for PointCloudSceneLayer
Clear filters in PointCloudSceneLayer
Get PointCloudSceneLayer Renderer and RendererType
Query PointCloudSceneLayer Renderer fields
Create and Set a Stretch Renderer
Create and Set a ClassBreaks Renderer