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Panagiotis Liampas edited this page Feb 12, 2025 · 13 revisions


Works best in simulation for detecting buoys. The node subscribes to camera images and performs color segmentation to detect buoys. The detected buoys are then published as bounding boxes.

Subscribed topics:

  • image (raw image from camera, can/will be remapped): a sensor_msgs/Image message containing the camera image to perform color segmentation on.

Published topics:

  • /bounding_boxes: an [all_seaing_interfaces/LabeledBoundingBox2DArray] message containing the bounding boxes of each of the masks detected.
  • image/segmented: a sensor_msgs/Image message containing the camera image with bounding boxes overlayed. This is useful for debugging.


  • color_ranges_file: a string parameter, defaults to ''. The file path to the config file that contains HSV min/max values for each color.
  • color_label_mappings_file: a string parameter, defaults to ''. The file path to the config file that contains the mapping between color and buoy object label.


Overlays obstacles in the obstacle map and bounding boxes from obstacle detection. The overlay allows labeling of the obstacles, and a new map is published with the labeled obstacles.

Subscribed topics:

Published topics:


Clusters the input point cloud into obstacles using the euclidean clustering algorithm. The clusters are also tracked over time. Both raw and tracked clusters of obstacles (local/global position and convex hull) are published, along with the point cloud of the raw clusters.

Subscribed topics:

  • /in_cloud: an input sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message to cluster. Typically published by the pointcloud_filter node, but can be directly used from the LiDAR.
  • /odometry/filtered: a nav_msgs/Odometry message containing the robot (x, y) position. These coordinates are used when tracking the clusters, since tracking using global position of the obstacles is much more accurate when tracking using local position.

Published topics:


  • obstacle_size_min: an integer parameter, defaults to 20. The minimum number of points required for a cluster.
  • obstacle_size_max: an integer parameter, defaults to 100000. The maximum number of points in a cluster.
  • clustering_distance: a double parameter, defaults to 0.75. Points closer to each other than this value (in meters) are considered as one obstacle.
  • obstacle_seg_thresh: a double parameter, defaults to 1.0. When tracking obstacles, if a raw obstacle is farther than this value (in meters) than the tracked obstacles, then the raw obstacle is considered a new obstacle and is added to the tracked obstacles.
  • obstacle_drop_thresh: a double parameter, defaults to 1.0. If the same obstacle is not found for over this time, it is dropped from the tracked clusters.
  • polygon_area_thresh: a double parameter, defaults to 100000.0. Obstacles with convex hull greater than this area (in meters squared) is filtered.
  • viz: a boolean parameter, defaults to true. If true, RVIZ markers are published for visualization.


Filters and downsamples a point cloud based on range and intensity. Filtered and/or downsampled point cloud may be preferred when clustering.

Subscribed topics:

Published topics:


  • range_min_threshold: a double parameter, defaults to 0.0. All points with range less than this value gets filtered.
  • range_max_threshold: a double parameter, defaults to 100000.0. All points with range greater than this value gets filtered.
  • intensity_low_threshold: a double parameter, defaults to 0.0. All points with intensity less than this value gets filtered.
  • intensity_high_threshold: a double parameter, defaults to 100000.0. All points with intensity greater than this value gets filtered.
  • leaf_size: a double parameter, defaults to 0.0. The size (in meters) of the 3D voxel grids when downsampling. If set to 0 (default), this node doesn't downsample.
  • hfov: a double parameter, defaults to 0.0. The angle in degrees (0-180) in front of the boat which gets used. All points outside this angle gets filtered. If set to 0 (default), this node doesn't filter based on angle.


Projects a point cloud onto a camera image. Transforms point cloud data from the LiDAR frame to the camera frame with the extrinsic matrix and projects the transformed point cloud onto the camera image with the intrinsic matrix calculated from the given camera information.

Subscribed topics:

  • /img_src: a sensor_msgs/Image message containing the camera image to fuse.
  • /cloud_src: a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 message containing the LiDAR pointcloud to fuse.
  • /img_info_src: a sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message containing camera information such as focal length and optical center to calculate the intrinsic matrix.

Published topics:

  • /pc_image_fusion: a sensor_msgs/Image message containing the given camera image with the projected LiDAR points.


