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Ring Stack

Ruige Lee edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 5 revisions

Ring Stack


Name Description
DW Data Width
AW Address Width


Name Direction Width Description
stack_pop Input 1 Pop one data from the stack
stack_push Input 1 Push one data to the stack
stack_empty Output 1 Indicate that the stack is Empty
data_pop Output DW The data on the top of the stack
data_push Input DW The data push into the stack
flush Input 1 Synchronous reset of Ring Stack. Active High
CLK Input 1 Clock drives the Ring Stack
RSTn Input 1 Asynchronous reset of Ring Stack. Active Low

Ring Stack is the basic element of timing logic. The data will be first in last out through the stack. However, the ring stack will never be full. When the pointer of the bottom will add 1 when a full push comes. In this way, the oldest data will be abandon.

Ring Stack