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Simulation Testing

Toya Takahashi edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 10 revisions

Running the launch file

To run the VRX simulation environment, run the following command. Remember to source your setup.bash file.

ros2 launch all_seaing_bringup

A Gazebo simulation environment, RViz 3D visualizer, and a keyboard popup window will open up. If you have the keyboard popup window selected, you can press Enter to toggle between autonomous and teleop mode, and press Space to E-stop. While in teleop mode, use the WASDQE keys to control the boat.

Force-quitting the simulation environment

Typically, ctrl+c is enough to stop running the simulation. However, there are some occasions where ctrl+c gets "stuck." In this case, press ctrl+\ to force-quit.

When force-quitting, some processes (primarily gazebo) may continue to run in the background. To kill unwanted processes, install htop, an interactive process viewer:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install htop

Now run htop and navigate to the unfinished processes (look for anything with gazebo or gz sim) with the arrow keys and press F9 to kill.

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