Projects the bounding boxes onto the point cloud (actually does the opposite, projects the point cloud points onto the image and checking if they are within a bounding box) and selecting the points that are in the bounding box of each object, creating a set of point clouds matched to detected objects from the camera. Then, it clusters (based on color difference and euclidean distance) the points that are in each object's point cloud, and performs color segmentation on the image depending on the color that YOLOv8/color segmentation algorithm detected, creating multiple clusters and contours, between which it then takes the optimal pair based on an optimality metric that takes into account the similarity to the color detected by YOLOv8, the distance between the cluster points when projected onto the image and the color segment points, and the size of the cluster and the color segments, thus selecting the cluster and color segment that best correspond to the object detected.

Subscribed topics:

Published topics:


  • bbox_object_margin: the margin to add to the detected object's bounding box when checking if a projected 3D point is in it, defaults to 0.0
  • color_label_mappings_file: the path to the YAML file containing the mappings from colors to labels, defaults to all_seaing_bringup/config/perception/color_label_mappings.yaml
  • matching_weights_file: the path to the YAML file containing the weights of aspects of the optimality metric used to select the best cluster-image segment pair, defaults to all_seaing_bringup/config/perception/matching_weights.yaml
  • contour_matching_color_ranges_file: the path to the YAML file containing the mappings from colors to HSV value ranges for color segmentation and cluster-contour optimization/matching, defaults to all_seaing_bringup/config/perception/contour_matching_color_ranges_file.yaml
  • obstacle_size_min: the minimum number of points a detected cluster should have, defaults to 20
  • obstacle_size_max: the maximum number of points a detected cluster should have, defaults to 100000
  • clustering_distance: the maximum distance a point that's added to a cluster should have from at least one point already in it, defaults to 0.75


Publishes untracked (but color-labeled) obstacle detections and tracked & labeled obstacle maps. It updates the buoys' predicted positions using an Extended Kalman Filter, keeping the mean and covariance matrix for each buoy (toggleable between tracking them independently or performing SLAM to also keep track of the robot pose uncertainty and the covariances between all the buoys and the robot pose predictions) and performing Bayesian Inference using the 'bbox_project_pcloud' detections (and robot GPS position, accordingly) as observations. It performs maximum-likelihood (ML) matching, between obstacles with the same label, while if the distance of the detection from the mean of the prediction, divided by the standard deviation of the prediction, exceeds a certain threshold, it is considered a new object. It checks for obstacles that have been missing while on the FoV of the robot (by projecting the centroid to the camera plane and adding the time from the previous instance where it was also in the FoV if it was not detected at that time as well) and removing them, but not removing obstacles that the robot just doesn't see because it's faced the other way, hopefully improving consistency. This way it also integrates the updated obstacle detection algorithm implemented in bbox_project_pcloud with the, used by other nodes, ObstacleMap interface.

Subscribed topics:

  • refined_object_point_clouds_segments a all_seaing_interfaces/msg/LabeledObjectPointCloudArray message containing the refined obstacle detections (published by bbox_project_pcloud, see above)
  • /odometry/filtered: a nav_msgs/Odometry message containing the robot's position.
  • camera_info_topic: a sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo message providing camera information necessary to convert the centroid of the tracked, but not detected in some instance, obstacles and check if they are missing while they should be there

Published topics:


  • global_frame_id: the id of the global frame (used to compute the global positions of the obstacles), defaults to odom
  • obstacle_seg_thresh: the distance threshold to match (or, accordingly, treat as newly found) an obstacle in the tracking algorithm, defaults to 1.0
  • obstacle_drop_thresh: the time threshold (in seconds) to remove a tracked obstacle if it has not been detected, while in the FoV of the robot camera, for a time greater than that, defaults to 1.0
  • track_robot: toggle true if we want to do SLAM to keep track of the robot's position as well as the covariances between the buoy pose predictions, defaults to false (SLAM-specific)
  • range_uncertainty: the noise variable used to depict the uncertainty in the detected distances to the buoys, defaults to 1.0
  • bearing_uncertainty: the noise of the detected angles of the buoys relative to the camera, defaults to 1.0
  • motion_xy_noise: the noise of the robot's GPS-detected location, defaults to 1.0
  • motion_theta_noise: the noise of the robot's IMU-detected angle, defaults to 1.0
  • new_object_slam_threshold: if a robot's distance to all tracked (predicted) obstacles over the uncertainty of that prediction is larger than that threshold then it's tracked as a new obstacle, defaults to 1.0
  • init_new_cov: the uncertainty that a new obstacle prediction should have when initialized, defaults to 10.0