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Releases: dbjorge/jorbs-spire-mod


20 Oct 04:32
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  • Adds 5 new Wanderer rare cards:
Card Description
Corroding Barrier 2: Gain 23 Block. Gains 3 less block this combat each time it is drawn. Lose 2 life when drawn if Snapped.
Old Friends 3: Deal 4 damage to a random enemy. You gain life equal to unblocked damage dealt this way. Apply 12 poison to a random enemy. Retain your hand this turn.
Entangle (Power) 1: Enemies have Slow. Remember Patience and gain Clarity.
Amnesia 0: Remove all buffs and debuffs from self. Snap.
Fear 1: Target enemy flees in 3 turns. You gain no combat rewards if this ends combat, but also keep clarities until next fight.


19 Oct 23:14
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  • Adds 3 new Wanderer cards:
Card Description
Lose Grip 1: If Snapped gain 1 Intangible. Otherwise Gain 12 Block. Retain. Exhaust
Hold Monster 1: If you Remember Temperance gain Clarity. Remember Temperance. Target enemy gets -6 Strength until end of turn.
Mirror Image 2: Remember Temperance. The next enemy attack misses.
  • Adds a memory clarify all dev console command
  • Enable Haste to trigger effects of relics that reach their trigger thresholds
  • Adds improved card art for Chain Lightning, Channel, Hedge Wizard, Magic Missiles, Wandering Mind (#17) (thanks @neablis-7, DietTonicWater, Forceful Storm!)
  • Adds icon art for all memories (#17) (thanks @neablis-7!)


19 Oct 07:05
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  • Adds 4 new Wanderer cards:
Card Description
Corpse Explosion 1: Starts in Exhaust pile. Add to hand when an enemy dies. Remember Wrath and deal 12 damage. Exhaust.
Trauma 3: Snap. Deal 30 damage to all enemies and lose 5 life. Deal 30 damage to all enemies and lose 5 life.
Gather Power 1: Draw 2 cards. Play your next attack twice.
Haste 1: Advance all relic counters by 1. Play your next attack twice. Exhaust.
  • Fixes card title of Poison Spray
  • Fixes damage calculations in Introspection card description (#14)
  • Fixes Chastity dex loss ignoring Artifact
  • Fixes Sloth draw reduction respecting Artifact (#16)


18 Oct 08:20
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  • Adds 2 new cards:
Card Description
Locate Object 1: Remember Greed. Draw 2 Cards. Exhaust.
Schools of Magic 1: Draw 3 Cards. If you have no duplicate cards in hand gain Clarity, otherwise exhaust one of each duplicate card.
  • Fixes crash when using AOE attacks while remembering Wrath (#6)
  • Fixes crash when using Enervation against enemies with Artifact (#7)
  • Fixes Charity damage calculation (#8)
  • Fixes crash when playing Find Familiar (#10)
  • Improves most memory and power description text formatting to be closer to base game style
  • Fixes Charity text to clarify that it's not adding strength, just a similar damage bonus
  • Charity now detects when gold changes mid-fight and updates card damage numbers dynamically


17 Oct 08:46
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  • Improves Charity memory to adjust if gold is gained/lost during a fight
  • Adds the following cards:
Card Description
Mage Armor 1: Reduce the next damage taken by 5.
Enervation 1: Apply 5 poison to target, gain block equal to the amount of poison it has. Exhaust.
Stalwart 0: Remember Temperance.
Animate Objects 2: Deal 3 damage to all enemies for each card in your draw pile and discard pile that didn't start the combat in your deck.
Color Spray 1: Deal 5 damage to all enemies and apply a random debuff to each one. Remember Envy.
Erode 1: Remove 10 Block from target enemy, if you remove any block, apply 5 poison. Remember Temperance
Tiny Hut (Power) 1: Remember Kindness. Gain Clarity of current memory.
Faerie Fire 1: Apply 3 weak to all enemies if remembering Virtue, Apply 3 vulnerable to all enemies if remembering Sin.
Introspection (Power) 1: At the end of your turn, lose 1 HP and deal 3 damage to all enemies, plus 2 damage to all enemies for each Clarity.
Book of Tongues (Power) 1: At the start of your turn draw an extra card
Magic Mirror (Power) 1: Whenever you receive a debuff, apply that debuff to all enemies.
Thorns 1: Remember Humility. If an enemy intends to attack gain Clarity.


14 Oct 07:24
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Adds the following Wanderer cards:

Card Description
Hibernate 2: Gain 20 block and remember Sloth
Mending 1: Gain 1hp for each clarity. End your turn.
Rest 2: Remember Chastity. Gain 10 block. End your turn.
Hedge Wizard 1: Gain 8 block. Remember Humility
Misty Step 0: Gain 1 block for every Clarity. Draw 1 Card.


14 Oct 06:08
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  • Removes all remaining default template cards
  • Add the following Wanderer cards:
Card Description
Aid 1: Heal an enemy for 5hp. Remember Kindness.
Mania Deal 4 damage 2 times. If you remember of have clarity of Sloth deal 4 damage 2 times again.
Mindworm 0: Deal 4 damage. Then if snapped deal 8 damage. Add a copy of this card into your discard pile.
Hurt 1: Deal 14 damage. Lose 1 life per clarity.
Smithing Strike 2: Remember Wrath. Deal 14 damage.
Old Pocket 1: Gain 10 gold. Remember Charity. Exhaust.
Toll the Dead 1: Deal 5 damage. If the enemy has been damaged this turn deal 5 damage again.
Find Familiar [Power] 1: Gain clarity at end of turn.
Fireball 2: Deal 21 damage to all enemies. Remember Lust.
Withdraw 1: Gain 1 Artifact. Gain 10 Block. Exhaust.
Study [Power] 1: Remember Patience. At the start of every turn draw 1 card.


14 Oct 03:17
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Adds Wanderer card manipulation commons:

Card Description
Message 0: Put a card from your discard pile into your hand
Prestidigitation 0: Draw two cards, the put two cards from your hand on top of your draw pile in random order
Focused Mind 1: If remembering Sin deal 10, if remembering Virtue block 9.
Unseen Servant 0: Remember Sloth. Put two cards from your discard pile on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.


13 Oct 12:30
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Finishes implementing all Wanderer memories/clarities


13 Oct 09:10
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  • Fixes ordering of Patience's passive and on-forget effects to avoid leaving an extra Coil lying around
  • Fixes Lust not being considered as a candidate for "remember a random memory" effects